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How to Speak Swedish

The language of Sweden, like its people, is a language full of nuances and surprises. People who want to learn how to speak Swedish are often drawn to the history of the country, the beauty of its culture, and the welcoming nature of Swedish people. From the musical band ABBA to Swedish meatballs, Sweden has captured the imagination of people worldwide.

Whether you are visiting Sweden, want to communicate with your Swedish friends, or are just enamored with the Swedish language, learning to speak Swedish is beneficial in more ways than one. By learning another language you are joining the ranks of people who are bilingual, trilingual, and multilingual. Adding another language to your resume can leave a positive impression on those looking to hire you. And let’s face it, learning how to speak Swedish can be fun. The best way to learn the Swedish language fluently is to come up with an easy plan of action.

Before you are ready to speak Swedish, first decide what type of Swedish lessons you are interested in. One of the simplest ways to learn another language is through an online podcast. If you have never listened to a podcast before you will be surprised with how quickly you can setup a lesson. You can start speaking Swedish in the morning before work, during your lunch break, or on the weekends. The beauty of using a podcast to learn Swedish is that you can schedule your lessons around your free time. Swedishpod 101 offers podcasts from beginning to advanced levels which you can follow at your own pace.

In addition to your podcast lessons, a Swedish dictionary can be an invaluable tool of reference. Swedishpod 101 has online dictionaries that can be accessed before, during, or after your lessons for a more in-depth examination of the Swedish words you are learning. Taking advantage of these and other tools offered will kick your Swedish lessons up a notch.

There may come a time when you are learning how to speak Swedish that you will begin feeling overwhelmed and fatigued. Whatever you do don’t give up. Learning another language is not easy, but the benefits far outweigh any difficulties. Remind yourself of your personal reasons for wanting to learn to speak Swedish, get out your Swedish dictionary, fire up your Swedishpod 101 lesson, and keep going. In no time you will have impressed your friends by talking up a Swedish storm.