Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Hej, jag heter Elin. Hi everybody! I’m Elin.
Welcome to SwedishPod101.com’s “Svenska på tre minuter”. The fastest, easiest, and most fun way to learn Swedish.
In our previous lessons, we learned how to use the verbs att vara and att ha. In this lesson, we’re going to learn how to turn these two verbs into their negative forms in order to say "I'm not" and "I don't have."
So let's take an example. Imagine you are about to go to a party with a Swedish friend. You ask him if he is ready, and he answers Nej, jag är inte klar.
Then, you ask him if he has a car to use to go to the party and he says Nej, jag har inte bil.
Let’s look at these two negative sentences-
Nej, jag är inte klar
Nej, jag har inte bil
Did you catch some similar words in these two sentences?
Right! In each sentence, you have one little word, inte. This is the special word used to make a verb negative in Swedish.
So let's have a look at the way to switch from affirmative to negative.
First with the verb att vara. If your friend *were* ready, he would say Ja, jag är klar, “I am ready.” But he actually said Nej, jag är inte klar - "I'm not ready."
So basically, you just have to put the word inte after the verb to make it negative.
Now let's look at an example with the verb att ha, "to have"-
"I have a car" is jag har en bil, and "I don't have a car" is jag har inte bil.
But wait, there is another change, isn't there? You might have noticed how the article en disappeared from the negative sentence. It is optional to have it in the sentence, but usually it sounds better without it.
So now, how would you say "I don't like this restaurant?" For reference, “I like this restaurant” is “ jag tycker om den här resturangen.” Put inte after tycker.
jag tycker inte om den här resturangen.
[slowly] jag tycker inte om den här resturangen.
Easy, don't you think? So now you can turn many sentences into their negative form just by adding this little word inte after the verb.
Now it’s time for Elin’s insights.
If you want to answer negatively but without being too direct, you can add the words så mycket in the end of the sentence. This will mean "I don't like it very much"
So if you want to say "I don't like fish very much," it will be jag tycker inte om fisk så mycket.
Get ready for the next lesson because we are going to study a really important part of the Swedish language - using adjectives. Do you know some of them already?
I’ll be waiting for you in the next Svenska på 3 minuter lesson.
På återseende!

