
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Kellie: Hi everyone, and welcome back to SwedishPod101.com. This is Intermediate Season 1 Lesson 20 - What Are Your Top Swedish Travel Tips? Kellie here.
Vicky: Hej! I'm Vicky.
Kellie: In this lesson, you’ll learn about prepositions in Swedish and how to give suggestions and advice. The conversation takes place at a library.
Vicky: It's between Annie and Kenji.
Kellie: The speakers are strangers, so they’ll use formal Swedish. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.
Kenji: Hej, ursäkta mig, skulle du kunna ge mig lite tips?
Annie: Ja, absolut. Om vad?
Kenji: Det är min första gång i Stockholm, så jag vet inte vad det finns att se. Har du några rekommendationer?
Annie: Absolut! Kungsträdgården är jättefin just nu eftersom att körsbärsblommorna blommar.
Kenji: Å, det vill jag se! Vet du någon bra restaurang?
Annie: Om du är okej med svensk mat så kan jag rekommendera en restaurang i Gamla Stan. Jag kan visa dig på kartan sen.
Kenji: Jätteschysst! Jag är jätteglad över att ha träffat dig! Vad skulle jag gjort annars?
Annie: Inga problem! Besöker du bara Stockholm?
Kenji: Nej, jag reser världen runt! Igår vad jag i England!
Annie: Åh vad roligt! Oss emellan, är inte maten där lite halvtaskig?
Kenji: Jo, men shoppingen är bra!
Kellie: Listen to the conversation with the English translation.
Kenji: Hi, excuse me, could you give me some advice?
Annie: Yes, absolutely. About what?
Kenji: It's my first time in Stockholm, so I don't know what there is to see. Do you have any recommendations?
Annie: Of course! King's Garden is really pretty right now since the cherry blossoms are in bloom.
Kenji: Oh, I'd like to see that! Do you know any good restaurants?
Annie: If you're okay with Swedish food, I can recommend a restaurant in Old Town. I can show you on the map later.
Kenji: Great! I’m so happy to have met you! What would I have done without you?
Annie: No problem! Are you only visiting Stockholm?
Kenji: No, I'm traveling all around the world! Yesterday I was in England!
Annie: Oh, how fun! Between us, isn't the food there kind of bad?
Kenji: Yes, but the shopping is great!
Kellie: Vicky, it seems that Sweden is a very popular tourist destination in Northern Europe. Statistics says that in 2014, Sweden had 19.9 million foreign visitors, mostly from neighboring countries like Norway, Finland, and Denmark.
Vicky: Right. A lot of people live and work in Norway but hop over to Sweden because it’s a lot cheaper to buy things in Sweden than Norway. There’s a cruise ship that goes between Sweden and Finland several times a week, which also brings a number of visitors from Finland.
Kellie: When is the tourist season?
Vicky: I think summer and winter are the most popular times to come. In winter, for example, the most famous tourist spots include the icehotel in Kiruna, as well as Stockholm with its beautiful Christmas decorations.
Kellie: And of course skiing!
Vicky: Yes! Skiing is very popular in Sweden during the winter season. During summer, the bigger cities like Stockholm, Göteborg, and Malmö are very popular.
Kellie: Okay, now onto the vocab.
Kellie: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is..
Vicky: rekommendation [natural native speed]
Kellie: recommendation
Vicky: rekommendation [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Vicky: rekommendation [natural native speed]
Kellie: Next we have..
Vicky: Kungsträdgården [natural native speed]
Kellie: King's Garden
Vicky: Kungsträdgården [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Vicky: Kungsträdgården [natural native speed]
Kellie: Next we have..
Vicky: körsbärsblomma [natural native speed]
Kellie: cherry blossom
Vicky: körsbärsblomma [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Vicky: körsbärsblomma [natural native speed]
Kellie: Next we have..
Vicky: att blomma [natural native speed]
Kellie: to bloom
Vicky: att blomma [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Vicky: att blomma [natural native speed]
Kellie: Next we have..
Vicky: schysst [natural native speed]
Kellie: nice, cool, great
Vicky: schysst [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Vicky: schysst [natural native speed]
Kellie: Next we have..
Vicky: att besöka [natural native speed]
Kellie: to visit
Vicky: att besöka [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Vicky: att besöka [natural native speed]
Kellie: And last..
Vicky: taskig [natural native speed]
Kellie: bad, mean
Vicky: taskig [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Vicky: taskig [natural native speed]
Kellie: Let's have a closer look at some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first phrase is..
Vicky: att blomma
Kellie: which means “to bloom.”
Vicky: The noun blomma means “flower” and the verb att blomma means “to flower,” or “to bloom.”
Kellie: You can use this verb in any situation where you’re talking about flowers, when the buds are opening and the flower starts to bloom.
Vicky: For example...Hela skogen blommar just nu.
Kellie: “The whole forest is in bloom right now”
Vicky: Mina rosor började blomma förra veckan.
Kellie: ..which means “My roses started to bloom last week.” Okay, what's the next word?
Vicky: The slang word schysst
Kellie: which means “nice,” “cool,” or “great.” You can use it only in informal situations.
Vicky: Right. For example..Det låter schysst!
Kellie: “That sounds nice! or “That sounds cool!”
Vicky: Vad schysst att du kör mig till skolan.
Kellie: .. which means “How nice that you're driving me to school.” Okay, what's the last word?
Vicky: taskig
Kellie: which means “bad,” “mean,” “not nice,” or “not cool.”
Vicky: In some ways taskig could be considered the opposite of schysst.
Kellie: Can you give us an example using this word?
Vicky: Var inte så taskig!
Kellie: “Don't be so mean!”
Vicky: Min storesyster är alltid så himla taskig mot mig.
Kellie: “My older sister is always so mean to me.”
Vicky: A common expression using the word taskig is Fan vad taskigt!
Kellie: “Woah, that's mean!” Okay, now onto the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

Kellie: In this lesson, you’ll learn about prepositions in Swedish and how to give suggestions and advice.
Vicky: We’ll start with prepositions.
Kellie: Let’s remind our listeners that prepositions are used for explaining the relationships of people, places and things.
Vicky: In Swedish, prepositions are normally placed before nouns or pronouns.
Kellie: In this lesson we will go through some of the most commonly used Swedish prepositions, which will be helpful when offering advice and giving directions or suggestions.
Vicky: For example, in the dialogue we have a sentence that uses a preposition – Jag kan visa dig på kartan sen.
Kellie: Which means "I can show you on the map later." Now, let’s see some of the most common prepositions...
Vicky: igenom
Kellie: which means “through”
Vicky: mellan
Kellie: “between”
Vicky: brevid
Kellie: “next to”
Vicky: vid
Kellie: “near”
Vicky: av
Kellie: “by.” Listeners, you can find more prepositions in the lesson notes. Now, let’s hear some examples.
Vicky: Sure. Restaurangen ligger vid vattnet, bredvid banken.
Kellie: “The restaurant is near the water, next to the bank.”
Vicky: Another example is...Konstgalleriet ligger vid vattnet, så det är väldigt vackert.
Kellie: “The art gallery is by the water, so it's very beautiful.” Is there anything we should remember when using prepositions?
Vicky: Just remember that, as in English, prepositions are normally placed before nouns or pronouns. For example, in the sentence Bollen ligger i lådan.
Kellie: which means "The ball is in the box,"
Vicky: the preposition i, meaning "in," is placed in front of the noun lådan, "the box."
Kellie: Ok, now let’s move to our next grammar point - how to offer suggestions and advice.
Vicky: A pattern that is used a lot when giving suggestions and advice is Om du tycker om
Kellie: which means “If you like,”
Vicky: followed by så rekommenderar jag
Kellie: which means “then I recommend.”
Vicky: So, to recap, Om du tycker om..[something].. så rekommenderar jag..[something].
Kellie: Meaning “If you like …[something]..., then I recommend ….[something]”
Vicky: For example, you can say… Om du tycker om natur så rekommenderar jag Stockholms skärgård.
Kellie: “If you like nature, then I recommend Stockholm’s archipelago.”
Vicky: This phrase can be changed by substituting natur with whatever you like, and changing your advice to fit the topic. For example, Om du tycker om mat så rekommenderar jag Hiltons frukostbuffé.
Kellie: which means “If you like food, then I recommend the Hilton’s breakfast buffet.”
Vicky: Om du är jättehungrig så rekommenderar jag ett snabbmatsställe.
Kellie: “If you’re really hungry, I recommend a fast food place.”
Vicky: As you can see from these examples, you can add either a noun or a verb in dictionary form after the two main sentences.


Kellie: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Vicky: Bye!

