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Lesson Transcript

Kellie: Hi everyone, and welcome back to SwedishPod101.com. This is Intermediate Season 1 Lesson 23 - How Many Swedish Nicknames Can One Person Have?! Kellie here.
Vicky: Hej! I'm Vicky.
Kellie: In this lesson, you’ll learn about making slang words and about nicknames in Swedish. The conversation takes place in a park.
Vicky: It's between Lennart and Frida.
Kellie: The speakers are co-workers, so they’ll use informal Swedish. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.
Frida: Du Lelle, har du hört att Per och Louise ska gifta sig?
Lennart: Pelle och Lollo? Där ser man! De har väl inte varit tillsammans så länge?
Frida: Nej, jag tror de bara har varit ihop i tre månader.
Lennart: Du skojar! Hoppas de inte ångrar sig.
Frida: Jag tror de vet vad de gör. Vi borde gå över med någon liten present senare idag.
Lennart: Ja, vad sägs om en flarra virre? Det vet vi ju att Pelle gillar.
Frida: Jo, men jag vet inte om Louise är en stor whiskeydrickare. Det vore bättre att ge dem något som de båda kan ha användning av.
Lennart: Ja, okej. Men något smarrigt vore kul att ge. Gillar Lollo choklad?
Frida: Ja, det tror jag att hon gör! Vi kan göra en matkorg med delikatesser, choklad och så vidare!
Lennart: Låter jättebra!
Kellie: Listen to the conversation with the English translation.
Frida: Hey, Lelle, have you heard that Per and Louise are getting married?
Lennart: Pelle and Lollo? There you go! They haven't been together that long though, right?
Frida: No, I think they've only been together for three months.
Lennart: You're kidding! I hope they won't regret it.
Frida: I think they know what they're doing. We should go over with a small gift later today.
Lennart: Yeah, what do you think about a bottle of whiskey? We know that Pelle likes that.
Frida: Yeah, but I don't know if Louise is a big whiskey drinker. It would be better to give them something they’ll both use.
Lennart: Yeah, okay. But something tasty would be fun to give. Does Lollo like chocolate?
Frida: Yes, I think she does! We can make a food basket with delicacies, chocolate, and things like that!
Lennart: Sounds great!
Kellie: Vicky, do people in Sweden like exchanging presents?
Vicky: Yes, I think so. Sweden is a country where people love receiving gifts. For example, if someone you know is getting married, it’s customary to give the couple a gift and a card.
Kellie: Even if you don’t attend the ceremony?
Vicky: Yes, you’re expected to do this even if you’re not going to the wedding. The same goes for birthdays.
Kellie: You mean, even if there’s no birthday party, you’re expected to give your friend a present with a card?
Vicky: Exactly. I would say birthdays are another occasion where gifts are mandatory.
Kellie: And what about Christmas?
Vicky: The Christmas season is the season to be jolly, because you’re sure to get a big pile of gifts from your friends and family, but remember you are expected to return those gifts.
Kellie: What are the Swedish words for "wedding gifts,” “birthday presents” and “Christmas presents"?
Vicky: They are bröllopsgåvor, födelsedagspresenter and julklappar respectively.
Kellie: Okay, now onto the vocab.
Kellie: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is..
Vicky: att vara tillsammans [natural native speed]
Kellie: to be together
Vicky: att vara tillsammans [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Vicky: att vara tillsammans [natural native speed]
Kellie: Next we have..
Vicky: att vara ihop [natural native speed]
Kellie: to be together
Vicky: att vara ihop [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Vicky: att vara ihop [natural native speed]
Kellie: Next we have..
Vicky: att ångra [natural native speed]
Kellie: to regret, to change your mind
Vicky: att ångra [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Vicky: att ångra [natural native speed]
Kellie: Next we have..
Vicky: whiskeydrickare [natural native speed]
Kellie: whiskey drinker, whiskey consumer
Vicky: whiskeydrickare [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Vicky: whiskeydrickare [natural native speed]
Kellie: Next we have..
Vicky: användning [natural native speed]
Kellie: use
Vicky: användning [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Vicky: användning [natural native speed]
Kellie: Next we have..
Vicky: matkorg [natural native speed]
Kellie: food basket
Vicky: matkorg [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Vicky: matkorg [natural native speed]
Kellie: And last..
Vicky: delikatess [natural native speed]
Kellie: delicacy
Vicky: delikatess [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Vicky: delikatess [natural native speed]
Kellie: Let's have a closer look at some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first phrase is..
Vicky: att vara tillsammans
Kellie: which means “to be together.”
Vicky: att means “to,” vara means “be,” and tillsammans means “together.” Once more, att vara tillsammans
Kellie: You can use it in both formal and informal situations to talk about two people who are in a relationship.
Vicky: For example...Vi har varit tillammans i tre år nu.
Kellie: “We've been together for three years now.”
Vicky: Jag tror att vi kommer att vara tillsammans för alltid.
Kellie: “I think that we'll be together forever.”
Kellie: Okay, what's the next phrase?
Vicky: att vara ihop
Kellie: which also means “to be together.”
Vicky: Ihop means “stuck together.” Att vara ihop means the same thing as att vara tillsammans.
Kellie: It’s considered informal and is mainly used by young people.
Vicky: Right. It’s actually become more common among people of all ages recently, but it’s still considered informal and isn’t used in writing. For example, you can say.. När jag var tolv så var jag ihop med Patrik i två veckor.
Kellie: .. which means “When I was twelve, I was together with Patrik for two weeks,” meaning “we went out for two weeks.”
Vicky: You can also use the word ihop in the phrase att sitta ihop, which literally means “to be stuck together.”
Kellie: You can even use it when speaking about things that are stuck together and are inseparable. For example...
Vicky: Jag och min bästis har suttit ihop sedan lekskolan .
Kellie: “Me and my bestie have been together since kindergarten.” Okay, now onto the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

Kellie: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to make slang words and about nicknames in Swedish.
Vicky: The Swedish language has a lot of different slang words. New words keep popping up in different generations and different places, so outsiders may not be familiar with these words.
Kellie: Is there an example in the dialogue?
Vicky: Yes, we have some young people’s slang in the sentence Ja, vad sägs om en flarra virre?
Kellie: which means “Yeah, what do you think about a bottle of whiskey?”
Vicky: In the example above the word flarra comes from flaska,
Kellie: ... which means “bottle,”
Vicky: and virre comes from whiskey.
Kellie: Are there rules about how to make these kinds of slang words?
Vicky: Actually, there are very few rules to these slang words. In some cases, like these, monosyllabic words that end with sk have the sk changed to r.
Kellie: Can you give us other examples?
Vicky: Sure. For example...let's take the phrase Glad påsk,
Kellie: which means “Happy Easter.”
Vicky: Påsk can be transformed to pårre, making it sound more casual and informal. Another example is fisk, which means “fish,” which is sometimes said as firre.
Kellie: Ok, now let's move to nicknames.
Vicky: A nickname is a positive name given to a person, place, or thing. In Swedish this name is called smeknamn, “nickname.”
Kellie: Many Swedish names have diminutives, which are usually shorter versions of the full names. Sometimes, however, they're not shorter, but they carry a message of slightly closer relations between people, so they're mostly used by family members and among friends.
Vicky: Diminutives are always used towards children.
Kellie: Do people go back to using their full names as adults?
Vicky: Yes, but it's not a rule and it depends on the person. Some Swedish names have more than one diminutive and some names have none. We can't really make them up like English speakers might make a nickname, they're set for the name.
Kellie: Vicky, can you give us some examples?
Vicky: For example...Susanna will be Sanna, Kristina will become Stina and Madde is the short form of Madelene.
Kellie: And what about males names?
Vicky: Karl will become Kalle, Rolf is Roffe and Hans will be Hasse.
Kellie: And what about Christoffer?
Vicky: It will be Chrille. For example, you can say..Jag heter Kristoffer, men kalla mig för Krille.
Kellie: which means “My name is Kristoffer, but call me Krille.”
Vicky: Or you can say...Jag heter Karl men kallas för Kalle.
Kellie: “My name is Karl but I’m called Kalle.”


Kellie: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Vicky: Bye!

