
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Alisha:Hi Everyone! I’m Alisha, and welcome back to SwedishPod101.com. This is Beginner season 1, lesson 22 - Here’s My Swedish Advice.
Satsuki:Hej allihopa, I’m Satsuki!
Alisha:In this lesson, you’ll learn how to give advice.
Satsuki:The conversation takes place at Lisa’s apartment, and it’s between Lisa and her friend Anna.
Alisha:They’ll be using informal Swedish, because they know each other.
Satsuki:Great! Let’s listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

Lisa Anna, vad har du för något under läppen?
Anna Det är snus.
Lisa Snus? Vad är det?
Anna Snus är typiskt svenskt. Det är en typ av tobak.
Lisa Tobak! Det är farligt! Du borde sluta.
Anna Ja jag borde väl det...
Alisha: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
Lisa Anna, vad har du för något under läppen?
Anna Det är snus.
Lisa Snus? Vad är det?
Anna Snus är typiskt svenskt. Det är en typ av tobak.
Lisa Tobak! Det är farligt! Du borde sluta.
Anna Ja jag borde väl det...
Alisha: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
Lisa Anna, vad har du för något under läppen?
Alisha:Anna, what is that thing underneath your lip?
Anna Det är snus.
Alisha:It’s snus.
Lisa Snus? Vad är det?
Alisha:Snus? What is snus?
Anna Snus är typiskt svenskt. Det är en typ av tobak.
Alisha:Snus is typically Swedish. It’s a type of tobacco.
Lisa Tobak! Det är farligt! Du borde sluta.
Alisha:Tobacco! That’s dangerous! You should stop.
Anna Ja jag borde väl det...
Alisha:Yes, I suppose I should...
Alisha:Is this Swedish tobacco similar to chewing tobacco since you also put this in your mouth?
Satsuki:Well, it is, but you don't chew it, you just keep it underneath you lip.
Alisha:I see, and is this typically Swedish?
Satsuki:Yes, and it was actually developed as a cheaper alternative to chewing tobacco, and now Swedes have come to love their snus!
Alisha:I see, so how does it taste?
Satsuki:There are a lot of different kinds of snus and they all taste a bit different, but recently, snus with special flavors have become more popular.
Alisha:What do you mean by special flavors?
Satsuki:For example, flavors like eucalyptus and licorice.
Alisha:Hmm… those sound interesting!
Satsuki:Yes, but you should know that snus is very addictive.
Alisha:Maybe I won’t try it then! Now let’s move on to the vocab.
Alisha:Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
The first word we shall see is:
Satsuki:under [natural native speed]
Satsuki:under [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Satsuki:under [natural native speed]
Satsuki:läppen [natural native speed]
Satsuki:läppen [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Satsuki:läppen [natural native speed]
Satsuki:snus [natural native speed]
Alisha:Swedish tobacco
Satsuki:snus [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Satsuki:snus [natural native speed]
Satsuki:typ [natural native speed]
Satsuki:typ [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Satsuki:typ [natural native speed]
Satsuki:tobak [natural native speed]
Satsuki:tobak [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Satsuki:tobak [natural native speed]
Satsuki:farligt [natural native speed]
Satsuki:farligt [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Satsuki:farligt [natural native speed]
Satsuki:borde [natural native speed]
Satsuki:borde [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Satsuki:borde [natural native speed]
Satsuki:väl [natural native speed]
Alisha:I suppose
Satsuki:väl [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Satsuki:väl [natural native speed]
Alisha:Let's have a closer look at the usuage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Satsuki:Let’s start with the noun ‘typ’, which means “type”.
Alisha:What’s so special about that word?
Satsuki:Well, there’s nothing special about the noun ‘typ’, but when you talk to a native speaker, it’s likely you’ll hear ‘typ’ a lot, and this might confuse you.
Alisha:Hmm, why would that be confusing?
Satsuki:Well, Swedes often use ‘typ’ in conversation as a kind of filler. It’s similar to English speakers using expressions such as “like” or “kind of”.
Alisha:Okay, I think I understand. So how would you say “she is kind of blond, with blue eyes”?
Satsuki:You would say, ‘hon är typ blond med blåa ögon’.
Alisha:I see.
Satsuki:Swedes also use ‘typ’ when we’re not able or willing to give a precise answer to a question.
Alisha:What’s an example?
Satsuki:Sure. Something like, “it’s going to take about a week” would be ‘det kommer ta typ en vecka’.
Alisha:I understand! What’s our next word?
Satsuki:We also need to spend some time on the adverb ‘väl’, which translates to the expression “I suppose”.
Alisha:Do Swedes use this adverb when they want to express that they think, believe or guess something?
Satsuki:Yes, that’s right. So while in English you’d say “I suppose he is okay”, in Swedish you’d say, ‘han är väl okej’.
Alisha:That wasn’t that difficult!
Satsuki:No, but ‘väl’ can also be used as a tag question. “You have paid the bills, haven’t you?” in Swedish would be ‘du har väl betalat räkningarn’.
Alisha:I see, any other words?
Satsuki:Yes, the last word we need to talk about is the preposition ‘under’.
Alisah I was wondering about that. We’ve seen this preposition before, but I don't remember it meaning “underneath”.
Satsuki:Yes, and that’s why I’m bringing it up now. The preposition ‘under’ can be used when we are talking about a time period, and in that case, its meaning is closer to the English “during” or “for”. But it can also be used when we talk about the position of something, and then its meaning is closer to “underneath”.
Alisha:Great. Now let’s move on to the grammar.

Lesson focus

Alisha:In this lesson, you’ll learn how to give advice. So, in the dialogue, Lisa said “you should stop”.
Satsuki:Yes and in Swedish that was, ‘du borde sluta’.
Alisha:These kinds of sentences aren’t so difficult to form, are they?
Satsuki:No, they’re pretty easy, and we’ll look more closely at the structure of this sentence soon. But before we do, we need to talk about the modal verb ‘borde’ mea ning “should”.
Alisha:Ah yes. The way this modal verb is used can be a bit confusing for non-native speakers.
Satsuki:That’s right, and it’s because when giving advice, you can use both the present tense ‘bör’ or the past tense ‘borde’.
Alisha:Could you give the listeners an example?
Satsuki:Absolutely! In Swedish, if you want to give the advice “you should quit smoking” you can say both ‘du bör sluta röka’ or ‘du borde sluta röka’.
Alisha:And they mean the same thing?
Satsuki:Yes, there is just a slight difference. Using the past tense ‘borde’ is more polite than using the present tense ‘bör’. Giving advice by using ‘borde’ is more of a friendly suggestion.
Alisha:That’s good to know - you don't want to come off as too harsh or impolite! Ok, now let’s look at the the structure of these kinds of sentences.
Satsuki:As we’ve already mentioned, ‘borde’ is a modal verb, which means that it should be followed by a main verb, in its infinitive form. In the sentence that appears in this lesson’s dialog, that main verb is ‘att sluta’, meaning “to stop”, but the ‘att’ meaning “to” is dropped because we used a modal verb in the sentence.
Alisah That doesn’t seem too difficult, but can we try to form some other sentences using the same structure?
Satsuki:Of course!
Alisha:How would you say, “you should eat more vegetables”?
Satsuki:Let’s start with the first part of the sentence, “you should”, which we always use when giving advice. ‘Du borde’.
Alisha:And then?
Satsuki:Then we use the verb ‘att äta’ meaning “to eat” in its infinitive form but without the ‘att’, followed by ‘mer grönsaker’, meaning “more vegetables”.
Alisha:Okay, let’s put that together, “you should eat more vegetables” in Swedish is?
Satsuki:‘Du borde äta mer grönsaker’. Listeners, repeat after me. ‘Du borde äta mer grönsaker’.
Alisha:Okay, one more! How would you say “you should exercise”?
Satsuki:As in the previous example, you start with the ‘du borde’ - “you should” - part.
Alisha:And that should be followed by the verb “to exercise” right?
Satsuki:Yes. And “to exercise” in Swedish is ‘att motionera’, but remember we don't use the ‘att’.
Alisha:Okay, so “you should exercise” in Swedish is?
Satsuki:‘Du borde motionera’. Listeners, repeat after me! ‘Du borde motionera’.
Alisha:Great! I think I’m ready to give my friends some friendly advice now!
Satsuki:Just be careful not to hurt anyone’s feelings!
Alisha:I will! And I think that’s all for this lesson! Make sure to check the lesson notes, and we’ll see you next time.
Satsuki:Hej då!
Alisha:Bye everyone!

