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Swedish Podcasts: 5 Go-To Podcasts for Language Learners

The Swedish podcasts community is one of the most dynamic and creative out there. Many language learners are using podcasts to supplement their Swedish studies, and for good reason.  By choosing to learn Swedish through podcasts, you can directly listen to native speakers at a pace that suits your needs. This flexibility makes it an ideal way of learning, regardless of your current level. You’ll also gain the capability to understand Swedish more easily, and you'll become much more familiar with Swedes and remove any cultural barriers before your visit. Knowing the importance of podcasts, we have taken the time to compile a list of the best Swedish podcasts for learners at different proficiency levels.  Before we dig into the... Show more

Your Ultimate Resource for Must-Know Advanced Swedish Words

What are the first few words we learn in any language?  They're the most basic nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs that we need for daily interactions. But every language has advanced words that we don't start learning until later on in our studies.  Once you master the basics, you can begin leveling up and perfecting your language skills by setting your sights on more advanced vocabulary. Luckily, you won’t have to search very far to unearth these word gems.  Below, we have compiled some of the most important advanced Swedish words for you to start studying. Table of Contents Advanced Academic Words Advanced Business Words Advanced Medical Words Advanced Legal Words Advanced Swedish Verbs Advanced Swedish... Show more

Intermediate Swedish Words to Level Up Your Skills

At this point in your journey, it’s likely time for you to start picking up the most useful intermediate Swedish words and phrases. But before we dive in, some context:  Swedish is a Nordic language, meaning it belongs to the family of North Germanic languages. Does that ring a bell? That means it actually belongs to the same language group as English, which is a West Germanic language. And since you can read this article, you probably speak English at a fluent or native level. That will make starting out with Swedish pretty simple, as you won’t have much work to do before you master reading and writing. You’ll also find that the overall structuring of sentences and words is no different from what you’re used to in English.... Show more

Learn the Names of Animals in Spanish

Animals may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you hear “Sweden.” Maybe you think about the delicious Swedish meatballs you had that one time. Or maybe the sailing enthusiasts you’ve seen on Instagram. While this Nordic country is known for those things and more, what it’s not given enough credit for is its stunning diversity of wildlife. Learning animal names in Swedish will help you describe and talk about the huge number of wild creatures that call Sweden home. Moose, beavers, wolves, brown bears, arctic foxes, wolverines, lynxes, wild boars, otters…and the list goes on. There are even tours dedicated to finding specific animals (like lynxes) in the wilderness. As such, learning the names of animals in Swedish will be... Show more

30 Practical Swedish Phone Call Expressions

With the advance of technology, more and more of us hide behind texting, Facebook, Instagram, and more. We all want to respond to people on our own schedule, and at our convenience. But guess what? There will always come a moment when you get a phone call you have to take or need to make one yourself. You can’t refuse the call from the delivery guy, and you definitely won’t want to refuse the phone interview for your dream job.  It always comes down to making those phone calls.  As such, language learners will benefit from memorizing some Swedish phone call expressions, even in our SMS-based world.  But phone anxiety is bad enough in one’s native language, let alone in a foreign language like Swedish!  Just picture the... Show more

Learn Swedish Beginner Words: All You Need to Get Started

Did you know that learning a mere 1000 words covers 85.5% of conversation? In other words, you just need 1000 words to be considered pretty much fluent in a given language. You’ll only be at a loss about 14.5% of the time.  Doesn’t that make language learning sound easier? That’s because it is! But only as long as you’re strategic with your learning.  As you set out to learn Swedish beginner words, mastering a small set of 100 to 200 words will take you a long way. This amount of vocabulary will allow you to engage in more conversations and have more interactions, which will result in more learning and integration. Sweden being a difficult country to fully integrate into, you probably won’t be able to build any... Show more

Swedish Filler Words: How to Talk Like a Swede

It’s human nature to want to look as close to perfect as possible. We want to buy the best clothes, the best makeup, the best food, or anything in-between.  We only publish our most perfect pictures on social media. We delete the pictures or posts that people didn’t react enough to (or positively to). We even try to talk as perfectly as possible. We want to sound accurate and trustworthy all the time. And that’s where we fall for the big trap: Filler words. Today we’ll be talking about common Swedish filler words, whether you should use them, and how to do so appropriately when the situation calls for it. Table of Contents What are filler words and why do we use them? Swedish Filler Words: How to Talk Like a... Show more

Impress Your Date: Phrases to Express Your Love in Swedish

If you google "dating in Sweden," you’ll get loads of negative results and failure stories: "Swedes have no dating culture." "Swedes just hang out and never date." "Swedes stay in their circles." Considering the nation’s strong emphasis on gender equality, Swedish women tend to be less dependent on men compared to women in some other countries. In addition, government-supported childcare makes it easier for mothers to be self-dependent. But that doesn’t mean romance is dead! In fact, Swedes are very warm and loyal once you’ve developed a bond with them. Learning how to express your love in Swedish will greatly benefit you, whether you’re fetching for something long-term (like marriage) or pining for a more short-term,... Show more

Negation in Swedish: Learn How to Say No

When learning a foreign language, it’s essential to have a lot of energy and positivity. After all, these are the qualities that will allow you to keep your spirits and your motivation up, and that will play a major role in reaching your language learning goals.  This is why we would love to always be able to say yes! But to master Swedish, you’ll also need to learn how to form negative sentences. Don’t worry, though, they’re only negative from a grammatical point of view. You can keep the positive vibe. ;) In this article, you’ll learn about negation in Swedish: how to make a negative sentence, how to answer a yes-or-no question correctly, and how to use other useful negative expressions.  We get it, saying no isn’t easy,... Show more

Why learn Swedish? Here are 10 great reasons.

Are you wondering why so many people now choose to study Swedish? Or maybe you’ve started studying this beautiful language yourself, and need some extra motivation to keep you going on your language-learning journey… Either way, you’ve come to the right place. Here, we’ll answer the question, "Why learn Swedish?" and discover all the benefits and advantages learning Swedish can bring into your everyday life. Did you know, for example, that Swedish is the key to having easier access to all Scandinavian languages? This is because Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian are mutually intelligible, which means speakers of one language have little trouble understanding speakers of the others.  If you’re a language-lover (or an admirer of all... Show more