
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Morten : Hej och välkomna. Morten here! And welcome to SwedishPod101.com, Absolute Beginner Season 1, Lesson 24 - Review Part 2: Talking Numbers in Swedish.
Jasmine: Hej hej. This is Jasmine again.
Morten: In this lesson, we’ll review some earlier vocab, especially numbers.
Jasmine: Our main character, James, is at home talking to Eva on a Saturday afternoon.
Morten: These two are friends by now, so the tone is very casual.
Jasmine: Let’s listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

Eva: Hej James, vill du ha mitt nya nummer?
James: Vad? Ett nytt nummer, igen?
Eva: Ja, jag förlorade tyvärr mobilen, igen. Numret är 070-3145628.
James: Förlåt, kan du säga det en gång till?
Eva: 070-3145628
James: Okej, 0-7-9-3-1-4-5-6-2-8
Eva: Nej, 0-7-0. Annars stämmer det.
James: Tack ska du ha. Hur länge planerar du att behålla mobilen denna gång?
Eva: Men skärp dig!
Morten: And now, the slow version.
Jasmine: Och nu den sakta versionen.
Eva: Hej James, vill du ha mitt nya nummer?
James: Vad? Ett nytt nummer, igen?
Eva: Ja, jag förlorade tyvärr mobilen, igen. Numret är 070-3145628.
James: Förlåt, kan du säga det en gång till?
Eva: 070-3145628
James: Okej, 0-7-9-3-1-4-5-6-2-8
Eva: Nej, 0-7-0. Annars stämmer det.
James: Tack ska du ha. Hur länge planerar du att behålla mobilen denna gång?
Eva: Men skärp dig!
Morten: And now, with the English translation.
Jasmine: Och nu med den engelska översättningen.
Eva: Hej James, vill du ha mitt nya nummer?
Morten: Hi James, would you like my new number?
James: Vad? Ett nytt nummer, igen?
Morten : What? A new number again?
Eva: Ja, jag förlorade tyvärr mobilen, igen. Numret är 070-3145628.
Morten: Yes, unfortunately, I lost my cell phone again. The number is 070-3145628.
James: Förlåt, kan du säga det en gång till?
Morten: Sorry, can you say that once again?
Eva: 070-3145628
Morten: 070-3145628.
James: Okej, 0-7-9-3-1-4-5-6-2-8
Morten: Okay, 0-7-9-3-1-4-5-6-2-8
Eva: Nej, 0-7-0. Annars stämmer det.
Morten: No, 0-7-0. Otherwise it's correct.
James: Tack ska du ha. Hur länge planerar du att behålla mobilen denna gång?
Morten: Thanks to you. How long are you planning on keeping the cell phone this time?
Eva: Men skärp dig!
Morten: Get lost!
Morten: One reality of modern life, the cell phone. You can’t seem to get away from it these days.
Jasmine: Very true. But I don’t mind it so much. It’s nice to stay connected with friends and family.
Morten: But you don’t really need a phone to do that. Swedes found ways to do that hundreds, thousands of years even.
Jasmine: True. And one of the great ways to gather is at a festival. This one often celebrated cottages in the country.
Morten: A rather rustic festival then.
Jasmine: Yes. In this lesson, we’ll talk about the festivals celebrated in late summer called Kräftskiva or crayfish party.
Morten: Sounds pretty self-explanatory. What’s special about it?
Jasmine: Well, crayfish are not harvested all year round, at least not in such quantities.
Morten: And Swedes like that crayfish?
Jasmine: Most Swedes do. Some prefer crayfish from inland lakes while others prefer their saltwater cousins.
Morten: In any case, they’ll be lots of food and drink at one of these festivals. Is there also singing and dancing involved?
Jasmine: Definitely singing. After a few drinks, dancing may be involved as well. Usually, friends, family and colleagues gather at a cottage or at someone’s house.
Morten: And you serve all those Swedish as well like potatoes, potatoes, and more potatoes?
Jasmine: There are some potatoes but there’s other food, too. Crayfish and potatoes are usually cooked with dill and there may be freshly-picked berries.
Morten: Hmm, yum. I hear people also get to wear silly hats and napkins.
Jasmine: They do indeed. You know, we Swedes are not very inhibited about such things.
Morten: And I’m sure that drinking only helps.
Jasmine: Oh, absolutely! You don’t see lots of folks not drinking at a crayfish party.
Morten: Sounds like a party worth going to.
Jasmine: It certainly is, even if you don’t drink. Of course, it helps feel like crayfish.
Morten: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. First we have…
Jasmine: Nummer [natural native speed].
Morten : Number.
Jasmine: Nummer [slowly - broken down by syllable]. Nummer [natural native speed].
Morten: Next we have…
Jasmine: Förlora [natural native speed].
Morten: To lose.
Jasmine: Förlora [slowly - broken down by syllable]. Förlora [natural native speed].
Morten: Next we have…
Jasmine: Mobil [natural native speed].
Morten: Cell phone.
Jasmine: Mobil [slowly - broken down by syllable]. Mobil [natural native speed].
Morten: Next we have…
Jasmine: Förlåta [natural native speed]
Morten: To forgive.
Jasmine: Förlåta [slowly - broken down by syllable]. Förlåta [natural native speed].
Morten: Next we have…
Jasmine: Annars [natural native speed].
Morten: Otherwise.
Jasmine: Annars [slowly - broken down by syllable]. Annars [natural native speed].
Morten: Next we have…
Jasmine: Planera [natural native speed].
Morten: To plan.
Jasmine: Planera [slowly - broken down by syllable]. Planera [natural native speed].
Morten: Finally, we have…
Jasmine: Behålla [natural native speed].
Morten: To keep, to retain.
Jasmine: Behålla [slowly - broken down by syllable]. Behålla [natural native speed].
Morten: Let’s take a closer look at the words and phrases from this lesson. The first phrase in this lesson is hur länge.
Jasmine: Meaning “how long” in English. Remember we have the word “long” in Lesson 23.
Morten: Yes. And it meant long and tall. And also remember that when “lång” refers to time, it is always accompanied by time reference of some sort as in Lång tid.
Jasmine: On the other hand, Hur länge and even Länge on its own always refer to time.
Morten: So Hur länge is always asking about duration.
Jasmine: Exactly. An example is Hur länge har du känt henne?
Morten: “How long have you known her?” Let’s say that again and practice saying it.
Jasmine: Hur länge känner du henne?
Morten: Very good. Next stop, we have the word Förlåta.
Jasmine: “To forgive.” Perhaps you remember that we covered a synonym for this word in Lesson 2, Ursäkta.
Morten: The two are often used in daily life in Sweden.
Jasmine: You can use them in situation when you’d say “sorry” in English like when you have to pass by someone.
Morten: Or something similar. Sure. But Förlåta can also be used in different context.
Jasmine: Well, Ursäkta works in a lot of situations, too.
Morten: It does, but förlåta is when you want to apologize properly for something.
Jasmine: It is more profound in meaning as in Förlåt att jag inte såg dig.
Morten: “Apologies. I didn’t see you.”
Jasmine: Please listen and repeat. Förlåt att jag inte såg dig.
Morten: Good job! Finally, let’s look at the phrase Skärp dig.
Jasmine: men skärp dig! means “get lost.”
Morten: So we’re swearing now, are we?
Jasmine: This isn’t really a swear word, but you should be careful on how you use it.
Morten: True. And if you have a need to go off some steam in Sweden, you may want to use it yourself but that’s at your own discretion naturally.
Jasmine: skärp dig!
Morten: No reason to get rude.
Jasmine: No, this was to get our listeners to practice at least once. Please repeat after me, skärp dig!
Morten: Well done. (inaudible) you are swearing in Swedish to (inaudible) immediately. Thanks, everyone.
Jasmine: Tack allihopa!

Lesson focus

Morten: Let’s take a look at the grammar section for this lesson. In this lesson focus, we’re once again reviewing things we’ve learned before.
Jasmine: First stop, we’ll go over how to get someone to repeat what it’s just said in Swedish.
Morten: And then we move on to a fully review of numbers.
Jasmine: To ask for a repeat, you can use Kan du säga det en gång till?
Morten: Please repeat after me, Kan du säga det en gång till?
Jasmine: Nice. To this phrase, you add little words like…
Morten: snälla.
Jasmine: Please. Kan du säga det en gång till, snälla?
Morten: And you can even substitute en gång till for the word igen.
Jasmine: But there, you want to be a bit careful with igen . It can sound a bit demanding in this context.
Morten: So you’re safer with Kan du säga det en gång till.
Jasmine: Yeah, that’s right.
Morten: Kan du säga det en gång till?
Jasmine: Exactly. Let’s move on the numbers now.
Morten: Yes, numbers. We introduced low numbers early on and of the late, we’ve added higher numbers and ordinal numbers.
Jasmine: So let’s begin directly. Here are the numbers zero to nine.
Morten: Let’s listen and repeat from the very beginning. We’re sure you already know them.
Jasmine: noll, ett, två, tre, fyra, fem, sex, sju, åtta, nio.
Morten: Thanks a lot. Let’s practice converting. Could you give us some numbers in English at random?
Jasmine: Of course! Six, seven, three, nine, zero, four, two, five.
Morten: Okay, thanks! Very good. Let’s now take another look at the numbers 10 to 19.
Jasmine: Please listen and repeat after me, tio, elva, tolv, tretton, fjorton, femton, sexton, sjutton, arton, niotton.
Morten: Thanks again. Let’s practice these at random.
Jasmine: Thirteen, sixteen, eighteen, fifteen, nineteen, eleven, fourteen, twelve, seventeen.
Morten: Well, thanks, Jasmine. Thanks, everyone. Good job. Now, let’s add the tens as well and then we can move on to some freer practice. Okay. The tens in Swedish are Tjugo, trettio, fyrtio, femtio, sextio, sjuttio, åttio, nittio.
Jasmine: Well, let’s recap and practice these a little. Maybe we should use people’s ages.
Morten: That’s a very good idea. It also allows to introduce something new.
Jasmine: It’s new and extremely simple.
Morten: The easiest way to tell your age in Swedish is…
Jasmine: Jag är … and then the number. There are other ways, but this is the most practical.
Morten: So say that Thomas is 27, perhaps the most difficult number in Swedish, I’d say…
Jasmine: Thomas är tjugosju.
Morten: Okay. Let’s have a few tasks involving people’s names and ages. What’s the question for asking someone’s age, by the way?
Jasmine: Hur gammal är du?
Morten: How old are you?
Jasmine: We can replace Du in that question with any other pronoun or name, of course.
Morten: So if I said Hur gammal är Åke?, and you were 57, you’d say…
Jasmine: Åke är femtiosju.
Morten: Dear listeners! We’ll give you a few names now and you just say the phrase with the person’s age.
Jasmine: Please translate these for me, Lina, Twelve.
Morten: Excellent. Lina är tolv. Pelle, 42.
Jasmine: Very good. Pelle är fyrtiotvå. And now, Gudrun 78.
Morten: That’s right, Sjuttioåtta. Be careful with the next one, Martin – seventeen.
Jasmine: Nice. Martin är sjutton. And one more, Clas – 33.
Morten: Good work again. Clas är trettiotre.
Jasmine: We also went up to hundreds, hundred being hundra or etthundra in Swedish.
Morten: To thousands; thousands being tusen or ettusen. Let’s toss out a few figures for our listeners to convert.
Jasmine: A hundred and twenty-five.
Morten: Hundratjugofem. Seven hundred and fifty.
Jasmine: Sjuhundrafemtio.
Morten: Or 2,367.
Jasmine: Tvåtusentrehundrasextiosju.
Morten: Good work, everyone. The last bit of number knowledge we covered was the ordinal numbers.
Jasmine: And here we’ll review ones up to twenty. Don’t forget to put the pronoun Den in front of an ordinal number as in the 20th in English.
Morten: First, den första; second, den andra; third, den tredje; fourth, den fjärde; fifth, den femte; sixth, den sjätte; seventh, den sjunde; eighth, den åttonde; ninth, den nionde. And now, the ordinal numbers from 10 to 20.
Jasmine: Tenth, tionde; eleventh, elfte; twelfth, tolfte; thirteenth, trettonde; fourteenth, fjortonde; fifteenth, femtonde, sixteenth, sextonde; seventeenth, sjuttonde; eighteenth, artonde; nineteenth, nittonde; twentieth, tjugonde. For higher number, you just use the cardinal tens or hundreds plus the appropriate ordinal number from one to nine.
Morten: So 23rd would be den tjugotredje, right?
Jasmine: Correct. Dear listener, what would 25th be?
Morten: Very good. Den tjugofemte. And what about 31st?
Jasmine: Excellent! Den trettioförsta.
Morten: We’ve covered a lot of ground this time.
Jasmine: Listeners, you know the powerful secret behind rapid progress?
Morten: Using the entire system.
Jasmine: Lesson notes are an important part of this system.
Morten: They include transcript and translation of the conversation.
Jasmine: Key list in vocabulary…
Morten: And detailed grammar explanations.
Jasmine: Lesson notes accompany every audio or video lesson.
Morten: Use them on the site or mobile device or print them out.
Jasmine: Using the lesson notes with audio and video media will rapidly increase your learning speed.
Morten: Go to SwedishPod101.com and download the lesson notes for this lesson right now. Thank you ever so much.
Jasmine: Tack så mycket, till nästa gång!
Morten: Yes. Till next time. Tack och hej då!
Jasmine: Hej då!

