Vocabulary (Review)

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Hi everybody. I am Hanna talking to you from the countryside of Sweden. Maybe you will be able to hear some of the birds and the wind in the trees during today’s class. Today, we are going to talk about Top 25 Swedish Verbs. Let’s get started.
1. Att vara
“to be”
Jag är trött på att vara singel!
“I'm tired of being single.”
Just guessing but I think this is a feeling most of us had sometime in our lives unless you’ve been lucky enough to have a partner since I don’t know, forever.
Maybe that’s unlikely so. Maybe you can recognize this feeling based on the verb “to be.”
2. Att gilla, att tycka om
“to like”
Jag gillar dig. / Jag tycker om dig.
Jag gillar dig. Or Jag tycker om dig.
“I like you.”
Liking is a very useful verb. I mean, in this sample, it’s used about a person but you can use it about anything you like. Food or places or anything. So useful basic verb. I hope you have a lot of things that you like about Sweden. So that you can use these words when you come over here.
3. Att göra
“to do”
Vad ska du göra i helgen?
“What are you going to do this weekend?”
In Sweden now its Tuesday. So the weekend is still – we still have a few days before that but since it’s summer, I think for me, I am going to be outside a lot. That’s what I am going to do this weekend. I hope you have something fun planned as well.
4. Att saga
“to say”
Säg till om du är ledig imorgon.
“Tell me if you're free tomorrow.”
I guess this verb “to say” is also a very common one. To say or to speak, you can use the same Swedish verb for both of them when someone speaks. Well, there is another word for that as well but this one works for speaking, saying, talking.
Att saga.
5. Att förklara
“to explain”
Kan du förklara hur tvättmaskinen fungerar?
“Could you explain how the washing machine works?”
I don’t know if you’ve been traveling or been around. Maybe you had to use different washing machines and at least for me, I discovered that they can be really different. So I guess this sample sentence might actually be more useful than you might think at first sight if you come traveling here in Sweden. Oh, it’s nice to be able to get some fresh laundry, right?
6. Att hora
“to hear”
Jag hör ingenting konstigt.
“I can't hear anything strange.”
Did you hear anything strange? Right now, I don’t hear anything strange but I heard some chickens before in this. There is a farm right next to where I am standing. So there might be some strange animal sounds coming from over there.
7. Att gå
“to go”
Vill du gå till affären nu eller senare?
“Do you want to go to the shop now or later?”
8. Att veta
“to know”
Vill du veta något intressant?
“Do you want to know something interesting?”
Of course I want to know something interesting. I don’t know what people will tell you if you ask around for this like what you would tell them. Maybe you have your special fun fact. That would be your interesting thing but I hope you have some kind of good story, something interesting to share, I would like to hear that story sometimes.
9. Att ta
“to take”
Glöm inte att ta en bild!
“Don't forget to take a picture!”
At least I am not forgetting to shoot this video I hope. I hope I am still on, yeah. I think I am. Don’t forget to take a picture when you are traveling in Sweden because it’s super beautiful especially by the ocean, in the forest, I would say nature, everywhere.
10. Att se
“to see”
Jag ska se den nya filmern på bio ikväll.
“I'm going to see the new movie at the cinema tonight.”
In summer, I don’t go to the cinema that much because it’s so nice outside. And I mean in Sweden we have daylight until very late at night in the summer. So I think for me, cinema is a winter activity but it can be super nice. So sometimes in the summer, I am kind of looking forward to colder, darker days to go to the cinema but not yet. Summer is still super nice over here.
11. Att komma
“to come”
Du måste komma hem innan midnatt.
“You have to come home before midnight.”
Well, if this is a rule for kids, I think midnight is quiet late but I guess for me to be home before midnight when I am about to work, it’s like my rule. That’s like the rule I set to myself. I have to be home before midnight to be able to get up and work in the morning. Maybe you have midnight or some other time like that’s your preferred time when you have to go to sleep. We are all different in our sleep cycles I suppose.
12. Att tänka
“to think”
Jag tänker på dig varje dag.
“I think about you every day.”
I am not sure about you like the person I am watching through the screen right now because I think I never met you. So it’s hard to think about you every day. But I do certainly think about who is watching me on the other side right now. You or someone else.
13. Att titta
“to look”
Titta på den där elefanten!
“Look at that elephant!”
If you come to Sweden, you will not use this word. I mean, the elephant that much because we don’t really have many elephants maybe in a zoo but maybe you will use this “to look” a verb if you’re lucky enough to see a moose because we have those and they are pretty cool as well. Not as big as elephants but pretty cool animals. I hope you get to see one someday.
14. Att vilja
“to want”
Vill du gå ut med mig imorgon?
“Do you want to go out with me tomorrow?”
Wait! Wait! I am not asking you right now because like I said, I don’t know who you are and I am actually busy tomorrow but maybe some other time. Maybe I will see you some other time or you can use this for some other cool person that you meet.
15. Att ge
“to give”
Glöm inte ge din mamma det här brevet.
“Don't forget to give your mom this letter.”
I don’t know about you but I do forget things sometimes. I guess it’s one of the annoying things about being human that you tend to forget things now and then and it’s really annoying. I hope you are better than me with not forgetting things.
16. Att använda
“to use”
Vet du hur man använder dvd-spelaren?
”Do you know how to use the DVD-player?”
I don’t know about where you are but in Sweden, DVD players are actually not that common anymore. So maybe you won’t have to ask about how to use the DVD player but how to use like a laptop or Netflix or something. But it’s still a good verb.
17. Att hitta
“to find”
Jag hittar inte mina nycklar.
“I can't find my keys.”
I think we have all been in this situation sometimes like for me especially it’s right when I am about to leave the house, I am just going to grab the last few things, put them in my bag and go and that’s when I can’t find my keys and of course, they are usually in a very obvious place. I just have to run around and get really stressed and then I find them but it’s super annoying. So I should probably find a better spot right by the door where I can always leave my keys. I will try to do that after shooting this video.
18. Att gå ut
“to go out”
Ska vi gå ut och äta på söndag?
“Should we go out to eat on Sunday?”
Sunday is actually a quite popular day to go to restaurants in Sweden because they are not as fully booked as Fridays and Saturdays but it’s still like a weekend and bit of a luxury. So, pretty good sample sentence. I don’t know about the rest of the world. Maybe it’s similar. Maybe Sunday is a day when a lot of people go out to eat. I am not sure. At least here in Sweden, that’s the case.
19. Att fråga
“to ask”
Fråga din mamma först!
“Ask your mom first!”
For me these days, I don’t have to ask my mom that often but sometimes I do. Like for example, sometimes I still borrow her car and then I will have to ask her first. I guess throughout lives, we will always have the special situations through our mothers and yeah, have to ask them things like at least opinion sometimes.
20. Att jobba
“to work”
Jobbar du hela helgen?
“Are you working the whole weekend?”
I hope you are not working the whole weekend. I am usually not working during the weekend. Maybe like little bit on Sunday if necessary but most of the time, I would not work during the weekend. It’s for pleasure I think.
21. Att gå in
“to enter”
Kan vi gå in i den här affären snabbt?
“Could we enter this shop quickly?”
Do you usually enter a shop quickly when you say you are supposed to? I am actually one of the people who does like I don’t really like shopping or going to shops. So I try to be as fast as possible but I know that some people say this and they are not super-fast. You probably have friends like that who are like just going to check something out in a shop and then they take like one hour. Maybe that’s you, maybe it’s someone you know.
22. Att känna
“to feel”
Jag känner mig trött idag.
“I feel tired today.”
But I actually don’t. I feel like I have a lot of energy being out here in the countryside. It’s so beautiful. So I have a lot of energy but some days, I feel tired, you feel tired. I guess we all feel tired. Hope you are feeling very alert learning all the Swedish a little.
23. Att lämna
“to leave”
Jag har lämnat min man.
“I have left my husband.”
I haven’t but – and I don’t have one either but maybe this is something you hear in movies a lot. I think I feel like I heard this in movies a lot. I don’t know but there are a lot of things you can leave like your house or the train station or café or whatever. Useful verb. Everywhere we go, we sooner or later have to leave I guess.
24. Att ringa
“to call”
Jag ringer upp dig snart!
“I'll call you back soon!”
Call. I heard that calling people is like less common these days because we do a lot of texting and writing but to get like faster to the decision or something, I think it’s always nicer to call and get a regular conversation instead of just writing back and forth.
So Att ringa
“to call”
25. Att springa
“to run”
David springer snabbare än mig.
“David runs faster than me.”
I was actually out running this morning in the beautiful surroundings here but I don’t know who David is. It’s just a sample name in this case but I didn’t run superfast. So maybe probably someone called David is a little bit faster than me.
That my friends was the end of this lesson top 25 Swedish verbs. I hope you found some of them, all of them, most of them useful. Verbs are things we do like active usually and what are you doing today? What verb? Maybe you can use one of these Swedish verbs to talk about something you are up to today. I will see you next time. Bye bye from Sweden.

