At this point in your journey, it’s likely time for you to start picking up the most useful intermediate Swedish words and phrases. But before we dive in, some context:
Swedish is a Nordic language, meaning it belongs to the family of North Germanic languages.
Does that ring a bell?
That means it actually belongs to the same language group as English, which is a West Germanic language.
And since you can read this article, you probably speak English at a fluent or native level.
That will make starting out with Swedish pretty simple, as you won’t have much work to do before you master reading and writing. You’ll also find that the overall structuring of sentences and words is no different from what you’re used to in English. In other words, you’ll be able to focus most of your early efforts on learning new vocabulary and the conjugation basics.
No new script to learn. Very few unfamiliar sounds to rehearse.
It’ll be smooth sailing at first, but you’ll need to put in considerably more effort as you approach the intermediate level.
At this point, the digits 0-9 no longer really do it, and asking people to switch to English is getting more and more frustrating.
That’s where our list of intermediate Swedish words will come in handy.
We’ve taken the time to compile some of the most important vocabulary words for this phase of your language learning journey, all with parallel English translations.
At the end of this article, we’ll also recommend a great strategy for memorizing vocabulary.
Without further ado, let’s jump right in…

- Large Numbers – Stora nummer
- Nouns – Substantiv
- Verbs – Verb
- Adjectives – Adjektiv
- Adverbs – Adverb
- Prepositions – Prepositioner
- Conjunctions – Konjunktioner
- Particle Verbs – Partikelverb
- Conclusion
1. Large Numbers – Stora nummer

English Translation | Swedish | Number |
Ten | Tio | 10 |
Eleven | Elva | 11 |
Twelve | Tolv | 12 |
Thirteen | Tretton | 13 |
Fourteen | Fjorton | 14 |
Fifteen | Femton | 15 |
Sixteen | Sexton | 16 |
Seventeen | Sjutton | 17 |
Eighteen | Arton | 18 |
Nineteen | Nitton | 19 |
Twenty | Tjugo | 20 |
Thirty | Trettio | 30 |
Forty | Fyrtio | 40 |
Fifty | Femtio | 50 |
Sixty | Sextio | 60 |
Seventy | Sjuttio | 70 |
Eighty | Åttio | 80 |
Ninety | Nittio | 90 |
A hundred | Hundra | 100 |
A thousand | Tusen | 1,000 |
Ten thousand | Tio tusen | 10,000 |
A hundred thousand | Hundra tusen | 100,000 |
A million | En miljon | 1,000,000 |
2. Nouns – Substantiv

Because nouns make up such a huge chunk of any language, adding plenty of them to your intermediate Swedish vocabulary will really get you places. Here are some of the most useful Swedish nouns in different categories to get you started.
- → You can also visit our vocabulary list of common Swedish nouns to learn fifty new words along with their pronunciation.
Time – Tid
English Translation | Swedish |
Century | Århundrade |
Morning | Morgon |
Evening | Kväll |
Quarter | Fjärdedel |
Semester | Termin |
Places – Platser
English Translation | Swedish |
Region | Område |
Department | Avdelning |
Village | By |
Park | Park |
Bank | Bank |
Pharmacy | Apotek |
Hospital | Sjukhus |
Bakery | Bageri |
Cliff | Klippa |
Beach | Strand |
Island | Ö |
Hill | Kulle |
Technology – Teknologi
English Translation | Swedish |
Technology | Teknologi |
Screen | Skärm |
Keyboard | Tangentbord |
Mouse | Mus |
Tablet | Läsplatta |
TV | TV |
Console | Konsol |
Charger | Laddare |
Website | Hemsida |
Account | Konto |
Password | Lösenord |
File | Fil |
Folder | Mapp |
Software | Programvara |
Home – Hem
English Translation | Swedish |
Room | Rum |
Floor | Golv |
Living room | Vardagsrum |
Bathroom | Badrum |
Fridge | Kylskåp |
Wardrobe | Garderob |
City & Transportation – Stad & transport
English Translation | Swedish |
Suburbs | Förorter |
Neighborhood | Grannskap |
Highway | Motorväg |
Alley | Gränd |
Roundabout | Rondell |
Crossroad | Skiljeväg |
People – Människor
English Translation | Swedish |
Paternal uncle | Farbror |
Maternal uncle | Morbror |
Paternal aunt | Faster |
Maternal aunt | Moster |
Grandchild | Barnbarn |
Child | Barn |
Paternal grandfather | Farfar |
Maternal grandfather | Morfar |
Paternal grandmother | Farmor |
Maternal grandmother | Mormor |
Body Parts – Kroppsdelar
English Translation | Swedish |
Finger | Finger |
Back | Rygg |
Belly | Mage |
Breast / Chest | Bröst |
Shoulder | Axel |
Leg | Ben |
Thigh | Lår |
Butt | Bakdel |
Foot | Fot |
Cheek | Kind |
Chin | Haka |
Forehead | Panna |
Food – Mat
English Translation | Swedish |
Knife | Kniv |
Fork | Gaffel |
Spoon | Sked |
Wine | Vin |
Dish | Maträtt |
Appetizer | Aptitretare |
Dessert | Efterrätt |
Drink | Dryck |
Coffee | Kaffe |
Work & Studies – Arbete & studier
English Translation | Swedish |
Nurse | Sjuksköterska |
Lawyer | Advokat |
Waiter | Servitör |
Clothes – Kläder
English Translation | Swedish |
Pants | Byxa |
Sweater | Tröja |
T-shirt | T-shirt |
Shirt | Skjorta |
Coat | Rock |
Sock | Strumpa |
Shoe | Sko |
Dress | Klänning |
Hat | Hatt |
3. Verbs – Verb

Our next set of intermediate Swedish words consists of the most useful verbs for this stage of your learning journey. Memorizing this selection of practical action words will allow you to be more precise in your conversations and make your stories more interesting. To practice, try combining them with the nouns above to form complete sentences!
- → Need a little help with the conjugation? Then you can check out our blog post on Swedish verb tenses to learn everything you need to know on the topic.
Swedish | English Translation |
Att tjäna | To serve |
Att lämna | To leave |
Att tillåta | To allow |
Att skicka | To send |
Att motta | To receive |
Att leva | To live |
Att ringa | To call |
Att påminna | To remind |
Att introducera | To introduce |
Att acceptera | To accept |
Att vägra | To refuse |
Att agera | To act |
Att spela | To play |
Att känna igen | To recognize |
Att välja | To choose |
Att röra | To touch |
Att förklara | To explain |
Att gå upp | To get up |
Att öppna | To open |
Att stänga | To close |
Att vinna | To win |
Att förlora | To lose |
Att existera | To exist |
Att lyckas | To succeed |
Att förändra | To change |
Att jobba | To work |
Att studera | To study |
Att sova | To sleep |
Att gå | To walk |
Att försöka | To try |
Att stanna | To stop |
Att fortsätta | To continue |
Att laga | To cook |
Att höra till | To belong |
Att riskera | To risk |
Att lära | To learn |
Att möta | To meet |
Att skapa | To create |
Att få | To get |
Att gå in | To enter |
Att lämna | To exit |
Att erbjuda | To offer |
Att ta med | To bring |
Att använda | To use |
Att nå | To reach |
Att förbereda | To prepare |
Att tillägga | To add |
Att betala | To pay |
Att överväga | To consider |
Att köpa | To buy |
Att trycka | To push |
Att handla | To shop |
Att resa | To travel |
4. Adjectives – Adjektiv

While you may have learned a few adjectives as a beginner, the intermediate stage is where you really have the linguistic tools necessary to make the most of them. Below, you’ll find some of the most useful Swedish adjectives that you can start practicing today.
- → You can also visit our vocabulary list of the most common adjectives in Swedish, where you can hear the pronunciation of each word and see how they’re used in a sentence.
Swedish | English Translation |
Grymt bra | Awesome |
Fruktansvärd | Horrible |
Konstig | Weird |
Komplicerad | Complicated |
Tjock | Thick |
Tunn | Thin |
Nära | Near |
Avlägsen | Distant |
Smal | Narrow |
Bred | Wide |
Mjuk | Soft |
Hård | Hard |
Full | Full |
Tom | Empty |
Ljus | Light |
Tung | Heavy |
Unik | Unique |
Speciell | Special |
Ny | New |
Gammal | Old |
Fattig | Poor |
Rik | Rich |
Ren | Clean |
Smutsig | Dirty |
Svag | Weak |
Stark | Strong |
Smal | Slim |
Fet | Fat |
Söt | Cute |
Elak | Mean |
Rolig | Funny |
Trevlig | Nice |
Lycklig | Happy |
Ledsen | Sad |
Tyst | Quiet |
Upphetsad | Excited |
Farlig | Dangerous |
Tråkig | Boring |
Kryddstark | Spicy |
Andra | Second |
Nästa | Next |
Tidigare | Previous |
Näst sist | Second-to-last |
Orange | Orange |
Rosa | Pink |
Grå | Gray |
Lila | Purple |
Magenta | Magenta |
Turkos | Turquoise |
5. Adverbs – Adverb
We use adverbs to give additional information about a verb, an adjective, or even another adverb. Learning just a few Swedish adverbs can help you better express yourself and add color to your conversations or writing. The lists below are a great place to start.
When – När
Swedish | English Translation |
Redan | Already |
För länge sedan | A long time ago |
Nu | Now |
Igen | Again |
Äntligen | At last |
Sedan | Then |
Därefter | Thereafter |
How Often – Hur ofta
Swedish | English Translation |
Ibland | Sometimes |
Sällan | Rarely |
Vanligtvis | Usually |
Generellt | Generally |
Hela tiden | All the time |
Where – Var
English Translation | Swedish |
Nowhere | Ingenstans |
Somewhere | Någonstans |
Elsewhere | Någon annanstans |
Up | Upp |
Down | Ner |
Over | Över |
Under | Under |
Far | Långt |
Close | Nära |
How – Hur
English Translation | Swedish |
Softly | Mjukt |
Slowly | Långsamt |
Quickly | Snabbt |
Calmly | Lugnt |
Easily | Lätt |
Luckily | Lyckligtvis |
Simply | Helt enkelt |
How Much – Hur mycket
Swedish | English Translation |
Tillräckligt | Enough |
Framförallt | Especially |
Nästan | Almost |
Hur mycket | How much |
Så många | So many |
Så få | So few |
6. Prepositions – Prepositioner
Prepositions play an important role in intermediate-level Swedish, as they allow you to be more specific in your descriptions. We have included some of the most frequently used prepositions in Swedish below.
Time – Tid

English Translation | Swedish |
Before | Innan |
After | Efter |
Space – Utrymme
English Translation | Swedish |
Next to | Bredvid |
To the right | Till höger |
To the left | Till vänster |
On | På |
In front of | Framför |
Behind | Bakom |
Under | Under |
Over | Över |
Other – Övrig
Swedish | English Translation |
Angående | About |
Mellan | Between |
Tack vare | Thanks to |
Trots | Despite |
Utan | Without |
Med | With |
7. Conjunctions – Konjunktioner
Swedish | English Translation |
Varken eller… | Neither…nor… |
Så | So |
Annat | Other |
Sedan | Since |
När | When |
Därför | Therefore |
8. Particle Verbs – Partikelverb
Swedish | English Translation |
Svenska | Swedish |
Göra bort sig | To embarrass / To make a fool of oneself |
Hålla med | To agree with |
Hålla på | To do / To be busy with |
Hälsa på | To visit |
Hänga med | To follow along |
Hoppa över | To skip |
Klä ut sig | To dress up as |
Koppla av | To relax |
Köra på | To go ahead |
Lägga av | To quit |
Läsa om | To re-read |
Säga ifrån | To speak up |
Säga till | To tell off/to |
Se upp | To look out |
Skjuta upp | To put off |
Slå av | To turn off |
Slå på | To turn on |
Slappna av | To relax |
Stressa ner | To calm down |
Tala om (för någon) | To tell / To explain |
9. Conclusion
You should now have a pretty good idea of what vocabulary you should expect to start using as an intermediate learner.
As promised in the intro, we’ll discuss a great technique for memorizing vocabulary.
Online flashcards.
Online flashcards are designed to continuously challenge your mind to memorize the meanings of your target words. But, of course, you’ll want to make sure your flashcards are tied into an outstanding Swedish learning program.
Enter SwedishPod101.
Here, you get access to thousands of video, audio, and text lessons, from which you can save your own online flashcards. Plus, you can choose to only study content that caters to your exact level. Add to this several other features on SwedishPod101.com, like line-by-line breakdowns and pronunciation comparison tools.
If you don’t feel like flying solo, you can always request a personalized learning program from an experienced, native Swedish-speaking language expert. After getting your study plan, you can get 1-on-1 lessons from your personal Swedish teacher.
The good news is that you can use SwedishPod101 on both your mobile and your desktop. You’ll always be able to put in a bit of study time, whether you’re on the go or at home.
All of this and more is available with a SwedishPod101 account.
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Go to SwedishPod101.com and try it all for yourself.