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20 Swedish Quotes To Brighten Your Day


People are, it seems, primed to enjoy quoting others. In Western culture at least, quoting something well-known is a sign to others that you belong, that you’re part of the in-crowd that knows the book, movie, or TV show in question. 

For that reason, quotes have existed long before books, movies, and TV shows, and they’ll certainly persist into the distant future. 

In this list of Swedish quotes, you’ll find some old favorites that everyone in the world knows, as well as some classic Scandinavian sayings that you probably haven’t heard before. 

Ready to impress your friends with these Swedish quotes?

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Swedish Table of Contents
  1. Quotes About Success
  2. Quotes About Life
  3. Quotes About Time
  4. Quotes About Food
  5. Quotes About Love
  6. Quotes About Family
  7. Quotes About Friendship
  8. Quotes About Health
  9. Quotes About Language Learning
  10. Conclusion

1. Quotes About Success

These inspirational quotes in Swedish have English counterparts with nearly the same meaning. It’s interesting, though, to see how Swedes express the same concepts in different ways.

  • Bättre en fågel i handen än tio i skogen. / “Better a bird in the hand than ten in the forest.”

You’re probably familiar with the equivalent English expression that ends with “than two in the bush.” In Swedish, the “bush” is extended to a whole forest—which may be better for some learners who associate birds with forests rather than bushes.

  • Man ska inte köpa grisen i säcken. / “One shouldn’t buy a pig in a sack.”

Here you can see the “impersonal man” in Swedish. It means “one” or “people,” and that’s how it’s translated here. That said, you should know that in Swedish, it’s used in a common, conversational way. In English, we’d use “you” in the same informal context.

By the way, this quote advises you to take good care in examining your decisions from all angles before following through with them—you don’t want to make a big purchase blind!

2. Quotes About Life

An Unassuming Man with a Chalk Drawing of a Strong Man Behind Him

Are you feeling stuck or unsatisfied with your life? Maybe you just need these quotes about life in Swedish to get back on the right path. 

  • För att lyckas i livet behöver du två saker: okunnighet och självförtroende. / “To succeed in life, you need two things: ignorance and confidence.”

The word självförtroende might look totally foreign to you at first, but let’s break it down. Själv means “self” and troende means “believing.” The för prefix is a common Germanic feature, linking the other two parts of the word and giving you “self-trust.”

  • Jag har misslyckats om och om igen i livet och det är därför jag lyckas. / “I’ve failed over and over and over again in life and that is why I have succeeded.”

Look carefully at the word lyckas (“success” / “to succeed”) in this example and in the previous one. Since this example begins with Jag har (“I have”), we know that we need to use the supine form lyckats in the root misslyckas (“to fail”). Confused by the word “supine”? Take a look at our Swedish Grammar page!

  • En arbetsam människa är bättre än en hop dagdrivare. / “A hard-working man is better than a crowd of loafers.”

In a sense, this quote is rather similar to “a bird in the hand…” Both compare the positive benefits of a small amount of completed action with a huge amount of unrealized action. As long as you’re doing something, you’re better off than those who are doing nothing. 

3. Quotes About Time

A Rainbow Over a Green Field

The following life quotes in Swedish touch on the topic of time and the influence it has on our lives.

  • Den som lever får se. / “He who lives shall see.”

Don’t worry, this is not a sentence you would hear before a duel breaks out! It means, “Only time will tell,” and in fact, it makes a bit more sense than the English equivalent. Time doesn’t reveal anything, but those who live through the experience will know how things work out.

  • Efter regn kommer solsken. / “After rain comes sunshine.”

This kind of sentiment exists in lots of different languages and cultures all over the world. Bad times always come to an end, and they’re always followed by good times. Also, note the word solsken (“sunshine”) in this phrase. This is a typical sound change present in Swedish, where the “sh” in English became sk in Swedish—but recall that sk has shifted its pronunciation and is now a breathy “sh” sound as well.

4. Quotes About Food

A Smorgasbord of Different Swedish Foods

Who doesn’t enjoy sitting down to a nice meal now and then? Food is a major aspect of any culture, so it should come as no surprise that they feature in several quotes and proverbs. Take the following quotes in Swedish for example.

  • Låt maten tysta mun. / “Let the food silence the mouth.”

Confused what this quote might mean? Well, if your mouth is silenced, it means you can’t talk with your mouth full! Despite the many tasty foods available in Swedish culture, it’s not polite to speak with your mouth full or to eat loudly. Remember that before you have to endure someone quoting this to you!

  • Ratar man agnarna, kan man lätt gå miste om kärnan. / “If we reject the chaff, we may easily lose the kernel.”

This quote is an agricultural equivalent of the English saying, “Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.” Don’t be so keen on discounting something because of its flaws that you ignore its benefits.

  • Bränn inte dina läppar på andras soppa. / “Don’t scald your lips on another’s soup.”

To get this quote locked in your memory, try and imagine a stern Swedish grandmother saying it at the dinner table. The meaning here is beautifully metaphorical: Don’t involve yourself too much in other people’s business, and you won’t become affected by their problems. 

5. Quotes About Love

A Couple Pressing Their Foreheads Together in Understanding

Are you madly in love with someone? Or maybe you’re a hopeless romantic? Either way, we think you’ll enjoy these love quotes in Swedish. 

  • Bättre älskat och förlorat än att aldrig ha älskat. / “Better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.”

Here we see the verb älskar (“to love”), which is an Old Norse word quite different from the noun form kärlek (“love”). You’re about to see an example of this noun form, too!

  • Gammal kärlek rostar aldrig. / “Old love never rusts.”

Out of these four words, three of them (all but rostar) are typical Scandinavian/Norse words with no clear equivalent in English. Kärlek (“love”) is actually a compound word made up of cognates, and would be something like “care-like” in English. But that’s so far removed from modern English that it doesn’t quite count as a transparent word.

6. Quotes About Family

A Little Girl Throwing Autumn Leaves

Family is a cornerstone of any society, and there are tons of quotes and proverbs regarding the topic. Here are a couple of quotes in Swedish about familial relationships and childhood. 

  • Sådan far, sådan son. / “Like father, like son.”

The word sådan actually has several possible translations. This version of the world-famous quote means that a son becomes very similar to his father in his manners and behavior. 

  • Barnaminnet är långt. / “Childhood memories last long.”

Here we have a typical example of Swedish compound noun formation. Barn means “child” (people in Scotland may recognize this term), and minnet means “memory.” The two words connect with an a and form barnaminnet (“children’s memories”).

7. Quotes About Friendship

Friends are one of life’s greatest joys and necessities. Here are a couple of friendship quotes in Swedish to warm your heart!

  • Vänner visar sin kärlek i svåra tider, inte i tider av lycka. / “Friends show their love in times of trouble, not in times of happiness.”

This quote translates almost word-for-word into English, so we’ll just focus on one point: In English, “times of trouble” is a set phrase, but in Swedish it’s actually “hard times.” 

  • Min bästa vän är den som tar fram det bästa i mig. / “My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me.”

Here we can see the Swedish verb tar (“to draw out”) combining with the adverb fram (“forward”) to form the verb phrase “to bring out.” Also note that we don’t say “the one who” in Swedish; we just say den som (“that which”). 

8. Quotes About Health

Lots of Healthy Foods

You should always prioritize your health, because good health is required to do more important things and achieve goals. Here are a couple of quotes in Swedish on the topic.

  • Det som inte dödar, härdar. / “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”

This classic quote is even more concise in Swedish. Here, we don’t have an object for either verb, and härdar is the equivalent of “to harden.” So in translation, we get: “What does not kill, hardens.”

  • Hårt bröd gör kinden röd. / “Hard bread makes the cheek red.”

When written with a space, hårt bröd simply means “hard bread.” This hard bread refers to the Swedish knäckebröd, a specific type of hard flatbread eaten in Scandinavia as a staple for centuries. This quote is similar to, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Even if apples or crispbread aren’t the most exciting foods, a steady and nourishing diet keeps you healthy. 

9. Quotes About Language Learning

Finally, let’s look at a couple of quotes about language learning. What better way to inspire you in your studies? 

  • Ett nytt språk är ett nytt liv. / “A new language is a new life.”

This one has a perfect one-to-one translation in English! This quote may resound particularly well with the many immigrants coming to Sweden to seek a better life—for them, learning Swedish well is an important step to take in their new lives in Sweden.

  • Gränserna för mitt språk är gränserna för min värld. / “The limits of my language are the limits of my world.”

Now that you’ve finished this list of Swedish quotes, do you feel your gränserna (“borders” / “limits”) expanding a bit?

10. Conclusion

As you can see, Swedish is such an accessible language for English speakers that you don’t even have to try that hard to see the links between the example sentences. 

The fact that learning these examples will make you sound like an educated, worldly person is just a bonus!

By the way, if you want to continue learning Swedish in a relaxed and easy way, sign up now for SwedishPod101! You’ll find tons of content in Swedish that will help you bridge the gap from total beginner to comfortable Swedish speaker. Enjoy our videos, podcasts, and articles just like this one, and start taking your Swedish to the next level today!

Before you go, let us know in the comments which of these Swedish quotes is your favorite, and why. We look forward to hearing from you!

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The 10 Best YouTube Channels to Learn the Swedish Language


Did you know that YouTube has more than 2 billion monthly users?

In fact, it’s one of our top go-to outlets for information and entertainment nowadays. 

Some of the best online content creators have chosen the platform to publish their content, and the amount and quality of video channels on YouTube far exceed that of any competition.

YouTube now serves as an amazing language immersion tool, as well. 

To give you a leg up on your hunt for the best YouTube channels to learn the Swedish language, we’ve compiled a list of our top ten recommendations. 

But first…how can you utilize this video sharing platform to make the most of your time? 

Taking full advantage of your personalized homepage is a great way to start. 

If all you watch is gaming videos, that’s all YouTube will send your way when you enter into their app or website. The same is true with anything else, be it cat videos, TikTok compilations, or rocket launches.

And if all you watch is Swedish videos?

Your homepage will be packed with Swedish content.

Heck, you can even change your country to Sweden to get their most trending videos, and you can subscribe to your favorite Swedish YouTube channels to make it even more personalized.

    ➜ Ready to dig in? First, you might want to learn some useful Swedish words for Talking About YouTube. 😉

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Swedish Table of Contents
  1. SwedishPod101
  2. Easy Swedish
  3. LearningSvenska
  4. Nackagubben
  5. Slow Swedish with Katrin Berndt
  6. Stefan Thyron
  7. Erik Edler
  8. IJustWantToBeCool
  9. TheSwedishLad
  10. Evan Thomas
  11. Conclusion

1. SwedishPod101

Category: Interactive Learning
Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

SwedishPod101 is by far the richest and most active Swedish learning YouTube channel. The full range of videos inspired by Innovative Language’s SwedishPod101 program makes it a go-to video resource for learners of all levels.

The best thing about SwedishPod101 is the 24/7 live stream. It provides such an immersive plug-and-play experience for those who prefer not to go through videos themselves and prefer a TV-like experience.

In addition, many of the videos on this channel offer free cheat sheets to download. This helps you increase your chances of remembering the information on the video by diversifying your learning and going even deeper into the topic you’re studying. For example, the video How to say “How do you say this in Swedish?” provides a cheat sheet with even more vocabulary than that covered in the video.

Overall it is a great channel for learners of all levels, and the quality of the videos is exceptionally good compared to the rest of the channels on our list.

2. Easy Swedish

Category: Street Interviews
Level: Easy, Intermediate, Advanced

Easy Swedish is part of the Easy Languages series. The Swedish learning content on the channel consists of street interviews with Swedes about a variety of interesting topics, mostly related to culture and society in Sweden.

The first episode, Typical Swedish, is a great watch to get a feel for the channel. Its most unique feature is the bilingual subtitles. Watching Easy Swedish enables you to learn about slang, culture, and Swedish in general.

3. LearningSvenska

Category: Language
Level: Beginner

Are you kind of old-school and just want a simple resource with no distractions whatsoever? If yes, LearningSvenska is exactly what you’re looking for. 

Most of the videos on this channel consist of simple vocabulary breakdowns with images and translations to help you memorize the words.

It’s worth checking out the video descriptions as well, as they sometimes happen to be in Swenglish (Swedish + English) and make a fun read. Here’s an example from the Fruits and Vegetables video description: “DO NOT FORGET att äta (to eat) more fruits every night instead of middag (dinner).”

4. Nackagubben

Category: Vlogging
Level: Beginner

Nackagubben is a Swedish YouTube channel that takes a fun approach to teaching foreigners about Sweden. It’s a great resource for those looking to immerse themselves in the culture and learn about some of the concerns or popular opinions of locals.

There are several videos on the channel related to other Scandinavian countries. A great example is the video Dear Denmark (an open letter), in which they make fun of things that work differently in Denmark than in Sweden, like the Danish grading system.

You can find other videos on the same channel about Finland and Norway, all from a Swedish point of view.

5. Slow Swedish with Katrin Berndt

Category: Vlogging
Level: Intermediate

This is my favorite individual Swedish content creator on YouTube. Berndt makes videos in slow Swedish, talking about topics ranging from her dream house, to solo travel (which Swedes do a lot of), to the coronavirus pandemic and how Sweden has handled it.

In her video Describing My Dream House, Berndt describes her dream home in detail using very slow Swedish, with both Swedish and English subtitles integrated within the video.

6.Stefan Thyron

Category: Vlogging
Level: Beginner

Stefan runs the perfect channel for people who want to understand the nuts and bolts of differences between Sweden and the United States. Stefan is an American expat who is well-integrated in the U.S.A., so his perspective is one many aspiring expats will need and appreciate.

One of my favorite videos is his Comparing Housing Prices In Sweden vs America, where he breaks down the prices of different homes in the U.S.A. and Sweden. He compares the prices in Dallas, Texas, and where he lives in Stockholm (Normalm).

7. Erik Edler

Category: Street Interviews
Beginner, Intermediate

Erik Edler takes a similar approach to that of Easy Swedish. He goes up to couples, families, and children at parks and public spots in Sweden, and just strikes up conversations about topics that may interest you (or the locals).

The biggest pro of this channel is the bilingual subtitles. Erik integrates transcripts in both English and Swedish within the videos. This makes his channel a great resource for intermediate learners, or even beginners who want to start getting their feet wet.

8. IJustWantToBeCool

Category: Comedy
Level: Advanced

Understanding comedy in a foreign language is a great indicator of mastery. As one of the most popular Swedish YouTube channels, IJustWantToBeCool is the resource for those who want to get familiar with Swedish comedy and basically anything slang-related. 

The channel provides no Swedish or English subtitles, and it’s not designed for Swedish learners in particular. Therefore, I recommend this channel for more advanced Swedish learners who want to brush up on their language skills.

9. TheSwedishLad  

Category: Vlogging
Level: Beginner

TheSwedishLad is a great channel for beginners who want to delve deeper into Swedish and pack in some new vocabulary to enrich their conversations. Martin—the owner of the channel—integrates both English and Swedish subtitles within the videos, making it the perfect channel for beginner learners. 

In a recent video (Building IKEA furniture), Martin breaks down the assembly of an IKEA chair in Swedish, supported by bilingual subtitles. 

There’s another category of videos on his channel, in which he brings up native speakers of languages such as German and Polish and challenges them to say certain Swedish expressions. Watching these videos could be a very fun and interactive way to examine and practice your own Swedish pronunciation. 

10. Evan Thomas

Category: Vlogging
Level: Starter, Beginner

One of the top Swedish YouTube channels for learners, this one features many videos of Evan and his Swedish partner sharing interesting insight and facts about Sweden. While it’s mostly not language-focused, it will give you an overview of what life in Sweden is like through both Swedish and American lenses.

11. Conclusion

Perfect! (Perfekt!) You’re one step ahead of everyone in your language immersion game. Have you already watched stuff from any of the Swedish language YouTube channels we mentioned? If so, feel free to share your thoughts on them in the comments below!

Make YouTube your first social media outlet to be mainly or partially Swedish, then slowly switch it up to other outlets.

Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate learner, or advanced learner, getting that “feel” of Swedish gives you a huge leg up. Swedes will find it easier to communicate with you when you make up for language with body gestures and cultural context.

Want to dig even further and take Swedish even more seriously?

SwedishPod101—the name of the first channel on the list and the website you’re reading this on—provides a full Swedish learning program that covers learners of all levels.

Picture an all-in-one platform with video, audio, and text content—all organized within a proven system—and you get a good image of what SwedishPod101 is like.

You can even use the efficient integrations on our website without having to resort to a textbook or other apps. If you want to save newly learned vocabulary, SwedishPod101 has a feature for doing just that (digital flashcards). If you want to compare your pronunciation to that of a native speaker’s, there’s a feature for that too. And the list goes on…

And the best part? You can try it all out for yourself with a free signup on the SwedishPod101 homepage.

Whether you want to use the app or the website, no credit card is required to get started.

Go to and take your Swedish to the next level.

Lyckligt lärande!
Happy learning!

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Learn the Best Compliments in Swedish for Any Occasion


What would you say to lift the spirits of a special person you know? No doubt, you have dozens of kind words that come to mind in English, but do you know many compliments in Swedish?

A compliment can be described as a polite expression of praise, admiration, encouragement or congratulations. It’s sometimes used in absolute sincerity and sometimes to flatter, but either way, human beings love to receive compliments!

Table of Contents

  1. The Importance of Compliments
  2. Compliments you always want to hear
  3. Conclusion

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1. The Importance of Compliments

Giving and receiving compliments is so important in society, that you can be considered rude if you’re a person who never acknowledges anyone. We all need to hear words of affirmation to feel good about ourselves or our achievements, whether big or small. Life is full of daily challenges that can feel overwhelming sometimes – both in terms of the things we have to accomplish and the way we look at the world.

Call it vanity, but it’s a basic human need to hear kindness and appreciation from other people. In the same way, we need to be giving out some of that kindness and helping others to feel good about themselves. Remember the saying “It’s better to give than to receive”? Well, that applies to compliments in a big way. The cool thing is that when you’re generous with your words, you more than likely will invite the same back from people.

So, where did this wonderful idea originate? The word ‘compliment’ has its origins in the mid-17th century; back then it meant ‘fulfilment of the requirements of courtesy’. There was a time when it was normal to compliment others upon meeting for the first time. In some cultures, that’s still the norm. If only we could have more of that today!

If you think about how much it means to receive a genuine compliment from someone whose opinion matters to you, it’s easy to reverse that and realize they probably feel the same way. There is no way around this: it’s vital to pay compliments to each and every person who is a part of your life, and to do so regularly and with sincerity.

2. Compliments you always want to hear

Smiling cat toys

The nuances in the type of personal compliments you’ve been hearing all your life are so deeply present with you by now, that you have a very specific emotional response to each of them. It will be a little different for each of us, since we’ve had different input from the people around us since childhood – especially from family and close friends – but we’re individually used to certain words and as a result, we can detect when they’re spoken with sincerity. How we perceive and receive compliments from specific people has a lot to do with how much we value them, too.

Put yourself in a foreign country and suddenly you’re having to think about the words you’re hearing, doing mental and emotional arithmetic to determine the speaker’s intent. It’s tricky business! When you’ve only been learning Swedish for a little while, you’ll get the gist, but some of the speaker’s truth might be lost on you.

Can you see where I’m going with this? When it comes to compliments in Swedish, do yourself a great favor and use them often. Learn the real meaning and impact of what you’re saying, and you’ll be able to start feeling those squishy emotional responses in no time. You’ll also be able to pay genuine compliments in Swedish that will win people over and earn you a valued place in their hearts.

A compliment in Swedish culture is as important as one in any other culture – perhaps even more so. Part of fitting into your new community means having a likeable and approachable nature, so bring on the compliments and start winning people over!

SwedishPod101 has fifteen great compliments to teach you for various situations. Enjoy!

Five hands giving a thumbs up against a cloudy blue sky

1- You’re handsome. – Du är snygg.

Do you know how to compliment a guy in Swedish? This is one of the best Swedish compliments you can pay a man if you want to make him feel attractive. What man doesn’t like to hear that he’s handsome? The younger generation may see it as quite an old-fashioned word, yet men of all ages respond well to “You’re handsome”.

There are many other ways to tell a guy that he’s good-looking, of course, but these particular words carry a timelessness that is only ever good. It doesn’t have any subtle meanings or flirtatious implications, so it’s pretty safe to say to a man who you have no romantic intentions with. Of course, it certainly can also be said romantically! As with most things, it’s all in the way you do it.

Girl kissing her laughing beau on the cheek

2- Great job! – Bra jobbat!

When you’ve worked really hard at something, you want your efforts to be appreciated. There isn’t one of us who doesn’t feel that way. You might know you’ve done a great job, but you need to know that other people have noticed and are appreciative of your effort. Otherwise, why bother giving it your all? Part of our basic makeup as humans is the need to be pleasing to others.

How much more so in a work environment, where your performance could determine the trajectory of your career? We seek validation from our bosses mainly because this is vital information that tells us whether we’re heading for success or failure.

Smiling woman giving a thumbs-up

3- Your resume is impressive. – Ditt CV är imponerande.

It’s pretty much a given that attending a job interview is going to be nerve-wracking and the first thing you want to be sure of is that your resume looks good to the interviewer. Hearing the above words will give you hope and help you to relax before the questions start. In other words, these are important Swedish praise words to know if you’re job-hunting. Next time you’re being interviewed by a Swedish boss, listen for these words, as they’re a positive sign.

In my experience working abroad, I found that the most important requirement interviewers had was just that they like me. By the time you get to the interview, you’ve already been screened, so what’s next in the deciding factor? It’s simple: chemistry. The energy between two people is a huge factor in how well you’ll work together, and that magic happens in the first ten minutes. First impressions go a long way!

Man and woman in an interview

4- Your inside is even more beautiful than your outside. – Din insida är ännu vackrare än din utsida.

Isn’t this just a wonderful compliment to hear? It sure is, and that makes it equally wonderful to give. If you meet someone who has a heart of gold, use these words!

Most women love to be complimented on their external beauty, but being seen as attractive can feel like a burden if it’s the only thing people notice. When paying compliments in Swedish to a woman, try to think of her personality and what her perception of your words will be. Women want different things from different people, and someone who cares about you will care a lot about how you see her on the inside. Looks are fleeting; the people we trust to stick around forever are those who’ve seen beneath the surface and still want in.

It seems to be true that the more self-aware and ‘conscious’ a person is, the more they’re going to appreciate being valued for their place and importance in this world, above their looks. Men or women – we’re the same in this way. It doesn’t mean you should stop telling people that they’re physically beautiful, just that you should balance it with thoughtful observations about the person’s character. Psychologically, we crave this balance and without it, insecurity gets a foot in the door.

Men are no different. Compliments directed to a man’s inner core are highly prized by guys. For his self-esteem, he needs to know he is valued for who he is deep down.

Pair of people enjoying themselves at a party

5- You make me want to be a better person. – Du får mig att vilja bli en bättre människa.

Do you know someone who inspires you so much, that their mere existence makes you want to move those metaphorical mountains and become the absolute best version of yourself?

This phrase is a lovely thing to say to someone who you care about on a personal level. It’s the kind of compliment reserved for the few special individuals who mean so much to us, that our greatest desire is to have them see us ‘becoming’ – not for anyone’s profit, but just for the sake of love and personal growth.

You might feel this way about a romantic partner, a very close friend or a family member. If you feel this way, don’t hold it in! That person needs to hear it. You will make them feel good and help them to know that the love they put into nurturing your heart is noticed. Chances are, they feel the same way about you.

When you look for the good in others, you start to see the good in yourself. It takes a bit of thought to come up with a string of kind words that convey maximum positive truth about the other person; in those moments, you’re being unselfish and considering their needs before your own. I genuinely believe that paying someone a heartfelt compliment is an act of self-love. After all, giving is more important than receiving. When you give out compliments that are true, you do the world a service and create beauty in your circle. What’s more, you invite reciprocated words of affirmation – whether from the same person, or someone else. When you give, it will inevitably come back to you.

Pair of women hugging and laughing

6- That jacket looks nice on you. – Den jackan ser bra ut på dig.

Men secretly love to be complimented on their clothes. Yup – it makes a man feel good to hear these words, especially since a favorite jacket is something he’ll wear often in cooler weather or to work. If the fabric brings out his eyes, tell him!

Learning some practical and more specific Swedish compliments like this one is a great idea, because it shows that you’ve actually thought about what you’re saying. Noticing details about a person’s outfit and commenting on them comes across well to the hearer and sounds more sincere than “You look good.” Think about the last time someone noticed your outfit, and you’ll know just what I mean. It makes you feel more confident as you go about your day.

Man showing off a jacket in front of a camera

7- I know that it was a tough project, but your performance exceeded my expectations. – Jag vet att det var ett tufft projekt, men din prestation överträffade mina förväntningar.

In the work environment, it’s vital to know some Swedish praise words that encourage, uplift and express real appreciation. In this sense, compliments can be a form of leadership; a good leader helps his or her team to grow by building them up and pushing them on.

If you hear these Swedish words, you can rest assured that your boss is very pleased with your work. If you’re a teacher at a Swedish high school, this is also a great phrase to encourage learners with when they’ve worked hard on a project.

8- You’re smart! – Du är smart!

Smart, clever, brainy – these are all synonyms for intelligence and one of the best compliments you can give. Everybody likes being thought of as smart, so here’s a compliment that can be used in both casual and formal settings. We say this to boost the self-esteem of kids, to praise our friends when they have good ideas and to express awe of a colleague in the workplace.

Being ‘smart’ can mean you make good choices in general, that you have a particular area you excel in, or even that you have an above-average IQ.

Everybody likes the idea of having a high IQ, but it’s not as simple to determine what that even means as we once thought. When I was studying to work in Asia, there was a lot of buzz about Multiple Intelligences Theory as a more accurate determination of intelligence than traditional IQ testing. The theory was developed by Doctor Howard Gardner and the critical reception was complex, to say the least.

Gardner argues that there is a wide range of cognitive abilities, but that there are only very weak correlations among them. For example, a child who learns to multiply easily is not necessarily more intelligent than a child who has difficulty with this task; the child who seems better at art might actually understand multiplication at a fundamentally deeper level. Humans have different learning styles; if one appears to have difficulty grasping a certain concept, the first step is to change the teaching approach.

We’re all smart in our own way, so remind your reflection of that each morning!

Young man holding a solved rubik's cube

9- You are an awesome friend. – Du är en fantastisk vän.

On a more personal note – how good does it make you feel to hear that your friend appreciates you? I’d say it’s right up there with the best kinds of ‘thank you’. Knowing this, it makes sense to learn this phrase in Swedish and use it next time your Swedish friend has done something selfless and amazing for you. Let them know with this compliment in Swedish and make their day.

The lovely thing about using these words is that they encourage even more acts of kindness and support from friends. When you put effort and energy into a friendship and aren’t afraid to share sentiments of love, such as this phrase, chances are the friendship will go the distance. If your sojourn in Sweden is more than a few weeks, you’re going to need a good friend or two, so hold on to this friendly phrase!

Two dogs running together, holding one stick

10- You have a great sense of humor. – Du har ett gott sinne för humor.

Did you know that chimpanzees, gorillas, bonobos, and orangutans engage in social laughter? It’s true! Laughter is an important form of social play that connects us and helps to relieve tension. It’s nice being around someone who makes us laugh or who finds us amusing.

I have a weird sense of humor that many people don’t get, but those who do seem to end up cry-laughing a lot in my presence and somehow that makes them my favorite humans. I’ve learned who I can and can’t be funny with. Have you had a similar experience?

Being able to tell someone that you like their sense of humor is important in your social circle. In fact, take these words along with you on a date. If he or she cracks you up, they will definitely appreciate hearing you say so in Swedish.

11- Your smile is beautiful. – Ditt leende är vackert.

When paying aesthetic compliments in Swedish, especially to a woman you don’t know very well, try to avoid talking about her body and say something like “Your smile is beautiful”, instead. It’s a guaranteed winner! It can be tricky complimenting women in this modern world, where ladies don’t always feel safe, but that’s no reason to stop expressing admiration altogether. Choose your words wisely and you’ll be well on your way to making their day!

Let’s not exclude men from this compliment, though – it’s an excellent choice for a guy you like and feel safe with. In fact, the beauty of this compliment is that you can say it to pretty much anyone, of any age, and it will likely be well-received. Next time you want to make a homeless person smile – this is the better word choice!


12- I love your cooking. – Jag älskar din matlagning.

If there’s one form of praise we can’t leave out, it’s how to give kudos for someone’s culinary skills. Swedish compliments for food are a must if you want to be invited back for another home-cooked dinner at the home of the local masterchef. As much as the street food is to die for, nothing beats the experience of an authentic home-cooked meal in Sweden. Be sure to read up on basic dining etiquette before you go, and don’t forget to download the Swedish WordPower app to your phone so you can confidently ask the cook for tips.

Man in a kitchen, tossing food in a wok

13. You have good taste. – Du har god smak.

My sister is one of those people who’d rather be complimented on her taste than on her personality, brains or looks. Do you know someone like that? It’s usually the girl or guy in your group who’s always well-dressed and probably has a full-on feng shui vibe in their home. If you meet someone in Sweden who loves their labels, only wears real leather and whose hair is always on-fleek, here’s a compliment they will appreciate.

To have good taste means knowing what is excellent and of good quality, with an eye for detecting subtle differences that make something genuine or not. People with good taste can discern what others find appealing, and tend to impress with their aesthetic choices. This friend will be the one you’ll go to when you aren’t sure what jacket to buy for your interview, or what gift to choose for your hosts.

So, is good taste about social conventions, or the genuine value of an item? Well, since it can refer to taste in music, art, design and fine wines as well as style choices, I think it’s an interesting combination of both. What do you think?

Well-dressed woman drinking red wine in a restaurant

14- You look gorgeous. – Du ser fantastisk ut.

“Gorgeous” makes me think of powder blue lakes, newborn babies, wild horses and Terrence Hill in the 80’s. Synonymous with ‘stunning’, it’s a word that means something beyond beautiful and as such, it’s one of the ultimate words of admiration. The dictionary suggests reserving this word for the kind of looks that take your breath away; in other words, save it for someone special – like a date you adore and definitely want to see again.

Does that mean you can only tell a captivating date that they look gorgeous? Of course not. You can say “You look gorgeous” to a friend dressed up to meet their beau, a child tolerating a bunny suit for the school play, or to anyone special who needs a confidence boost. As long as you’re being sincere, this is a wonderful phrase to express admiration.

Woman in a billowing red dress

15- You have a way with words. – Du har ett sätt med ord.

There’s always that one person in the group who’s great at articulating deep thoughts, writing intriguing social media posts or comforting others when they’re feeling low. Your companion with this skill is likely very empathetic and although the words seem to come easy for them, they might find it difficult to be vulnerable.

When your friend or lover has let their guard down and shown you that soft place, don’t be afraid to tell them that it’s good, because they need to hear it. “You have a way with words” is a meaningful phrase that lets them know they’ve made a positive impact and their words are wanted. Your kind compliment will ensure that their eloquent words keep coming.

Positive feelings

3. Conclusion

Next time you’re traveling or working in Sweden, keep an ear open for the compliments you’ve learned, as they might be aimed at you! If you’re taking time to listen to native speakers on our YouTube channels or with Audio Books, it will also help a lot with the accent. Familiarizing yourself with the sound of compliments in the Swedish culture is important for your journey and will make your overall experience more meaningful.

Being acknowledged by others helps us to feel accepted and secure, and these are two things we all want to feel when venturing into unfamiliar territory. Remember that although compliments have more impact in your own language, it’s only because you’ve spent a lifetime hearing them and have become accustomed to the fullness of their meaning. You can get there with Swedish, too – it just takes a little time.

Don’t forget the golden rule: give more than you receive! Paying compliments to the people you meet will not only give you excellent language practice, but the reward will be new friendships and positive vibes.

Here are a few more ways you can practice daily:

  • Chat online with the guys and gals in our learning community. Nothing beats real-time information on how people are currently speaking. It’s a good way to hear some Swedish colloquialisms.
  • Take time out to read. Reading is an excellent way to develop photographic memory of how the phrases look in Swedish. We have both iBooks and Kindle books to choose from.
  • There are also some fantastic free podcasts you can listen to on iTunes. They promise to get you speaking after the very first lesson.

One last thought I want to leave you with: don’t forget to receive a compliment with grace. You deserve to hear good words, so get used to smiling and just feeling the kindness with gratitude.

Well, time for me to go! I hope you’ve enjoyed learning these useful compliments with us at SwedishPod101 today. Now, go out and find some cool people who need to hear them!

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Get Angry in Swedish with Phrases for Any Situation!


Anger is a natural response to pain of some sort; when you’re angry, you’re angry with a cause and want someone to pay! It’s so much harder when you’re traveling, because your routines are off-kilter, there’s culture shock to deal with and the smallest problems can seem overwhelming. How do you handle someone who’s just pushed your last button?

At home, we often have a go-to person who is good at calming us down, but emotions are tricky to deal with in a foreign country. Sometimes people may treat you unfairly, but you’re completely baffled as to why. You have to remember that people in Sweden think differently to how you do and it’s not impossible to inadvertently cause offense. Don’t stress about it too much, because you’ll adapt! Once you feel at home in Sweden and people get to know you, it will be easy to flow with the local rhythm and handle tensions well.

This brings us to two obvious reasons why you should learn some angry phrases in Swedish: first, so you can understand when you’ve upset a Swedish person, and second, to have the vocabulary to tell a person off when they absolutely have it coming. Not only will you be far more likely to solve the problem if you know some appropriate angry Swedish phrases, but you’ll probably earn some respect, too! At SwedishPod101 we’re ready to help you articulate those feelings.

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Table of Contents

  1. Swedish phrases to use when you’re angry
  2. Feeling negative in Swedish
  3. Conclusion

1. Swedish phrases to use when you’re angry


Okay, so you’ve had a very frustrating day at your new teaching job in Sweden and all you want to do is chill on your bed with ice-cream and a Nook Book, but you come home to find your landlord in your apartment, apparently doing an inspection of your personal possessions. How do you handle it? Do you have an angry Swedish translation for “What the heck are you doing?”

If there’s one thing I’ve learned about confronting someone in their own country, it’s to press the pause button on my reactions and think first! Is my first thought worth expressing? Sometimes, you need to think like a chess player: if I make this move, what will happen next?

It’s always better to think ‘win-win’ in Sweden. A good tactic is to keep a mental note of your personal speed limit before engaging. After all, you want a positive outcome!

So, do you know how to say “I am angry” in Swedish? You will – SwedishPod101 is about to teach you how to get mad! Here are fifteen great angry phrases in Swedish.

1- It’s none of your business. – Det har du inte med att göra.

As a foreigner in Sweden, you’ll be a topic of interest. While most folks understand boundaries, there’s always that one individual who doesn’t!

Sometimes you feel that a person is getting way too involved in your affairs, and this expression is a commonly-used one for letting them know that. If said calmly and firmly, while looking them in the eye, it should do the trick and even earn you some respect.

Angry Blonde Girl Holding Up Her Hands to Warn Someone Away

2- I’m upset. – Jag är upprörd.

I find this phrase useful for times when I need to express annoyance to someone I can’t afford to lose my temper with. A boss, for instance. As long as you say it without yelling, this can be a polite way of letting someone know that you are feeling bad and that you want those feelings validated. No matter what has happened, the result is that you are troubled and need some time to get over it. Depending on how you say it, “I’m upset” can also be a subtle invitation for the other party to address the problem.

3- You’re not listening to me. – Du lyssnar inte på mig.

Isn’t this the most frustrating thing? You’re in a situation where you’re telling someone why you’re mad at them, but they just won’t look at the story from your point of view. Rather than resort to bad language, try to convince them to take a breather and hear you out. This expression is a great way to ask someone to stop talking and to listen to you properly.

Asian Couple Fighting Head-to-Head, Woman Blocking Her Ears

4- Watch your mouth. – Akta vad du säger.

Where have you heard this before? Let your mind go back to all the times you were cheeky and disrespectful in your youth… that’s right – it was your parents! If you’re on the receiving end, this angry phrase means that you said something you shouldn’t have. It has an authoritative, challenging tone and it implies that there could be consequences if you don’t stop.

So, when can you use it? Well, be careful with this one; it may very well get you in trouble if not used with caution. It can also be seen as very rude if used on anyone you don’t actually have authority over!

5- That’s enough. – Det räcker.

Depending on your tone of voice when you say this, you could be calmly telling someone to stop doing what they’re doing, or you could be sternly ordering them to stop. In Swedish, as in English, tone is key when it comes to making yourself understood. Just don’t be saying this to anyone, as it carries an authoritative tone and would be seen as rude if said to an older person.

Angry School Mistress Shaking a Ruler As If Reprimanding

6- Stop it. – Sluta.

One of the more common imperatives in any language, this is a basic way to warn somebody that you don’t like what they’re doing and want them to stop. You can use it in most situations where a person is getting under your skin. Often, “Stop it” precedes some of the weightier phrases one resorts to if the offender doesn’t stop and anger escalates. For this reason, I always add a “Please” and hope for the best!

7- Cut it out. – Lägg av.

I think parents and teachers everywhere, throughout time, have heard variations of this expression of annoyance for as long as we’ve had tweens and teens on Earth! It’s a go-to command, thrown about frequently between siblings and peers, to stop being irritating. You’d generally use this on people you consider your relative equals – even though in the moment, you probably consider them low enough to stomp on!

8- What the heck are you doing? – Vad sjutton håller du på med?

Here’s an interjection for those instances when you can scarcely believe what you’re seeing. It denotes incredulity ranging from mild disbelief to total disgust or dismay. You would typically use this when you want an action to stop immediately, because it’s wrong – at least, in your perception of things.

It may be worth remembering that the English word “heck” doesn’t have a direct translation in Swedish – or in other languages, for that matter; most translations are more accurately saying “What the hell.” We say “heck” in English as a euphemism, but that word is thought to come from “hex” – an ancient word for “spell” – so I don’t know which is better!

9- Who do you think you are? – Vem tror du att du är?

I avoid this expression as it makes me nervous! It’s quite confrontational. I’m reminded of the time a clerk in a busy cellular network service store was being rude to me and a rich-looking man came to my rescue, aiming this phrase at the clerk loudly and repeatedly. At first, I was relieved to have someone on my side, but I quickly grew embarrassed at the scene he was causing.

Using this phrase has a tendency to make you sound like you feel superior, so take it easy. The irony, of course, is that someone who provokes this response is taking a position of authority or privilege that they aren’t entitled to! Now you look like two bears having a stand-off.

They call this an ‘ad hominem’ argument, meaning the focus has shifted from attacking the problem, to attacking the person. So, is it a good phrase to use? That’s up to you. If you’re in the moment and someone’s attitude needs adjusting – go for it!

Man and Woman Arguing, with White Alphabet Letters Coming from the Man’s Mouth and White Question Marks Above the Woman

10- What?! – Vad?!

An expression of disbelief, this is frequently said mid-argument, in a heated tone, and it means you cannot believe what you’re hearing. In other words, it conveys the message that the other person is talking nonsense or lying.

11- I don’t want to talk to you. – Jag vill inte prata med dig.

This is a great bit of vocab for a traveler – especially for a woman traveling solo. Whether you’re being harassed while trying to read your Kindle on the train, or hit on by a drunk man in a bar, chances are that sooner or later, you will encounter a character you don’t wish to speak to.

The most straightforward way to make the message clear is to simply tell them, “I don’t want to talk to you”. If you feel threatened, be calm and use your body language: stand straight, look them in the eye and say the words firmly. Then move away deliberately. Hopefully, they will leave you alone. I’d go so far as to say learn this phrase off-by-heart and practice your pronunciation until you can say it like a strong modern Swedish woman!

Highly Annoyed Redhead Girl Holding Up Her Hands As If to Say “Stop!”

12- Are you kidding me? – Skämtar du med mig?

To be ‘kidding’ means to joke with someone in a childlike way and it’s used both in fun and in anger. Like some other expressions, it needs context for the mood to be clear, but it pretty much conveys annoyed disbelief. You can use it when a person says or does something unpleasantly surprising, or that seems unlikely to be serious or true. It’s a rhetorical question, of course; try to familiarize yourself with how it sounds in Swedish, so next time it’s aimed at you, you don’t hunt your inner Swedish lexicon for an answer!

Dark-haired Girl Giving a Very Dirty Look, with One Hand on Her Hip and Holding a Gift Box with Apparent Disgust

13- This is so frustrating. – Det här är så frustrerande.

Another way of showing someone you have an intense battle going on inside, is to just tell them you’re terribly frustrated and feeling desperate to find a solution. Use this expression! It can be a useful tool to bring the other person into your headspace and maybe even evoke some degree of empathy from them. More polite than many others, it’s a sentence that seems to say, “I beg you to work with me so we can resolve this!”

Asian Man Yelling, Bent Forward, with His Hands Held Up Next to His Head

14- Shut up. – Håll tyst.

The use of the phrase “shut up” to signify “hold one’s tongue” dates back to the sixteenth century and was even used by Shakespeare as an insult – with various creative twists! It’s been evolving ever since and there are variations in just about every language – proving that no matter where you come from, angry emotions are universal!

One example of old usage is a poem Rudyard Kipling wrote in 1892, where a seasoned military veteran says to the troops: “Now all you recruities what’s drafted to-day, You shut up your rag-box an’ ‘ark to my lay.”

Well, when I was twelve and full of spirit, I was taught that nice girls don’t say this. “Shut up” is an imperative that’s considered impolite; it’s one of those expressions people resort to when they either can’t think of better words to use, or simply can’t bear to listen to any more nonsense. Either way, it’s at the lower end of the smart argument scale. Like all angry phrases, though, it does have its uses!

15- So what? – Och?

When you don’t believe the other person’s defense argument legitimizes or justifies their actions, you might say these words. Basically, you’re telling them they need to come up with better logic!

Another time you could use this one, is when you simply don’t care for someone’s criticism of you. Perhaps you don’t agree with them, or they’re being unfair and you need to defend your position. “So what?” tells them you feel somewhat indignant and don’t believe you’re in the wrong.

2. Feeling negative in Swedish

Negative Feelings

What was the most recent negative emotion you felt? Were you nervous about an exam? Exhausted and homesick from lack of sleep? Maybe you felt frightened and confused about the impact COVID-19 would have on your travel plans. If you’re human, you have days when you just want the whole world to leave you alone – and that’s okay!

When you’re feeling blue, there’s only so much body language can do. Rather than keeping people guessing why you’re in a bad mood, just tell them! Your Swedish friends and colleagues will be much more likely to give you your space (or a hug) if they know what’s wrong. Not only that, but it’s nice to give new friends the opportunity to be supportive. Bring on the bonding!

The fastest way to learn to describe negative feelings in Sweden, is to get into the habit of identifying your own mood daily in Swedish. Here’s an easy way: in your travel journal, simply write down the Swedish word for how you feel each morning. You can get all the words directly from us at SwedishPod101. Remember, also, that we have a huge online community if you need a friend to talk to. We’ve got you!

3. Conclusion

Now that you know how to express your bad feelings in Swedish, why not check out some other cool things on our site? You can sign up for the amazing free lifetime account – it’s a great place to start learning!

And really – make the most of your alone time. After all, it’s been proven that learning a new language not only benefits cognitive abilities like intelligence and memory, but it also slows down the brain’s aging. So, on those days when you just need to be away from people, we have some brain-boosting suggestions that will lift your spirits:

  • Have you heard of Roku? A Roku player is a device that lets you easily enjoy streaming, which means accessing entertainment via the internet on your TV. We have over 30 languages you can learn with Innovative Language TV. Lie back and enjoy!
  • If you like your Apple devices, we have over 690 iPhone and iPad apps in over 40 languages – did you know that? The Visual Dictionary Pro, for example, is super fun and makes learning vocab easy. For Android lovers, we have over 100 apps on the Android market, too.
  • You can also just kick back on the couch and close your eyes, letting your headphones do the work with our audiobooks – great for learning the culture while you master the language. Similarly, if you’re more of a reader, we have some fantastic iBooks that are super interesting and fun for practicing your daily conversation skills.

Whatever your learning style (or your mood), you’ll find something that appeals to you at SwedishPod101. Come join us!

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Essential Vocabulary for Life Events in Swedish


What is the most defining moment you will face this year? From memories that you immortalize in a million photographs, to days you never wish to remember, one thing’s for certain: big life events change you. The great poet, Bukowski, said, “We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well, that death will tremble to take us.” The older I get, the more I agree with him!

Talking about significant events in our lives is part of every person’s journey, regardless of creed or culture. If you’re planning to stay in Sweden for more than a quick visit, you’re sure to need at least a few ‘life events’ phrases that you can use. After all, many of these are shared experiences, and it’s generally expected that we will show up with good manners and warm wishes.

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Table of Contents

  1. Life Events
  2. Marriage Proposal Lines
  3. Talking About Age
  4. Conclusion

1. Life Events

Do you know how to say “Happy New Year” in Swedish? Well, the New Year is a pretty big deal that the whole world is in on! We celebrate until midnight, make mindful resolutions, and fill the night sky with the same happy words in hundreds of languages. No doubt, then, that you’ll want to know how to say it like a local!

Big life events are not all about fun times, though. Real life happens even when you’re traveling, and certain terminology will be very helpful to know. From talking about your new job to wishing your neighbors “Merry Christmas” in Swedish, here at SwedishPod101, we’ve put together just the right vocabulary and phrases for you.

1- Birthday – födelsedag

If you’re like me, any excuse to bring out a pen and scribble a note is a good one. When there’s a birthday, even better: hello, handwriting!

Your Swedish friend will love hearing you wish them a “Happy birthday” in Swedish, but how much more will they appreciate a thoughtful written message? Whether you write it on their Facebook wall or buy a cute card, your effort in Swedish is sure to get them smiling! Write it like this:

Grattis på födelsedagen

Older Woman Blowing Out Candles on a Birthday Cake Surrounded by Friends.

Now that you know the words, I challenge you to put them to music and sing your own “Happy birthday” song in Swedish! It’s not impossible to figure out even more lyrics, once you start discovering the language from scratch.

2- Buy – köpa

If there’s a special occasion, you might want to buy somebody a gift. As long as you’ve checked out Swedish etiquette on gift-giving (do a Google search for this!), it will be a lovely gesture. If you’re not sure what to buy, how about the awesome and universally-appealing gift of language? That’s a gift that won’t stop giving!

Two Women at a Counter in a Bookstore, One Buying a Book

3- Retire – gå i pension

If you’re planning to expand your mind and retire in Sweden, you can use this word to tell people why you seem to be on a perpetual vacation!

Retirement is also a great time to learn a new language, don’t you think? And you don’t have to do it alone! These days it’s possible to connect to a vibrant learning community at the click of a button. The added benefit of a Daily Dose of Language is that it keeps your brain cells alive and curious about the world. After all, it’s never too late to realize those long-ignored dreams of traveling the globe…

4- Graduation – examen

When attending a graduation ceremony in Sweden, be prepared for a lot of formal language! It will be a great opportunity to listen carefully and see if you can pick up differences from the everyday Swedish you hear.

Lecturer or University Dean Congratulating and Handing Over Graduation Certificate to a Young Man on Graduation Day.

5- Promotion – befordran

Next to vacation time, receiving a promotion is the one career highlight almost everyone looks forward to. And why wouldn’t you? Sure, it means more responsibility, but it also means more money and benefits and – the part I love most – a change of scenery! Even something as simple as looking out a new office window would boost my mood.

6- Anniversary – årsdag

Some anniversaries we anticipate with excitement, others with apprehension. They are days marking significant events in our lives that can be shared with just one person, or with a whole nation. Whether it’s a special day for you and a loved one, or for someone else you know, this word is crucial to know if you want to wish them a happy anniversary in Swedish.

7- Funeral – begravning

We tend to be uncomfortable talking about funerals in the west, but it’s an important conversation for families to have. Around the world, there are many different customs and rituals for saying goodbye to deceased loved ones – some vastly different to our own. When traveling in Sweden, if you happen to find yourself the unwitting observer of a funeral, take a quiet moment to appreciate the cultural ethos; even this can be an enriching experience for you.

8- Travel – resa

Travel – my favorite thing to do! Everything about the experience is thrilling and the best cure for boredom, depression, and uncertainty about your future. You will surely be forever changed, fellow traveler! But you already know this, don’t you? Well, now that you’re on the road to total Swedish immersion, I hope you’ve downloaded our IOS apps and have your Nook Book handy to keep yourself entertained on those long bus rides.

Young Female Tourist with a Backpack Taking a Photo of the Arc de Triomphe

9- Graduate – ta examen

If you have yet to graduate from university, will you be job-hunting in Sweden afterward? Forward-looking companies sometimes recruit talented students who are still in their final year. Of course, you could also do your final year abroad as an international student – an amazing experience if you’d love to be intellectually challenged and make a rainbow of foreign friends!

10- Wedding – bröllop

One of the most-loved traditions that humans have thought up, which you’ll encounter anywhere in the world, is a wedding. With all that romance in the air and months spent on preparations, a wedding is typically a feel-good affair. Two people pledge their eternal love to each other, ladies cry, single men look around for potential partners, and everybody has a happy day of merrymaking.

Ah, but how diverse we are in our expression of love! You will find more wedding traditions around the world than you can possibly imagine. From reciting love quotes to marrying a tree, the options leave no excuse to be boring!

Married Couple During Reception, Sitting at Their Table While a Young Man Gives a Wedding Speech

11- Move – flytta

I love Sweden, but I’m a nomad and tend to move around a lot, even within one country. What are the biggest emotions you typically feel when moving house? The experts say moving is a highly stressful event, but I think that depends on the circumstances. Transitional periods in our lives are physically and mentally demanding, but changing your environment is also an exciting adventure that promises new tomorrows!

12- Be born – född

I was not born in 1993, nor was I born in Asia. I was born in the same year as Aishwarya Rai, Akon, and Monica Lewinsky, and on the same continent as Freddy Mercury. When and where were you born? More importantly – can you say it in Swedish?

13- Get a job – få ett jobb

The thought of looking for a job in a new country can be daunting, but English speakers are in great demand in Sweden – you just have to do some research, make a few friends and get out there! Also, arming yourself with a few Swedish introductions that you can both say and write will give you a confidence boost. For example, can you write your name in Swedish?

Group of People in Gear that Represent a Number of Occupations.

14- Die – dö

Death is a universal experience and the final curtain on all other life events. How important is it, then, to fully live before we die? If all you have is a passport, a bucket list, and a willingness to learn some lingo, you can manifest those dreams!

15- Home – hem

If home is where the heart is, then my home is on a jungle island completely surrounded by the turquoise ocean. Right now, though, home is an isolation room with a view of half a dry palm tree and a tangle of telephone wires.

If you’re traveling to Sweden for an extended stay, you’ll soon be moving into a new home quite unlike anything you’ve experienced before!

Large, Double-Story House with Lit Windows.

16- Job – jobb

What job do you do? Does it allow you much time for travel, or for working on this fascinating language that has (so rightfully) grabbed your attention? Whatever your job, you are no doubt contributing to society in a unique way. If you’re doing what you love, you’re already on the road to your dream. If not, just remember that every single task is one more skill to add to your arsenal. With that attitude, your dream job is coming!

17- Birth – födelse

Random question: do you know the birth rate of Sweden?

If you’re lucky enough to be invited to see a friend’s baby just after they are born, you’ll have all my respect and all my envy. There is nothing cuter! Depending on which part of the country you’re in, you may find yourself bearing witness to some pretty unexpected birth customs. Enjoy this privilege!

Crying Newborn Baby Held By a Doctor or Nurse in a Hospital Theatre

18- Engaged – förlova

EE Cummings said, “Lovers alone wear sunlight,” and I think that’s most true at the moment she says “yes.” Getting engaged is something young girls dream of with stars in their eyes, and it truly is a magical experience – from the proposal, to wearing an engagement ring, to the big reveal!

In the world of Instagram, there’s no end to the antics as imaginative couples try more and more outrageous ways to share their engagement with the world. I love an airport flashmob, myself, but I’d rather be proposed to on a secluded beach – salt, sand, and all!

Engagement customs around the world vary greatly, and Sweden is no exception when it comes to interesting traditions. Learning their unique romantic ways will inspire you for when your turn comes.

Speaking of romance, do you know how to say “Happy Valentine’s Day” in Swedish?

19- Marry – gifta

The one you marry will be the gem on a shore full of pebbles. They will be the one who truly mirrors your affection, shares your visions for the future, and wants all of you – the good, the bad and the inexplicable.

From thinking up a one-of-a-kind wedding, to having children, to growing old together, finding a twin flame to share life with is quite an accomplishment! Speaking of which…

2. Marriage Proposal Lines

Marriage Proposal Lines

Ah, that heart-stopping moment when your true love gets down on one knee to ask for your hand in marriage, breathlessly hoping that you’ll say “Yes!” If you haven’t experienced that – well, it feels pretty darn good, is all I can say! If you’re the one doing the asking, though, you’ve probably had weeks of insomnia agonizing over the perfect time, location and words to use.

Man on His Knee Proposing to a Woman on a Bridge.

How much more care should be taken if your love is from a different culture to yours? Well, by now you know her so well, that most of it should be easy to figure out. As long as you’ve considered her personal commitment to tradition, all you really need is a few words from the heart. Are you brave enough to say them in Swedish?

3. Talking About Age

Talking about Age

Part of the wonder of learning a new language is having the ability to strike up simple conversations with strangers. Asking about age in this context feels natural, as your intention is to practice friendly phrases – just be mindful of their point of view!

When I was 22, I loved being asked my age. Nowadays, if someone asks, I say, “Well, I’ve just started my fifth cat life.” Let them ponder that for a while.

In Sweden, it’s generally not desirable to ask an older woman her age for no good reason, but chatting about age with your peers is perfectly normal. Besides, you have to mention your birthday if you want to be thrown a birthday party!

4. Conclusion

Well, there you have it! With so many great new Swedish phrases to wish people with, can you think of someone who has a big event coming up? If you want to get even more creative, SwedishPod101 has much to inspire you with – come and check it out! Here’s just some of what we have on offer at SwedishPod101:

  • Free Resources: Sharing is caring, and for this reason, we share many free resources with our students. For instance, start learning Swedish with our basic online course by creating a lifetime account – for free! Also get free daily and iTunes lessons, free eBooks, free mobile apps, and free access to our blog and online community. Or how about free Vocabulary Lists? The Swedish dictionary is for exclusive use by our students, also for free. There’s so much to love about SwedishPod101…!
  • Innovative Learning Tools and Apps: We make it our priority to offer you the best learning tools! These include apps for iPhone, iPad, Android and Mac OSX; eBooks for Kindle, Nook, and iPad; audiobooks; Roku TV and so many more. This means that we took diverse lifestyles into account when we developed our courses, so you can learn anywhere, anytime on a device of your choice. How innovative!
  • Live Hosts and One-on-One Learning: Knowledgeable, energetic hosts present recorded video lessons, and are available for live teaching experiences if you upgrade. This means that in the videos, you get to watch them pronounce those tongue-twisters, as if you’re learning live! Add octane to your learning by upgrading to Premium Plus, and learn two times faster. You can have your very own Swedish teacher always with you, ensuring that you learn what you need, when you need to – what a wonderful opportunity to master a new language in record time!
  • Start Where You Are: You don’t know a single Swedish word? Not to worry, we’ve absolutely got this. Simply enroll in our Absolute Beginner Pathway and start speaking from Lesson 1! As your learning progresses, you can enroll in other pathways to match your Swedish level, at your own pace, in your own time, in your own place!

Learning a new language can only enrich your life, and could even open doors towards great opportunities! So don’t wonder if you’ll regret enrolling in SwedishPod101. It’s the most fun, easy way to learn Swedish.

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Celebrating International Women’s Day in Sweden

Celebrating International Women’s Day in Sweden

One day a year, in many countries around the world, there’s a holiday focusing on women—their rights, their achievements, and their future. In this article, you’ll learn about International Women’s Day in Sweden, the measures Sweden is taking to propel the cause for gender equality forward, and more.

Let’s get started.

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1. What is International Women’s Day?

In several countries around the world, International Women’s Day is a special holiday dedicated to women. On this day, there’s a focus on celebrating women, honoring their achievements, and encouraging more gains for women’s rights. This is when people really uppmärksamma, or “pay attention to,” particular issues that women face, such as the gender pay gap and other results of gender inequality.

International Women’s Day history really began around the year 1909, when the Socialist Party of America put on a special event for women in New York. The idea for a Women’s Day quickly spread to Europe, and in 1911, many European countries began celebrating.

Today, International Women’s Day continues to spread medvetenhet, or “awareness,” about the issues women face and seeks to show them respect and appreciation.

2. When is International Women’s Day?

A Woman with Exclamation and Question Marks Above Her Head

Each year, International Women’s Day takes place on March 8.

3. Women’s Day Celebrations

A Woman Sitting Next to an Older Lady and Holding Her Hand

One of the most common ways people celebrate International Women’s Day in Sweden is to give women gifts. Popular gifts include flowers, sweets, and even perfume or clothing! These gifts are usually given to women by their husbands, boyfriends, co-workers, or children. Sometimes, schools hold special sessions for Women’s Day to allow children to prepare cards or handmade gifts for their mothers.

More importantly, though, on International Women’s Day, Sweden does what it can to highlight the problems of ojämställdhet, or “inequality,” and kamp, or “struggle,” that women face each day around the world. On Women’s Day, Sweden holds events to encourage gender equality.

4. Gender Equality and Women’s Rights in Sweden

Woman Smelling a Bouquet of Flowers

In Sweden, gender equality is a huge deal, and numerous Swedes seek to spread the idea of gender equality to the rest of the world. One such example is climate change activist Greta Thunberg, who tweeted on International Women’s Day 2019 about the need for equality before greater change can happen.

The country is also working toward improving and increasing Swedish women’s rights. This is especially true in typical trouble areas, such as salary, participation in government, and violence against women. For example, the Swedish government has taken measures to ensure that there’s more equality in the number of parental leave days mothers and fathers take each year.

You can read more about Sweden’s efforts to promote gender equality and women’s rights on the Swedish government’s official website.

    → For some words related to The Workplace, check out our vocabulary list!

5. Essential Vocab for Women’s Day in Sweden

People Holding Each Other’s Wrists to Form a Ring of Unity

Ready to review some of the vocabulary words from this article? Here’s a list of the most important Swedish vocabulary for International Women’s Day!

  • Respektera — “Respect” [v.]
  • Kvinna — “Woman” [n.]
  • Ojämställdhet — “Inequality” [n.]
  • Rättighet — “Right” [n.]
  • Rösträtt — “Right to vote” [n.]
  • Uppmärksamma — “Pay attention to” [v.]
  • Ena — “Unify” [v.]
  • Kamp — “Struggle” [n.]
  • Socialism — “Socialism” [n.]
  • Förenta nationerna — “United Nations”
  • Medvetenhet — “Awareness” [n.]
  • Mänsklig rättighet — “Human rights” [n.]

To hear the pronunciation of each word, and to read them alongside relevant images, be sure to check out our Swedish International Women’s Day vocabulary list!

Final Thoughts

We hope you enjoyed learning about International Women’s Day in Sweden with us. Do you celebrate Women’s Day or a similar holiday in your country? Let us know in the comments!

If you’re fascinated with Swedish culture and can’t get enough, check out the following pages on

Whatever your reasons for developing an interest in Swedish culture or the language, know that is the best way to expand your knowledge and improve your skills. With tons of fun and immersive lessons for learners at every level, there’s something for everyone!

Create your free lifetime account today, and start learning with us.

Happy International Women’s Day from the SwedishPod101 family!

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Trettondagen: Celebrating Epiphany in Sweden

Epiphany in Sweden

On the Epiphany holiday, Sweden’s Christians celebrate the three wise men’s visit to Baby Jesus and the baptism of Jesus. In this article, you’ll learn more about this Christian holiday in Sweden, including why there’s currently some debate around it.

At, it’s our goal to ensure that every aspect of your language-learning journey is both fun and informative—starting with this article!

Ready? Let’s dive in.

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1. What is Epiphany?

The Christian holiday of Epiphany celebrates two key events in the life of Jesus: the visitation of the “three wise men” (tre vise männen) to see the “Baby Jesus” (Jesusbarn) and Jesus’ baptism by St. John the Baptist.

The Epiphany holiday in Sweden is considered one of the “red days,” which means that it was once a major Chrisitan holiday here. Members of the Church of Sweden and other dedicated Christians may still view it this way, but today, most people don’t celebrate Epiphany in Sweden religiously. In fact, many people don’t even know the origin or meaning of this holiday!

It’s currently debated how important this holiday is, and whether it’s even worth keeping. This debate has been going on for many years, but as of yet, Epiphany is still a public holiday in Sweden.

2. Epiphany Date

Wise Men on Camels

Each year, Sweden celebrates Epiphany tretton dagar efter jul, or “thirteen days after Christmas,” which falls on January 6th. This is also where the holiday gets its other name, Trettondedag Jul.

3. How do Swedes Celebrate Epiphany?

Family Taking a Walk

For Epiphany Day, Sweden doesn’t have many traditions. In times past, there was a popular tradition involving a stjärngossar, or “star boy,” who dressed in white clothing covered in stars and wore pointed hats. Similar to Trick-or-Treating in the United States, they would go around the neighborhood, singing and asking for candy. Today, this isn’t as popular a tradition.

In Sweden, holidays like this are often simply seen as days of rest and leisure. It’s a time for sleeping in, spending time with family, and just enjoying yourself!

4. Holiday Foods

As Epiphany is the last day of the Christmas season, some people may also indulge in some of their favorite holiday foods or sweets.

Christmas is a big food holiday in Sweden. The preparations begin as early as September, when the Glögg ( “mulled wine” ) begins to brew. It needs to brew until the first weekend of December, when Advent is celebrated. On December 13th, the dark country lights up with hundreds of Lucias as Swedes celebrate the feast of Saint Lucia with bright yellow safranbuns and mulled wine or coffee.

The Swedish Christmas table is a smörgasbord filled with salads, ham, meatballs, gravad lax, other types of fish, and potato dishes. These are some of the foods you may see on Swedish tables on Epiphany for those who really want to take advantage of it.

→ Want to learn more about Swedish food and sweets? Check out the lessons Top 5 Swedish Foods and Sweets and Desserts on

5. Must-Know Vocabulary for Epiphany in Sweden

Star Boys

Ready to review some of the vocabulary words we saw in this article? Here’s the essential Swedish vocabulary you should know for Epiphany!

  • Pengar — “Money”
  • Bibel — “Bible”
  • Stall — “Stable”
  • Trettondagen — “Epiphany”
  • Fest — “Party”
  • Stjärngosse — “Star boy”
  • Tre vise männen — “Three wise men”
  • Jesusbarn — “Baby Jesus”
  • Krubba — “Manger”
  • Skådespel — “Play”
  • Lång vandring — “Long walk”
  • Tretton dagar efter jul — “Thirteen days after Christmas”
  • Stjärnan över Betlehem — “The star over Bethlehem”

To hear each of these vocabulary words pronounced, and to read them alongside relevant images, be sure to check out our Swedish Epiphany vocabulary list.

Final Thoughts

We hope you enjoyed learning about Epiphany in Sweden with us!

Do you celebrate Epiphany in your country? If so, do celebrations differ from those in Sweden? Let us know in the comments!

If you’re interested in learning more about Swedish culture, or if you want some wintery words up your sleeve, you may find the following pages useful:

Learning Swedish doesn’t have to be boring or overwhelming—with, it can even be fun! If you’re serious about mastering the language, create your free lifetime account today.

Happy Swedish learning! 🙂

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The Swedish Calendar: Talking About Dates in Swedish


Did you know there are many different types of calendars?

As you probably know – a calendar is a system of organizing days in weeks and months for specific purposes, according to Wikipedia.

Worldwide, most countries use the Gregorian calendar. Some just work on the same framework, meaning that time is divided into units based on the earth’s movement around the sun – the “solar calendar”. Other calendars keep time by observing the moon’s movements, a combination of the moon and the sun’s movements, and seasons.

Through SwedishPod101, you can learn all about this and so much more! Our themed, culturally relevant lessons are skillfully designed so you can do your planning perfectly for a holiday or a date.

Having a good plan for a visit or a trip is like studying well for an exam. You’re just so much better prepared! For that, you could well need specific phrases to plan around appointments and such, especially on business trips. Make sure to use the charts we provide here with the days of the week in Swedish, as well as the months in Swedish to navigate your way as you plan. Great resources!

Also – always remember to have fun!

Table of Contents

  1. Why Will It Help To Know How To Talk About Dates in Swedish?
  2. Talking About your Plans
  3. Can SwedishPod101 Help You In Other Ways Too?

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1. Why Will It Help To Know How To Talk About Dates in Swedish?

Days of the Week

Well, that’s not a difficult question to answer. No matter why you’re travelling, it would be best to at least know the names of days and months in Swedish. You don’t want to miss your flight or an appointment because you confused “fredag” (Friday) with “lördag” (Saturday)! Or maybe you planned a holiday for “juli” (July), but you booked a flight for “juni” (June) by accident!

Avoid this confusion by learning the Swedish calendar before you leave.

Now, as promised, the 15 phrases to help you make and discuss plans.

2. Talking About your Plans

Months of the Year

Perhaps you’re working in Sweden, or maybe you’re enjoying a prolonged holiday. Fabulous! Memorize these phrases so you can be sure to successfully negotiate meetings, appointments, dates, events, the list goes on!

1. Vad ska du göra den här helgen?

“What are you doing this weekend?”

This question is usually a preamble to inviting someone somewhere. Given that it’s over the weekend, it probably means a casual get-together or another social event. (But not necessarily! A manager or boss could also ask this for entirely different reasons.)

It’s a handy phrase to know when you’ve made Swedish or expat friends in the country. Or, be the one doing the inviting. Then train your ear to learn the following phrases so you can understand the response.

2. Jag reser i helgen.

“I am traveling this weekend.”

This could be a reply if you’re not available because you’re doing other fun stuff.

No matter why you are visiting Sweden, do take the time to explore the country! It’s beautiful and it has so many wonderful, interesting spots ready to be visited.

Couple at booking in Desk

3. Jag planerar att stanna hemma.

“I am planning to stay at home.”

Maybe you feel unwell, but don’t want to give too much information? Or maybe you have work to do? Perhaps you just need some quiet gardening time…it doesn’t matter. This response is polite and honest without oversharing.

It could also be a slightly open-ended response, depending on how you deliver it. Because hey, being home could still mean your plans are flexible, right?

That said – depending on your relationship with the inviter, nuances like these will probably not be so apparent in a foreign culture. So, best to use this excuse for declining an invitation only if you are truly set on staying in.

Woman Doing Gardening

4. Den här veckan är jag upptagen.

“This week I am busy.”

Another polite phrase that gives a reason for declining an invitation but without oversharing details.

Don’t decline too many invitations, though! You don’t want people to think that you’re too busy to hang out with them. They will stop inviting you out, and you know how the saying goes – all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy…! Being social is good for the soul.

5. Jag är ledig imorgon.

“I am free tomorrow.”

Yay! Perhaps you were approached by that person and they asked about your availability for a date. This would be a fine reply. Not too eager, but still indicating that you’re interested.

Or maybe you’re just replying to a colleague or manager’s request for a meeting. Polite, honest and clear.

Alternatively, you’re just busy right now, and plans are not going the way they were…well, planned. Compromise is a lovely thing! And this phrase sounds just like that.

Use it to indicate that you want to accommodate an invitation or the inviter’s plans, despite your current unavailability. Only if you are really free, of course.

6. Kan vi boka om det här?

“Can we reschedule this?”

So, life happened and you are unable to meet obligations or attend a planned meeting. This is a suitable question to ask if you wish to indicate your willingness to still engage with whatever is on the table.

Obviously you should (ideally) not ask to reschedule a party or big meeting! (Unless you’re the boss or it’s your own party, of course.) But if there’s reasonable wiggle room regarding arrangements, then this one’s your question.

Business Man Sitting with Schedule

7. Jag kommer att ha tillräckligt med tid i slutet på månaden.

“I will have enough time at the end of the month.”

A go-to phrase when events or activities are likely to take up a lot of your time, such as going away for a weekend, spending the day at a local market, or writing your manager’s quarterly report (with 20 flow-charts in Powerpoint) – anything that won’t only take an hour or two.

8. Vilken tid passar dig bäst?

“When is the best time that suits you?”

Remember phrase #5? That was a possible reply to this question. Asked by your crush, very possibly! Or, it could be asked by any other person for any other reason, doesn’t matter.

If this is addressed to you, it usually means that the person respects your time and schedule, which is a good thing. It probably also means that their own schedule is flexible, another good thing.

This is also a polite question to ask when a manager or senior colleague wants to meet with you. Let them decide on the time, and be as accommodating as possible. This attitude shows respect for seniority – good for career building. (Within reason, of course. You don’t need to postpone your wedding or your paid-up holiday to Australia because your manager wants to see you.)

Screen Tablet Hotel

9. Är det här datumet OK för dig?

“Is this date OK with you?”

But – if the other party insists that you choose a time for a meeting, appointment, or date etc., then do so! Respond with this nice, somewhat casual question that leaves space for negotiation, but only needs a simple reply.

Suitable for friends, and casual acquaintances and colleagues.

10. Är du tillgänglig den dagen?

“Are you available on that day?”

This is the a-bit-more-formal version of the previous question. Again, it has room for negotiation, but only needs a simple response – nice and neat!

Maybe this is the go-to question when you’re addressing your seniors at work, or a person much older than you.

11. Kan vi göra det så snart som möjligt?

“Can we do it as soon as possible?”

This question has an urgency to it that should preferably be responded to with the same. A simple reply will be good – yes or no. Less negotiable, this is still polite because it’s a question that gives you a choice.

But stand ready with one of the phrases in this article to help tie down a time and date!

Couple Getting Engaged on a Bridge

12. Jag är tillgänglig varje kväll.

“I’m available every evening”

If you’re going to reply with this phrase, context is everything.

– If it’s your manager asking you to put in a bit of overtime, and you are available to – great reply! When deadlines are tight and everybody is stressing, your willingness to go the extra mile can only improve your relationship with your boss.

(Still, no need to be a doormat! If you get asked to work overtime too often, or if everyone else is goofing around while you have to graft, then re-evaluate the situation. And if you feel you’re being exploited a bit, don’t stress! Equip yourself with the diplomatic, yet assertive responses right in this article.)

– If it’s an old friend or longtime significant other asking to hang out – good reply. You know one another and appearances don’t matter any longer.

– If it’s a new crush who just asked when you’d be available for a date – stop. Not such a great reply. Tone down a bit! “Interested but not overly eager” is what you’re going for here.

Refer back to response #5, or use a counter-question, such as #1. Whatever suits you.

But if they – or anyone else – invite you to scale the Himalayas with them, then the next phrase will probably be the only sane response!

Mountaineer in Snow

13. Jag måste planera detta i god tid.

“I need to plan this well in advance.”

So, as said under #9, perhaps you’re invited to join someone conquer the Himalayas.

Or your company manager wants you to plan the Party that Tops All Year-End Parties Forever.

Simply – if you get asked to do something that you know will need a lot of thorough planning, this is a good phrase to respond with.

It’s an assertive phrase that demonstrates two things regarding your attitude:

a) That you know your own abilities, and respect your own schedule.
b) That your respect other people’s time and schedule too.

Then just be sure to actually do that planning well in advance!

14. Vi måste hitta ett annat datum.

“We need to find another date.”

So, you’re in negotiations regarding a date.

This is an assertive statement that should probably not be used with a “My way or the highway” attitude.

That stuff only works in the movies – think sharp-tongued Samuel L. Jackson. Or fierce Kristen Stewart. Yea, they can be scary, so tone down that tone.

Also, be mindful that fickle people who change plans all the time don’t keep friends! Taking others’ needs into consideration, while simultaneously having your way is a delicate art that takes proper cultivation. Use this phrase sparingly – we have better ones here to negotiate with.

Rock Concert Hands in the Air

Of course, if your planned trip to the dentist falls on the same day as the only Billie Eilish concert close by…well, priorities are priorities. Feel free to call the dentist with this phrase. Or even better, use the next one.

15. Jag kan inte göra det på den dagen.

“I cannot do it on that day.”

This is the low-key-but-still-firm cousin of the previous phrase. You’re stating a personal fact, and depending on your tone, this can be as non-negotiable as you prefer.

Again, only use this when you really mean it, if you’re visiting Sweden or any other foreign country.

So, that’s it, folks! Which phrase did you find the most helpful? Let us know in the comments!

3. Can SwedishPod101 Help You In Other Ways Too?


Well yes, of course!

We think you will find these phrases easy to use when talking about dates and months in Swedish. But knowing how to employ them properly could help you avoid sticky situations!

SwedishPod101 is uniquely geared to help you with this and so much more.

This initiative is one of many online language-learning courses. With us, you’ll find it easy and fun to learn a new language, and here are a few reasons why:

  • Immediately upon enrollment, you’ll receive hundreds of well-designed lessons to get you going.
  • Watch superb recordings of native Swedish speakers in cool slide-shows – the easy way to practice till you sound just like a native speaker yourself!
  • Also immediately upon enrollment, you’ll get access to a huge library of free resources! These include extensive, theme-based Vocabulary Lists and a Word of the Day List (For free, hot bargains!) These alone are sure to give your vocab-learning boxing gloves.
  • You’ll also immediately be able to use an excellent and free Swedish online dictionary. Necessary for quick, handy translations, no matter where you find yourself.
  • For the serious learner, there are numerous enrollment upgrades available, one of which offers you a personal, online Swedish host. Allow us to hold your hand and support you in your learning!

If you’re serious about mastering Swedish easily yet correctly, SwedishPod101 is definitely one of, if not the best, online language learning platforms available. Talking about your plans or dates in Swedish need not ever spoil your stay.

So, hurry up—enroll today!

Learn How to Talk About Your Family in Swedish


Did you know that only some reptiles and birds don’t parent their offspring? Except for crocodiles, all reptiles (and one family of bird species called megapodes) hatch from eggs and grow up alone, without any family.

The rest of us need family if we are to survive and thrive – humans and animals alike!

At SwedishPod101, we know how important family is. Therefore, we take care to teach you all the important vocabulary and phrases pertaining to family.

Table of Contents

  1. Why Is It Important to Know Swedish Vocabulary about Family?
  2. Learn a New Culture? Learn its Family Vocab first
  3. How SwedishPod101 Can Help You Learn Swedish Family Terms

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1. Why Is It Important to Know Swedish Vocabulary about Family?

Lioness with Cub

Well, if you’re serious about studying any new language, then learning about the most important social unit in Swedish culture would be a crucial part of your education.

What is family, though? Strictly speaking, it’s a group of people who live together and are supposed to take care of one another. Some of them are genetically linked.

Family isn’t just about who we’re related to by blood, of course. It’s also one of the main influences in shaping every child’s life.

Family is Important for Children’s Healthy Development

Phrases Parents Say

Family is the single most important influence in a child’s life. Children depend on parents and family to protect them and provide for their needs from the day they were born.

Primary caregivers, which usually comprise parents and family, form a child’s first relationships. They are a child’s first teachers and are role models that show kids how to act and experience the world around them.

By nurturing and teaching children during their early years, families play an important role in making sure children are ready to learn when they enter school.

Families Can Take All Shapes and Sizes

However, the way families are put together is by no means standard.

Mom and Daughter

Single-parent and same-gender households have become a new norm the past few decades, and there’s no shame in this. When there is love, connection and proper care, a child can thrive anywhere.

Everyone also knows that sometimes friends can become like family and remain with us for life, because it’s all about human connection.

After all, we share many commonalities simply because we’re human, and we are programmed to connect with one another and belong to a group. This is very important for our well-being and survival.

It’s All About Feeling Connected

As John Northman, a psychologist from Buffalo, NY, told WebMD – feeling connected to others contributes to mental as well as physical health.

He pointed out that when people feel connected, they feel better physically, and they’re also less likely to feel depressed.

Couples Chatting

Or, if they do feel depressed, they’d be in a better position to get out of it when they feel they are connecting with others. This is because they would be psychologically supported too, Northman said.

There has even been some links drawn between addiction and feeling disconnected from others. According to an article in Psychology Today, research indicates that addiction is not solely a substance disorder, but also affected by people feeling insecurely attached to others.

It showed that securely attached individuals tend to feel comfortable in and enjoy life, while insecurely attached people typically struggle to fit in and connect.

2. Learn a New Culture? Learn its Family Vocab first

So, it’s clear that for most of us, family is our entry point into connection and belonging. This is true of every culture, so in every country, family takes prominence.

For this reason, SwedishPod101 offers culturally-relevant lessons that will equip you well to understand families in Sweden.

Here are some of the most important Swedish vocabulary and quotes about family and parenting!

A) Swedish Family Vocabulary

Let’s start with the basic vocabulary. Without this collection of words, you’ll have a hard time describing any member of your family at all.

Family Terms
Great grandfather
gammelfarfar or gammelmorfar
mormor (mother’s mother), farmor (father’s mother)
morfar (mother’s father), farfar (father’s father)
faster (father’s sister) or moster (mother’s sister)
farbror (father’s brother) or morbror (mother’s brother)
Younger sister
Younger brother
Older brother
Great grandmother
gammelfarmor or gammelmormor

Family of Three

B) Quotes About Family

Swedish Family Quotes

One of the ways to improve your Swedish language skills is by memorizing quotes from books, or poems.

Either source some from Swedish literature, or make use of ours!

Du väljer inte din familj. De är Guds gåva till dig, liksom du är till dem.

“You don’t choose your family. They are God’s gift to you, as you are to them.” – Desmond Tutu

Familjen är inte en viktig sak. Den är allt.

“Family is not an important thing. It’s everything.” – Michael J. Fox

Familj betyder att ingen blir kvar eller glömd.

“Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten.” – David Ogden Stiers

Min familj är min styrka och min svaghet.

“My family is my strength and my weakness.” – Aishwarya Rai

Familjen är ett av naturens mästerverk.

“The family is one of nature’s masterpieces.” – George Santayana

När problem kommer, är det din familj som stödjer dig.

“When trouble comes, it’s your family that supports you.” – Guy Lafleur

Familjen är den första grundläggande cellen av det mänskliga samhället.

“The family is the first essential cell of human society.” – Pope John XXIII

Det finns inget sådant som är kul för hela familjen.

“There is no such thing as fun for the whole family.” – Jerry Seinfeld

Du måste försvara din ära. Och din familj.

“You have to defend your honor. And your family.” – Suzanne Vega

Alla lyckliga familjer är likadana; varje olycklig familj är olycklig på sitt eget sätt.

“All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” – Leo Tolstoy

C) Test Your Knowledge!

Do you feel you have learned a lot in this blog? Let’s quickly test that!

In the table below, match the Swedish vocabulary on the left with the definition of the relative in the right column.

Relative Name Definition
1. släkt a. My male child
2. mamma b. My older male sibling
3. pappa c. My female sibling
4. fru d. My child’s child
5. make e. My child’s female child
6. förälder f. My female parent
7. barn g. My grandparent’s mother
8. dotter h. Mother to one of my parents
9. son i. Relatives
10. syster j. My female child
11. bror k. My younger male sibling
12. lillasyster l. Male spouse
13. lillebror m. The father of one of my parents
14. storebror n. My child’s male child
15. gammelfarmor or gammelmormor o. My children’s father or mother
16. gammelfarfar or gammelmorfar p. The sister of one of my parents
17. mormor or farmor q. The brother of one of my parents
18. farfar or morfar r. My male parent
19. barnbarn s. My sibling’s female child
20. barnbarn t. My sibling’s male child
21. barnbarn u. My male sibling
22. faster or moster v. My parents’ sibling’s child
23. farbror or morbror w. Female spouse
24. systerdotter x. The grandfather of one of my parents
25. brorson y. The person I am a parent to
26. kusin z. My younger female sibling

How did it go? Don’t worry if you had trouble with it – you’ll get there! With a bit of practice, and our help at SwedishPod101, you’ll soon have these family terms under the belt.

Family Shopping

3. How SwedishPod101 Can Help You Learn Swedish Family Terms

We hope that we helped you expand your family in Swedish vocabulary!

SwedishPod101, with its innovative online learning system, stands out among online learning platforms to help you master Swedish easily.

Our lessons are tailored not only to increase your language skills, but to also inform you of Swedish culture, including the Swedish family structure.

When you sign up, you will get instant access to tools like:

1 – An extensive vocabulary list, regularly updated
2 – A new Swedish word to learn every day
3 – Quick access to the Swedish Key Phrase List
4 – A free Swedish online dictionary
5 – The excellent 100 Core Swedish Word List
6 – An almost limitless Lesson Library for learners of all levels

Further speed up your learning with the help of a personal tutor, who will first assess your current Swedish language abilities to personalize your training and tailor it to your needs.

Hard work always pays off, and to help you in this, SwedishPod101 will be there every step of the way toward your Swedish mastery!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Family Phrases in Swedish

Answers: 1.i. 2.f. 3.r. 4.w. 5.l. 6.o. 7.y. 8.j. 9.a. 10.c. 11.u. 12.z. 13.k. 14.b. 15.g 16.x. 17.h. 18.m. 19.d. 20.e. 21.n. 22.p. 23.q. 24.s. 25.t. 26.v.

How To Post In Perfect Swedish on Social Media


You’re learning to speak Swedish, and it’s going well. Your confidence is growing! So much so that you feel ready to share your experiences on social media—in Swedish.

At Learn Swedish, we make this easy for you to get it right the first time. Post like a boss with these phrases and guidelines, and get to practice your Swedish in the process.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Swedish

1. Talking about Your Restaurant Visit in Swedish

Eating out is fun, and often an experience you’d want to share. Take a pic, and start a conversation on social media in Swedish. Your friend will be amazed by your language skills…and perhaps your taste in restaurants!

Anders eats at a restaurant with his friends, posts an image of it, and leaves this comment:


Let’s break down Anders’s post.

Äntligen fredag! Testar Slussen’s nya restaurang!
“Finally Friday! Trying out Slussen’s new restaurant!”

1- Äntligen fredag!

First is an expression meaning “Finally Friday!.”
An expression that is frequently used in Swedish, implying that the weekend is just around the corner, since Swedish people mostly work Mon-Fri.

2- Testar Slussen’s nya restaurang.

Then comes the phrase – “Trying out Slussen’s new restaurant. .”
“Testar” means to try out, and is often used when someone tries something for the first time. For example, a restaurant, a product or an activity. “Slussen” is the name of an area in Stockholm.


In response, Anders’ friends leave some comments.

1- Smaklig måltid!

His girlfriend, Amanda, uses an expression meaning – “Have a nice meal!”
Use this expression to show you want your friend to have a good time.

2- Njut!

His neighbor, Caroline, uses an expression meaning – “Enjoy!”
Use this expression to show you are feeling warm-hearted.

3- Åh, vad avis jag är! Jobbar hela helgen!

His high school friend, Molly, uses an expression meaning – “Oh, I’m so jealous! Working all weekend!”
Use this expression to express that you wish you could be there too.

4- Hört att det är lite på den dyra sidan.

His girlfriend’s nephew, Alex, uses an expression meaning – “I’ve heard that it’s a bit on the expensive side. ”
Use this expression to show you are worried about the pricing of the food. This doesn’t have to be a cynical or negative comment; it’s just an observation. But take care not to post too many comments that could put out someone’s positivity!


Find below the key vocabulary for this lesson:

  • testar: “to try”
  • måltid: “meal”
  • njut: “enjoy”
  • avis: “jealous”
  • den dyra sidan: “the expensive side”
  • So, let’s practice a bit. If a friend posted something about having dinner with friends, which phrase would you use?

    Now go visit a Swedish restaurant, and wow the staff with your language skills!

    2. Post about Your Mall Visit in Swedish

    Another super topic for social media is shopping—everybody does it, most people love it, and your friends on social media are probably curious about your shopping sprees! Share these Swedish phrases in posts when you visit a mall.

    Amanda shops with her sister at the mall, posts an image of it, and leaves this comment:


    Let’s break down Amanda’s post.

    Hittade snyggaste brillorna i stan!
    “Found the nicest glasses in town!”

    1- Hittade snyggaste brillorna…

    First is an expression meaning “Found the nicest glasses….”
    Brillor’ is slang for ‘glasses’ or ‘sunglasses’. The phrase “Hittade snyggaste …” can be used in a lot of different contexts.

    2- … i stan!

    Then comes the phrase – “… in town!.”
    …i stan’ is a phrase that is added at the end of a sentence, such as ‘bästa restaurangen i stan’, meaning ‘the best restaurant in town’.


    In response, Amanda’s friends leave some comments.

    1- Har inte du redan typ tio par…?

    Her boyfriend, Anders, uses an expression meaning – “Don’t you already have like ten pairs…?”
    Use this expression to show you are questioning if the person needs any more. It can also be somewhat humorous.

    2- Snygging!

    Her neighbor, Caroline, uses an expression meaning – “Hottie!”
    Use this expression to compliment someone on their looks.

    3- Ser bra ut!

    Her high school friend, Molly, uses an expression meaning – “Looking good!”
    Use this casual expression to note that someone looks good.

    4- Sommaren är väl slut snart?

    Her nephew, Alex, uses an expression meaning – “Isn’t summer over soon?”
    This questions the wisdom of the purchase. A valid comment, but unless the poster is feeling humorous and teasing the poster, this could come across as a negative and critisizing comment.


    Find below the key vocabulary for this lesson:

  • brillor: “glasses, sunglasses”
  • typ: “like”
  • snygging: “hottie”
  • Ser bra ut!: “Looking good!”
  • väl: “well”
  • So, if a friend posted something about going shopping, which phrase would you use?

    3. Talking about a Sport Day in Swedish

    Sports events, whether you’re the spectator or the sports person, offer fantastic opportunities for great social media posts. Learn some handy phrases and vocabulary to start a sport-on-the-beach conversation in Swedish.

    Anders plays with his friends at the beach, posts an image of it, and leaves this comment:


    Let’s break down Anders’s post.

    “Here we go! Blue versus red, come on!”

    1- Nu kör vi!

    First is an expression meaning “Here we go!.”
    “Kör” actually means drive, but in the expression “Nu kör vi” or “nu kör jag,” it means “here we go”, or “here I go”. It’s usually said in situations where a person is about to take a risk or attempt something. For example, a sports game, testing out something new, cleaning out the house, etc.

    2- Kom igen!

    Then comes the phrase – “Come on!.”
    Kom igen! is similar to the English phrase “Come on!”. This phrase is used when cheering someone up, or cheering for someone, but it can also be used sarcastically like the English “Come on!”


    In response, Anders’s friends leave some comments.

    1- Nu kör vi! Blå mot röd, kom igen!

    His girlfriend, Amanda, uses an expression meaning – “You’re not forgetting dinner tonight, right?”
    Use this expression to show you are feeling like the person may have forgotten previously-made plans.

    2- Du låter taggad!

    His neighbor, Caroline, uses an expression meaning – “You sound psyched!”
    Use this expression to show you are being supportive.

    3- Vi vill se bilder!

    His high school friend, Molly, uses an expression meaning – “We want to see pictures!”
    Use this expression to show that you are engaged in what’s happening.

    4- Ha så kul men trampa inte på glas!

    His girlfriend’s nephew, Alex, uses an expression meaning – “Have fun, but don’t step on glass!”
    This is a well-wish, with an expression of concern about the poster’s wellbeing.


    Find below the key vocabulary for this lesson:

  • mot: “against”
  • att glömma: “to forget”
  • taggad: “psyched”
  • bild: “photo”
  • att trampa: “to step”
  • Which phrase would you use if a friend posted something about sports?

    But sport is not the only thing you can play! Play some music, and share it on social media.

    4. Share a Song on Social Media in Swedish

    Music is the language of the soul, they say. So, don’t hold back—share what touches your soul with your friends!

    Amanda shares a song she just heard at a party, posts an image of the artist, and leaves this comment:


    Let’s break down Amanda’s post.

    Kan inte sluta lyssna på Rihannas nya låt! Älska!
    “Can’t stop listening to Rihanna’s new song! Love!”

    1- Kan inte sluta…

    First is an expression meaning “Can’t stop….”
    This is a common expression on social media. It just means that the person cannot stop doing something. For example: “I can’t stop eating chocolate”, or “I can’t stop listening to this song”.

    2- Älska!

    Then comes the phrase – “Love!.”
    Älska is used to express your love or strong feelings for something. It’s used very similar to Facebook’s “Like” button. Instead of a long sentence explaining that you like or love something, you just write “Älska” on social media.


    In response, Amanda’s friends leave some comments.

    1- Jag vet… Kan texten utantill nu älskling…

    Her boyfriend, Anders, uses an expression meaning – “I know… I know the lyrics by heart now, honey.”
    Use this expression to show you are want to show that you are aware of the information, but in a nice way.

    2- Åh, den är skitbra!

    Her neighbor, Caroline, uses an expression meaning – “Oh, it’s awesome!”
    Use this expression to show you are feeling supportive and appreciative of whatever what was posted.

    3- Har du hört hennes låt Stay?

    Her high school friend, Molly, uses an expression meaning – “Have you heard her song ‘Stay’?”
    Use this expression to partake in the conversation.

    4- Den är ju fett gammal nu ju.

    Her nephew, Alex, uses an expression meaning – “That’s so old now!”
    A criticism of the poster’s choice in music – unless you know each other well, and can joke around using sarcasm, you won’t be making yourself popular with comments like this.


    Find below the key vocabulary for this lesson:

  • Älska!: “love”
  • utantill: “by heart”
  • skitbra: “awesome”
  • låt: “song”
  • Which song would you share? And what would you say to a friend who posted something about sharing music or videos?

    Now you know how to start a conversation about a song or a video on social media!

    5. Swedish Social Media Comments about a Concert

    Still on the theme of music—visiting live concerts and shows just has to be shared with your friends. Here are some handy phrases and vocab to wow your followers in Swedish!

    Anders goes to a concert, posts an image of it, and leaves this comment:


    Let’s break down Anders’s post.

    Köat fyra timmar men snart är det dax! Kan knappt vänta!
    “Queued for four hours, but it’s almost time! Can barely wait!”

    1- Snart är det dax!

    First is an expression meaning “It’s almost time!.”
    Snart äre dax! — “äre” is short for “är det” meaning “is it” or “it is”. And “dax” is slang for “dags” meaning “time”. So the expression means “it’s almost time.” It can be used independently or as part of a longer sentence. For example: “Det är snart dax för helg”, which means “It’s almost time for the weekend.”

    2- Kan knappt vänta!

    Then comes the phrase – “Can barely wait!.”
    An expression that is used when someone is excited about something. Can be used independently or as part of a longer sentence. For example: “Kan knappt vänta till semestern”, which means: “Can barely wait till the holidays!”


    In response, Anders’s friends leave some comments.

    1- Ha kul, du förtjänar det!

    His girlfriend, Amanda, uses an expression meaning – “Have fun, you deserve it!”
    Use this expression to show you are feeling supportive and warm-hearted.

    2- Vad äre för konsert?

    His neighbor, Caroline, uses an expression meaning – “What kind of concert is it?”
    Use this expression to show you are interested in the topic and want to know more.

    3- Akta dig för moshpiten!

    His college friend, Elias, uses an expression meaning – “Watch out for the mosh pit!”
    Use this expression to show you are feeling playful. “Moshing” or “slamdancing”, according to Wikipedia:”… is a style of dance in which participants push or slam into each other, typically performed in “aggressive” live music. Moshing usually happens in the center of the crowd, generally closer to the stage, in an area called the “pit”.” It is a very energetic spot, with lots of full-body contact.

    4- Palla köa i fyra timmar!

    His girlfriend’s nephew, Alex, uses an expression meaning – “How can you queue for four hours?!”
    Again, a question criticising the poster’s wisdom. You can get away with this if you know the poster very well, or you might become known as the “wet rag”, or “spoil sport”!


    Find below the key vocabulary for this lesson:

  • att köa: “to queue”
  • att förtjäna: “to deserve”
  • konsert: “concert”
  • Akta dig!: “Watch out!”
  • If a friend posted something about a concert, which phrase would you use?

    6. Talking about an Unfortunate Accident in Swedish

    Oh dear. You broke something by accident. Use these Swedish phrases to start a thread on social media. Or maybe just to let your friends know why you are not contacting them!

    Amanda accidentally breaks her mobile phone, and leaves this comment:


    Let’s break down Amanda’s post.

    Tappade luren i golvet. Vet någon var jag kan laga en iPhone skärm billigt?
    “Dropped my phone on the floor. Does anyone know where I can fix an iPhone screen cheaply?”

    1- Tappade luren i golvet.

    First is an expression meaning “Dropped my phone on the floor. .”
    “lur” is slang for phone and is commonly used in Sweden. Unfortunately people drop their phones a lot, so you may hear “tappade” (dropped) “luren” or “telefonen” (the phone) “i golvet” (on the floor) often.

    2- Vet någon var jag kan laga en Iphone skärm billigt?

    Then comes the phrase – “Does anyone know where I can fix an iPhone screen cheaply?”
    “Vet någon” is a good way of asking a question. It means “Does anyone know?”. “Laga” in this sentence means “to fix” or “to repair”, but in other contexts, it can also mean “to cook”. This is similar to English, when we say: “I’ll fix us something for supper”, for instance, and also: “Have your cell-phone fixed”.


    In response, Amanda’s friends leave some comments.

    1- Älskling, inte igen!

    Her boyfriend, Anders, uses an expression meaning – “Honey, not again!”
    Use this expression to show you are feeling disappointed.

    2- Åh neeej, hatar när det händer!

    Her neighbor, Caroline, uses an expression meaning – “Oh nooo, hate when that happens!”
    Use this expression to show you are feeling empathic and caring.

    3- Äsch, kanske dags att skaffa en ny?

    Her high school friend, Molly, uses an expression meaning – “Well, maybe it’s time to get a new one?”
    Use this expression to be humorous, and a bit sarcastic.

    4- Har du drulleförsäkring på den?

    Her nephew, Alex, uses an expression meaning – “Do you have accident insurance on it? ”
    Use this expression to show you are practical, even concerned.


    Find below the key vocabulary for this lesson:

  • Att tappa: “to drop”
  • Inte igen!: “Not again!”
  • Att hata: “to hate”
  • att skaffa: “to get”
  • If a friend posted something about having broken something by accident, which phrase would you use?

    So, now you know how to discuss an accident in Swedish. Well done!

    7. Chat about Your Boredom on Social Media in Swedish

    Sometimes, we’re just bored with how life goes. And to alleviate the boredom, we write about it on social media. Add some excitement to your posts by addressing your friends and followers in Swedish!

    Anders gets bored at home, and leaves this comment:


    Let’s break down Anders’s post.

    Vilken seg dag! Uttråkad, några tips?
    “What a slow day! Bored. Any tips?”

    1- Vilken seg dag!

    First is an expression meaning “What a slow day!.”
    A common phrase used in Sweden when people feel like time is passing slowly. For example: “Vilken seg arbetsdag!” (“What a slow workday!” ) It can also be used when describing people. For example: “Erik, kan du sluta vara så seg?”, which means: “Erik, can you stop being so slow?”

    2- Uttråkad, några tips?

    Then comes the phrase – “Bored, any tips?.”
    On social media we tend to express ourselves in shorter phrases than we would when speaking. “Uttråkad, några tips?” is a good example. You can change the phrase to any topic you would like to get tips or advice about. For example: “Hungrig, några tips?”, which means: “Hungry, any tips?”


    In response, Anders’s friends leave some comments.

    1- Du kanske vill städa golven innan jag kommer hem?

    His girlfriend, Amanda, uses an expression meaning – “Maybe you’d like to clean the floors before I get home?”
    Use this expression if you feel humorous and are teasing the poster. Rather not give serious instructions about householding on social media to your beloved!

    2- Vill du ta en fika vid lunch?

    His neighbor, Caroline, uses an expression meaning – “Do you want to go for a coffee around lunch time?”
    This is an invitation to alleviate the poster’s boredom. It’s friendly and caring.

    3- Jag med! Less på att vara arbetslös nu.

    His girlfriend’s nephew, Alex, uses an expression meaning – “Me too! Fed up with being unemployed right now.”
    Use this expression to show you are feeling cynical.

    4- Gör som alla andra, glo på YouTube videos haha!

    His high school friend, Molly, uses an expression meaning – “Do what everyone else does. Watch YouTube videos haha!”
    Use this expression to be humorous while also making a suggestion.


    Find below the key vocabulary for this lesson:

  • seg: “slow”
  • att städa: “to clean”
  • fika: “to have a coffee “
  • arbetslös: “unemployed”
  • att glo: “to stare, to look”
  • If a friend posted something about being bored, which phrase would you use?

    Still bored? Share another feeling and see if you can start a conversation!

    8. Exhausted? Share It on Social Media in Swedish

    Sitting in public transport after work, feeling like chatting online? Well, converse in Swedish about how you feel, and let your friends join in!

    Amanda feels exhausted after a long day at work, posts an image of herself looking tired, and leaves this comment:


    Let’s break down Amanda’s post.

    Åh, så trött att jag tror jag avlider!
    “Oh, I’m so tired, I think I’ll die!”

    1- Så trött

    First is an expression meaning “So tired.”
    In English we use the word “so” to make it clear how strongly we feel about something. For example: “I’m so tired!” In Swedish we use “så” in the same way. For example: “Jag är så hungrig!” which means
    ‘I’m so hungry!” Or: “Jag fryser så mycket!” which means, “I’m so cold!”

    2- att jag tror att jag avlider.

    Then comes the phrase – “that I think I’ll die..”
    We often use the phrase “att jag tror att jag avlider,” meaning “that I think I’ll die.” A common expression is: “Jag fryser så mycket att jag tror att jag avlider”, which means “I’m so cold I think I’m going to die.” We also use “att jag tror att jag dör”, meaning the exact same thing. For example: “Jag är så trött att jag tror att jag dör!” which means “I’m so tired, I think I’ll die!”


    In response, Amanda’s friends leave some comments.

    1- Skynda dig hem, nu är det filmkväll och mys!

    Her boyfriend, Anders, uses an expression meaning – “Hurry home. It’s movie night and cuddles now!”
    Use this expression to show you are feeling loving and supportive.

    2- Vad är det som har hänt?

    Her neighbor, Caroline, uses an expression meaning – “What happened?”
    Use this expression to show you are feeling warm-hearted and caring.

    3- Nej, dö inte!!

    Her high school friend, Molly, uses an expression meaning – “No, don’t die!!”
    Use this expression when you feel humorous.

    4- Varför? Vad händer?

    Her college friend, Elias, uses an expression meaning – “Why? What’s happening?”
    Use this expression to show you want to know what’s going on.


    Find below the key vocabulary for this lesson:

  • att avlida: “to die”
  • mys: “cuddles, coziness”
  • att hända: “to happen”
  • Dö inte!: “Don’t die!”
  • Vad händer? : “What’s happening?”
  • If a friend posted something about being exhausted, which phrase would you use?

    Now you know how to say you’re exhausted in Swedish! Well done.

    9. Talking about an Injury in Swedish

    So life happens, and you manage to hurt yourself during a soccer game. Very Tweet-worthy! Here’s how to do it in Swedish.

    Anders suffers a painful injury, posts an image of it, and leaves this comment:


    Let’s break down Anders’s post.

    Hej på dig sjukskrivning, nu är det dags att vara sängliggandes ett tag då.
    “Hello, sick leave. It’s time to be bedridden for a while now.”

    1- Hej på dig sjukskrivning

    First is an expression meaning “Hello to you sick leave.”
    “Hej på dig” is a phrase commonly used when greeting people, but in Sweden we can also greet an object or an event, and not always with a positive spirit. “Hej på dig” can be shortened to just “Hej”.

    2- nu är det dags att vara sängliggandes ett tag då.

    Then comes the phrase – “it’s time to be bedridden for a while now then..”
    “Nu är det att” means “now it’s time to…” This phrase can be used for anything that is about to happen, such as going somewhere or doing something. For example: “Nu är det middagsdags då!”, which means “It’s dinner time now!”


    In response, Anders’s friends leave some comments.

    1- Tur i oturen, nu kanske du får lite vila i alla fall!

    His neighbor, Caroline, uses an expression meaning – “Blessing in disguise. At least you might get some rest now!”
    Use this phrase when you are feeling warm-hearted and are trying to cheer someone up. .

    2- Så illa är det inte, det är bara en stukning.

    His girlfriend, Amanda, uses an expression meaning – “It’s not that bad. It’s just a sprain.”
    This type of post is probably intended to inform and reassure the other posters. Otherwise, it could sound like you’re making light of the poster’s discomfort.

    3- Lever du? Ska jag komma över med glass och soppa?

    His high school friend, Molly, uses an expression meaning – “Are you alive? Should I come over with ice cream and soup?”
    Use this expression to be funny and light-hearted.

    4- Du är för gammal för att klättra på taket vet du väl!

    His girlfriend’s nephew, Alex, uses an expression meaning – “You’re too old to be climbing the roof, you know!”
    Use this expression to be a bit sarcastic and humorous simultaneously.


    Find below the key vocabulary for this lesson:

  • sjukskrivning: “sick leave”
  • Tur i oturen!: “Luck in disguise!”
  • stukning: “sprain”
  • att komma över: “to come over”
  • If a friend posted something about being injured, which phrase would you use?

    We love to share our fortunes and misfortunes; somehow that makes us feel connected to others.

    10. Starting a Conversation Feeling Disappointed in Swedish

    Sometimes things don’t go the way we planned. Share your disappointment about this with your friends!

    Amanda feels disappointed about today’s weather, posts an image of it, and leaves this comment:


    Let’s break down Amanda’s post.

    Jag såg fram emot att tillbringa min lediga dag på stranden, men självklart ska det regna!
    “I was looking forward to spending my day off on the beach, but of course it had to rain!”

    1- Jag såg fram emot…

    First is an expression meaning “I was looking forward to….”
    This phrase is used when expressing disappointment over ruined or cancelled plans. For example: “Jag såg fram emot att gå ut och äta…” which means “I was looking forward to going out to eat.” This phrase is usually followed by “men,” meaning “but,” and the reason why the plans were ruined or cancelled.

    2- Men självklart ska…

    Then comes the phrase – “But of course it had to….”
    This is the second half of the expression. Jag såg fram emot …. men självklart ska det… “I was looking forward to …. but of course it had to…” For example: “Jag såg fram emot en shoppingdag men självklart ska plånboken bli stulen”. “I was looking forward to a day of shopping, but of course my wallet had to get stolen.”


    In response, Amanda’s friends leave some comments.

    1- Vad sägs som att äta lunch ute?

    Her boyfriend, Anders, uses an expression meaning – “What do you say about going out for lunch?”
    Use this expression when you are inviting someone out. “Lunch” can of course be substituted with other nouns.

    2- Åh nej, vad synd!

    Her neighbor, Caroline, uses an expression meaning – “Oh no, what a shame!”
    Use this expression to show you are feeling warm-hearted and caring.

    3- Vi får göra det bästa av situationen ändå!

    Her college friend, Elias, uses an expression meaning – “We’ll make the best of it.”
    Use this expression to show you are feeling optimistic and encouraging.

    4- Den här sommaren är ovanligt regnig.

    Her nephew, Alex, uses an expression meaning – “This summer’s unusually rainy. ”
    This is a comment about the weather. In this particular context, it’s in agreement with the poster.


    Find below the key vocabulary for this lesson:

  • att tillbringa: “to spend”
  • situation: “situation”
  • Vad synd!: “What a shame!”
  • göra det bästa av situationen: “to make the best of a situation”
  • ovanlig: “unusual”
  • How would you comment in Swedish when a friend is disappointed?

    Not all posts need to be about a negative feeling, though!

    11. Talking about Your Relationship Status in Swedish

    Don’t just change your relationship status in Settings, talk about it!

    Anders changes his status to “In a relationship”, posts an image of it, and leaves this comment:


    Let’s break down Anders’s post.

    Då var det dags att göra det officiellt!
    “It’s time to make it official!”

    1- Då var det dags…

    First is an expression meaning “It’s time….”
    This expression is used when explaining that it’s time for something, usually a change. For example: “Då var det dags att söka nytt jobb!” which means “It’s time to look for a new job!”

    2- att göra det officiellt!

    Then comes the phrase – “to make it official!.”
    “…att göra det officiellt” is an expression that is used when declaring news or a change. It can be either informal or formal. Another commonly used expression is “Nu är det officiellt” which means “It’s official now”.


    In response, Anders’ friends leave some comments.

    1- Du gör mig så lycklig!

    His girlfriend, Amanda, uses an expression meaning – “You make me so happy!”
    Use this expression to show you are feeling appreciative and loving.

    2- Slut på ungkarlsdagarna?

    His neighbor, Caroline, uses an expression meaning – “Bachelor days are over?”
    Use this expression when you feel humorous but in a warm-hearted way.

    3- Det var på tiden!

    His supervisor, Oliver, uses an expression meaning – “About time!”
    This is a comment that shows something has been coming or in the making for a while – probably too long!

    4- Själv är man fortfarande singel.

    His girlfriend’s nephew, Alex, uses an expression meaning – “I’m still single. ”
    This is a bit of personal information about a relationship status that could fuel the conversation nicely.


    Find below the key vocabulary for this lesson:

  • officiell: “official”
  • lycklig: “happy”
  • ungkarl: “bachelor”
  • Det var på tiden!: “It’s about time!”
  • singel: “single”
  • What would you say in Swedish when a friend changes their relationship status?

    Being in a good relationship with someone special is good news – don’t be shy to spread it!

    12. Post about Getting Married in Swedish

    Wow, so things got serious, and you’re getting married. Congratulations! Or, your friend is getting married, so talk about this in Swedish.

    Amanda is getting married today, so she leaves this comment:


    Let’s break down Amanda’s post.

    Det här är den bästa dagen i mitt liv!
    “This is the best day of my life!”

    1- Det här är den bästa dagen…

    First is an expression meaning “This is the best day….”
    This expression is used to express the superlative form of something. For example: “Det här är den värsta lägenheten…” which means “This is the worst apartment…”

    2- … i mitt liv!

    Then comes the phrase – “… of my life!.”
    This can be added on to the superlative expression. For example: “Det här är den värsta lägenheten jag sett i mitt liv”, which means “This is the worst apartment I’ve seen in my life.” It expresses that within your lifetime, this is the worst you have experienced.


    In response, Amanda’s friends leave some comments.

    1- Du och jag mot världen!

    Her husband, Anders, uses an expression meaning – “You and me against the world!”
    Use this expression when you are being supportive and loving.

    2- Nu ska vi fira!

    Her neighbor, Caroline, uses an expression meaning – “Now, let’s celebrate!”
    Use this expression to show you are feeling enthusiastic and optimistic.

    3- Jag kommer gråta och se ut som en tvättbjörn!

    Her high school friend, Molly, uses an expression meaning – “I’m going to cry, and I’ll look like a raccoon!”
    Use this expression when you’re feeling emotional, and try to hide it by being funny.

    4- Jag tror inte på giftermål…

    Her nephew, Alex, uses an expression meaning – “I don’t believe in marriage…”
    Use this expression to show you are feeling cynical.


    Find below the key vocabulary for this lesson:

  • liv: “life”
  • Du och jag mot världen!: “You and me against the world!”
  • att fira: “to celebrate”
  • tvättbjörn: “raccoon”
  • giftermål: “marriage”
  • How would you respond in Swedish to a friend’s post about getting married?

    For the next topic, fast forward about a year into the future after the marriage…

    13. Announcing Big News in Swedish

    Wow, huge stuff is happening in your life! Announce it in Swedish.

    Anders finds out he and his wife are going to have a baby, posts an image of it, and leaves this comment:


    Let’s break down Anders’ post.

    Idag fick jag veta att jag ska bli pappa! Vilken stolthet jag känner!
    “Today, I found out that I’m going to be a dad! I feel so proud!”

    1- Idag fick jag veta att jag ska bli pappa!

    First is an expression meaning “Today, I found out that I’m going to be a dad!”
    “Idag fick jag veta”, meaning “Today I found out”, is a good way to start a sentence when proclaiming news. “idag” (today) can be substituted for “den här veckan” (this week) or another time frame.

    2- Vilken stolthet jag känner!

    Then comes the phrase – “The pride I feel!”
    Vilken stolthet jag känner! is a strong expression to use when you are so proud that you can barely contain it. “Stolthet” (pride) can be substituted for other emotions such as “sorg” (sadness) or “lycka” (happiness).


    In response, Anders’ friends leave some comments.

    1- Vi vet inte om det är en pojke eller flicka ännu.

    His wife, Amanda, uses an expression meaning – “We don’t know if it’s a boy or a girl yet.”
    This expression explains that you don’t know the gender of your baby yet.

    2- Har ni funderat på namn ännu?

    His neighbor, Caroline, uses an expression meaning – “Have you thought about names yet?”
    Use this phrase if you want to know more information.

    3- Tvillingar?

    His supervisor, Oliver, uses an expression meaning – “Twins?”
    With this word, you’re also indicating that you want more information about the baby.

    4- Vänta tills ni köper barnvagn, det är så jäkla dyrt!

    His nephew, Alex, uses an expression meaning – “Wait until you buy a stroller, it’s so expensive!”
    This is a cynical expression that can be just about sharing information, or it can be a real downer.


    Find below the key vocabulary for this lesson:

  • stolhet: “pride”
  • pojke eller flicka: “boy or girl”
  • att bestämma: “to decide”
  • tvillingar: “twins”
  • barnvagn: “stroller”
  • Which phrase would you choose when a friend announces their pregnancy on social media?

    So, talking about a pregnancy will get you a lot of traction on social media. But wait till you see the responses to babies!

    14. Posting Swedish Comments about Your Baby

    Your bundle of joy is here, and you cannot keep quiet about it! Share your thoughts in Swedish.

    Amanda plays with her baby, posts an image of it, and leaves this comment:


    Let’s break down Amanda’s post.

    Kan knappt tro att den här gullungen är min! Alltså, titta på leendet!
    “I can barely believe this sweet kid is mine! I mean, look at that smile!”

    1- Kan knappt tro att den här gullungen är min!

    First is an expression meaning “Can barely believe this sweet kid is mine!.”
    “Kan knappt tro” means “I can barely believe,” and it’s used when expressing something unbelievable, shocking or surprising. For example: “Jag kan knappt tro att det är sant!” (“I can barely believe it’s true!” )

    2- Alltså, titta på leendet!

    Then comes the phrase – “I mean, look at that smile!.”
    “Alltså” is slang and can be translated to many English words, such as well, therefore, and so. “Alltså” is used to fill out a sentence, but is not actually needed. It does not change the meaning of the sentence, but it can change the feeling or attitude. For example: “Alltså, titta vad dyrt!” (“I mean, look how expensive!” ). Or without “alltså” – “Titta vad dyrt!” (“Look, how expensive!” ).


    In response, Amanda’s friends leave some comments.

    1- Hon brås på sin farsa minsann!

    Her husband, Anders, uses an expression meaning – “She takes after her dad, indeed!”
    Use this expression to show you are being boastful and proud.

    2- Finis!

    Her neighbor, Caroline, uses an expression meaning – “Gorgeous!”
    Use this expression to show you are feeling enthusiastic and appreciative.

    3- Hon ser ju ut som dig när du var liten!

    Her high school friend, Molly, uses an expression meaning – “She looks like you when you were a kid!”
    Use this expression to be funny and sweet.

    4- De växer ju så det knakar!

    Her nephew, Alex, uses an expression meaning – “They grow so quickly!”
    Use this expression to show you are feeling practical and maybe a bit cynical, in this particular context.


    Find below the key vocabulary for this lesson:

  • gullunge: “cute kid”
  • att brås: “to take after”
  • finis: “a beautiful/good looking person”
  • “växa så det knakar”: “A Swedish expression used for someone/something that’s growing very quickly. Literally means “grow to the point of creaking”. “
  • If your friend is the mother or father, which phrase would you use on social media?

    Congratulations, you know the basics of chatting about a baby in Swedish! But we’re not done with families yet…

    15. Swedish Comments about a Family Reunion

    Family reunions – some you love, some you hate. Share about it on your feed.

    Anders goes to a family gathering, posts an image of it, and leaves this comment:


    Let’s break down Anders’ post.

    Alla vet ju att släkten är värst, varför måste vi då gå på familjemiddag?!
    “Everyone knows that family is the worst, so why do we have to go to family dinners then?!”

    1- Alla vet ju att släkten är värst

    First is an expression meaning “Everyone knows that family is the worst.”
    “Alla vet ju” is a common expression meaning “Everyone knows”. It’s used when speaking to a group of people, where most of those people “know” something. It’s an expression used to exaggerate. “Vet” (know) can be substituted for another verb. For example: “Alla har ju iPhones” (Everyone has iPhones), but this is an exaggeration commonly used in most languages, because not every person in the world owns an iPhone!

    2- varför måste vi då gå på familjemiddag?!

    Then comes the phrase – “so why do we have to go to family dinners then?”
    “varför måste vi” (Why do we have to) is a common expression. You can substitute “vi” (we) for “jag” (I) or any other person. For example: “Varför måste jag städa mitt rum nu?” (“Why do I have to clean my room now?” )


    In response, Anders’ friends leave some comments.

    1- Så illa kan det väl inte vara?

    His neighbor, Caroline, uses an expression meaning – “It can’t be that bad?”
    Use this expression to show you are feeling warm-hearted and concerned.

    2- Smyg med dig en fickplunta, du vet ifall att…

    His high school friend, Molly, uses an expression meaning – “Sneak a hip flask with you, just in case…”
    Make this suggestion as a joke.

    3- Om jag ska lida, så får du också lida. Det kallas kärlek.

    His wife, Amanda, uses an expression meaning – “If I have to suffer, you have to suffer too. It’s called love. ”
    This is an expression that shows a specific belief about love and relationships.

    4- Var glad att du inte är spansk, jag har hört att de umgås med familjen varje helg!

    His nephew, Alex, uses an expression meaning – “Be happy you’re not Spanish; I’ve heard they hang out with family every weekend!”
    This is a humorous way to encourage someone to take heart cause things could’ve been worse.


    Find below the key vocabulary for this lesson:

  • släkt: “family”
  • illa: “bad”
  • fickplunta: “hip flask”
  • att lida: “to suffer”
  • Which phrase is your favorite to comment on a friend’s photo about a family reunion?

    16. Post about Your Travel Plans in Swedish

    So, the family are going on holiday. Do you know how to post and leave comments in Swedish about being at the airport, waiting for a flight?

    Amanda waits at the airport for her flight, posts an image of it, and leaves this comment:


    Let’s break down Amanda’s post.

    Nu bär det av till Spanien! Nu sticker vi!
    “We’re off to Spain! We’re taking off now!”

    1- Nu bär det av till Spanien!

    First is an expression meaning “Now we’re off to Spain!.”
    “Nu bär det av till” is an expression used when you are about to depart. It’s most commonly used when leaving for a destination far away, such as another country or city.

    2- Nu sticker vi!

    Then comes the phrase – “We’re leaving now!.”
    “att sticka” actually means “to sting”, but it’s also a slang expression meaning “we’re leaving”. “Nu sticker jag!” (I’m leaving now!)


    In response, Amanda’s friends leave some comments.

    1- Farväl regniga Sverige! Sol och bad, här kommer vi!

    Her husband, Anders, uses an expression meaning – “Farewell, rainy Sweden! Sun and sea, here we come!”
    Use this expression to show you are feeling enthusiastic and excited.

    2- Får man följa med?

    Her neighbor, Caroline, uses an expression meaning – “Can I come?”
    Use this expression to show you are feeling a bit envious and wants to join in the fun.

    3- Håll hårt i pass och plånböcker!

    Her nephew, Alex, uses an expression meaning – “Hold on to your passports and wallets!”
    Use this expression to demonstrate your concern for the poster’s safety and possessions.

    4- Kan ni smuggla med mig i resväskan eller?

    Her high school friend, Molly, uses an expression meaning – “Can you smuggle me in your suitcase or what?”
    Use this expression to be funny, also to demonstrate that you’re somewhat envious of the poster’s plans.


    Find below the key vocabulary for this lesson:

  • Nu sticker vi!: “We’re leaving now!”
  • farväl: “farewell”
  • att följa: “to follow”
  • Håll hårt i: “hold on tight to”
  • att smuggla: “to smuggle”
  • Choose and memorize your best airport phrase in Swedish!

    17. Posting about an Interesting Find in Swedish

    So maybe you’re strolling around at your local market, and find something interesting. Here are some handy Swedish phrases!

    Anders finds an unusual item at a local market, posts an image of it, and leaves this comment:


    Let’s break down Anders’ post.

    Tala om för mig vad detta är! Jag har ingen aning!
    “Tell me what this is! I have no idea!”

    1- Tala om för mig vad detta är!

    First is an expression meaning “Tell me what this is!”
    “Tala om för mig” means “tell me” and is used when asking someone to explain something. It’s used informally and can be considered rude if used in a formal situation. If you want to use it in a polite way, you can add “Kan du” (Could you) before the phrase and “är du snäll” (please) after the phrase. För example: “Kan du tala om för mig hur jag tar mig till tågstationen är du snäll?” (“Could you tell me how I can get to the train station, please?” )

    2- Jag har ingen aning!

    Then comes the phrase – “I have no idea!.”
    “Jag har ingen aning” is a phrase used by a person who really had no idea about the answer to a question, or what should be done in a certain situation. It’s a common expression among both children and adults.


    In response, Anders’ friends leave some comments.

    1- Vad tusan är det där?

    His college friend, Elias, uses an expression meaning – “What is that?”
    Use this expression to show you are feeling confusion, same as the poster.

    2- Har aldrig sett något liknande!

    His neighbor, Caroline, uses an expression meaning – “I’ve never seen anything like it!”
    Use this expression to show you are feeling surprised.

    3- Lever man tillräckligt länge så får man se allt…

    His wife, Amanda, uses an expression meaning – “If you live long enough, you get to see everything…”
    Use this phrase to express something that means roughly the same as “There’s nothing new under the sun”.

    4- Vad i??

    His nephew, Alex, uses an expression meaning – “What the??”
    Use this expression to show you are feeling great surprise


    Find below the key vocabulary for this lesson:

  • att ana: “to suspect”
  • Vad tusan?: “What the heck?”
  • något liknande: “something like it”
  • tillräcklig: “enough”
  • Vad i??: “What the?”
  • Which phrase would you use to comment on a friend’s interesting find?

    Perhaps you will even learn the identity of your find! Or perhaps you’re on holiday, and visiting interesting places…

    18. Post about a Sightseeing Trip in Swedish

    Let your friends know what you’re up to in Swedish, especially when visiting a remarkable place! Don’t forget the photo.

    Amanda visits a famous landmark, posts an image of it, and leaves this comment:


    Let’s break down Amanda’s post.

    Hur häftigt är inte detta? Jag står på toppen av Frihetsguddinnan!
    “How cool is this? I’m standing at the top of the Statue of Liberty!”

    1- Hur häftigt är inte detta?

    First is an expression meaning “How cool is this?.”
    This is used when expressing strong emotions over something. You’re not actually expecting an answer to your question. You can substitute “häftigt” (cool) for other adjectives such as “snyggt” (beautiful/cool), “dåligt” (bad), or “mysko” (weird). “Hur mysko är inte detta?” means “How weird is this?”

    2- Jag står på toppen av Frihetsguddinnan!

    Then comes the phrase – “I’m standing at the top of the Statue of Liberty!.”
    “Jag står” means “I’m standing.” It can be changed to “Jag sitter” (“I’m sitting” ) or “Jag är” (“I am” ), and the location. For example: “Jag sitter på tåget”. (“I’m sitting on the train” ), or “Jag är på kryssningsfartyget nu”. (“I’m on the cruise ship now” ). It is an expression that’s used to tell people where you are and what you are doing.


    In response, Amanda’s friends leave some comments.

    1- Tog du trapporna upp eller fuskade du och tog hissen?

    Her neighbor, Caroline, uses an expression meaning – “Did you take the stairs up or did you cheat and take the elevator? ”
    Use this expression to show you are feeling warm-hearted and making a joke.

    2- Jag trodde Anders var höjdrädd?

    Her supervisor, Oliver, uses an expression meaning – “I thought Anders was afraid of heights?”
    Use this expression to be lightly teasing, or it can also be a serious question to clarify whether someone has a fear of heights.

    3- Du är inte rädd för höjder, va?

    Her nephew, Alex, uses an expression meaning – “You’re not afraid of heights, right? ”
    With this phrase, you make a statement, but also wants confirmation of its accuracy.

    4- Jag valde ju då att skippa detta…

    Her husband, Anders, uses an expression meaning – “Well, I chose to skip this…”
    This is sharing a report on your activities; in this case, you chose not to partake in an activity.


    Find below the key vocabulary for this lesson:

  • häftig: “cool”
  • att fuska: “to cheat”
  • höjdrädd: “afraid of heights”
  • rädd: “scared”
  • att skippa: “to skip”
  • Which phrase would you prefer when a friend posts about a famous landmark?

    Share your special places with the world. Or simply post about your relaxing experiences.

    19. Post about Relaxing Somewhere in Swedish

    So you’re doing nothing yet you enjoy that too? Tell your social media friends about it in Swedish!

    Anders relaxes at a beautiful place, posts an image of it, and leaves this comment:


    Let’s break down Anders’ post.

    Det här är livet! En kall bira och solsken!
    “This is life! A cold drink and sunshine!”

    1- Det här är livet!

    First is an expression meaning “This is life!.”
    “Det här är livet!” is an expression used when life is really good. A variation of the expression is “Det här är det goda livet!” meaning “This is the good life!”

    2- En kall bira och solsken!

    Then comes the phrase – “A cold beer and sunshine!.”
    “bira” is slang, meaning “öl” (beer). Most men consider a cold beer to be one of the best things in the world.


    In response, Anders’ friends leave some comments.

    1- Najs! Du tänkte inte bjuda med mig?

    His neighbor, Caroline, uses an expression meaning – “Nice! You weren’t going to invite me? ”
    Use this expression to show you are feeling warmhearted but maybe also somewhat left out.

    2- Du sparar en till mig också?

    His wife, Amanda, uses an expression meaning – “You’ll save one for me too?”
    Use this expression to show you want to be included.

    3- Det var länge sen man hade en riktig slappdag.

    His nephew, Alex, uses an expression meaning – “It’s been a long time since I had a real chill day.”
    Use this expression to share that you haven’t had a nice, relaxing day for a long time.

    4- Somliga jobbar ju hela dagen idag…

    His supervisor, Oliver, uses an expression meaning – “Some people work all day today…”
    Use this expression to be old fashioned and a bit sarcastic, in this context.


    Find below the key vocabulary for this lesson:

  • bira: “beer”
  • att bjuda: “to invite”
  • att spara: “to save”
  • slappdag: “chill day”
  • somliga: “some people”
  • Which phrase would you use to comment in a friend’s feed?

    The break was great, but now it’s time to return home.

    20. What to Say in Swedish When You’re Home Again

    And you’re back! What will you share with friends and followers?

    Amanda returns home after a vacation, posts an image of it, and leaves this comment:


    Let’s break down Amanda’s post.

    Borta bra men hemma bäst! Helt rätt!
    “Away is good, but home is best! Absolutely right!”

    1- Borta bra men hemma bäst!

    First is an expression meaning: “Away is good, but home is best!.”
    This is a popular expression used in Swedish. It’s used to express that traveling is fun and good, but home is still the best place to be. This expression is often used when returning home after being away for some time.

    2- Helt rätt!

    Then comes the phrase – “Completely right!.”
    This is an expression used when you completely agree with what someone says. Another expression that means the same thing is “Det stämmer”, which means “That’s correct.”


    In response, Amanda’s friends leave some comments.

    1- Välkommen tillbaka!

    Her supervisor, Oliver, uses an expression meaning – “Welcome back!”
    Use this expression to be welcoming and kind.

    2- Nä, själv tycker jag att gräset är grönare på andra sidan!

    Her college friend, Elias, uses an expression meaning – “Nah, personally, I think the grass is greener on the other side!”
    Use this expression to show you are feeling frivolous and humorous.

    3- Men gumman, du var ju bara borta en vecka!

    Her high school friend, Molly, uses an expression meaning – “But honey, you were only away for a week!”
    Use this expression to be funny and caring.

    4- Önskar jag också fick åka på semester!

    Her friend, Anneli, uses an expression meaning – “Wish I could go on a holiday too!”
    Use this expression when you want to express a wish about going away on holiday.


    Find below the key vocabulary for this lesson:

  • rätt: “correct”
  • välkommen: “welcome”
  • gräs: “grass”
  • gumman: “honey”
  • att önska: “to wish”
  • How would you welcome a friend back from a trip?

    What do you post on social media during a public holiday and festival, such as Midsummer Day?

    21. It’s Time to Celebrate in Swedish

    It’s a celebratory day and you wish to post something about it on social media. What would you say?

    Anders attends Midsummer Festival celebrations, posts a photo of the events, and leaves this comment:


    Let’s break down Anders’ post.

    Glad midsommar! Nu ska det firas!
    “Happy Midsummer! It’s time to celebrate now!”

    1- Glad midsommar!

    First is an expression meaning “Happy Midsummer!.”
    This Swedish expression is used on Midsummer eve to wish people a happy celebration. Midsummer is celebrated in June.

    2- Nu ska det firas!

    Then comes the phrase – “It’s time to celebrate now!.”
    An expression used when it’s time to celebrate. It can be used on any holiday that is commonly celebrated.


    In response, Anders’ friends leave some comments.

    1- Detta blir årets bästa middag!

    His friend, Anneli, uses an expression meaning – “This will be the best dinner of the year!”
    Use this expression to show you are excited about the event.

    2- Skål på er allihopa!

    His wife, Amanda, uses an expression meaning – “Cheers to all of you!”
    Use this expression to show you are feeling kind and wish everyone well.

    3- Nu blir det dans runt midsommarstången med barnen!

    His neighbor, Caroline, uses an expression meaning – “Now it’s time to dance around the maypole with the kids!”
    Use this expression to show you are feeling excited about the festivities taking place.

    4- Kan knappt tro det, en midsommar utan regn!

    His high school friend, Molly, uses an expression meaning – “(I) can hardly believe it; a midsummer without rain!”
    Use this phrase to express amazement at the weather.


    Find below the key vocabulary for this lesson:

  • att fira: “to celebrate”
  • middag: “dinner”
  • Skål!: “Cheers!”
  • att dansa: “to dance”
  • utan: “without”
  • If a friend posted something about a holiday, which phrase would you use?

    Midsummer’s Day and other public commemoration days are not the only special ones to remember!

    22. Posting about a Birthday on Social Media in Swedish

    Your friend or you are celebrating your birthday in an unexpected way. Be sure to share this on social media!

    Amanda goes to her birthday party, posts an image of it, and leaves this comment:


    Let’s break down Amanda’s post.

    Tack för den fantastiska festen! Då var man ett år äldre då!
    “Thank you for the fantastic party! I guess I’m one year older now!”

    1- Tack för den fantastiska festen!

    First is an expression meaning “Thank you for the fantastic party!.”
    “Tack för” (Thank you for) is a phrase used when thanking people for something. For example: “den underbara middagen” (the wonderful dinner).

    2- Då var man ett år äldre då!

    Then comes the phrase – “I’m one year older now then!.”
    This is a phrase often used jokingly by someone who’s just had their birthday, suggesting that they’ve aged. It’s said by middle-aged people the most and is commonly seen on birthday cards with jokes.


    In response, Amanda’s friends leave some comments.

    1- Du ser inte en dag äldre ut!

    Her husband, Anders, uses an expression meaning – “You don’t look a day older!”
    Use this phrase to compliment someone on their youthful appearance, despite their age.

    2- Man är bara så gammal som man känner sig!

    Her high school friend, Molly, uses an expression meaning – “You’re only as old as you feel!”
    This is a common saying that means just what it says – if you don’t feel old, you are not old! Comment like this simply to partake in the online conversation.

    3- Ha den äran!

    Her college friend, Elias, uses an expression meaning – “Happy birthday!”
    Use this traditional expression when you want to wish someone a happy birthday.

    4- Stort grattis på den stora dagen!

    Her neighbor, Caroline, uses an expression meaning – “Big happy birthday on your big day!”
    This is a warm-hearted variation of the traditional birthday wish.


    Find below the key vocabulary for this lesson:

  • fantastisk: “fantastic”
  • äldre: “older”
  • att känna: “to feel”
  • Ha den äran!: “Happy Birthday!”
  • grattis: “Happy birthday!”
  • If a friend posted something about birthday greetings, which phrase would you use?

    23. Talking about New Year on Social Media in Swedish

    Impress your friends with your Swedish New Year’s wishes this year. Learn the phrases easily!

    Anders celebrates the New Year, posts an image of it, and leaves this comment:


    Let’s break down Anders’ post.

    Gott nytt år! Snart är det dags för nedräkningen!
    “Happy New Year! It’s time for the countdown soon!”

    1- Gott nytt år!

    First is an expression meaning “Happy New Year!.”
    This is the Swedish expression for wishing people a Happy New Year! The Swedes shout this out at the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Eve.

    2- Snart är det dags för nedräkningen!

    Then comes the phrase – “It’s time for the countdown soon!.”
    “Snart är det dags” (It’s time for …. soon.) “nedräkning” means countdown. The Swedish people also count down the last seconds of the old year until the clock strikes midnight.


    In response, Anders’ friends leave some comments.

    1- Ännu ett underbart år tillsammans, låt oss hoppas att nästa år blir ännu bättre!

    His wife, Amanda, uses an expression meaning – “Yet another wonderful year together; let’s hope next year will be even better!”
    Use this to express your positive feelings about the year past, and hopes for the year ahead.

    2- Vilket jäkla år, tack Gud att det är över!

    His nephew, Alex, uses an expression meaning – “What a heck of a year; thank goodness it’s over!”
    Use this expression to show you are feeling relieved that the old year is past.

    3- Har ni några nyårslöften?

    His supervisor, Oliver, uses an expression meaning – “Do you have any New Year’s resolutions?”
    Use this question if you wish to keep the conversation about New Year going.

    4- Jag ska leva livet!

    His college friend, Elias, uses an expression meaning – “I’m going to live life!”
    Use this phrase to express your positive intention with your life in the New Year.


    Find below the key vocabulary for this lesson:

  • nedräkning: “countdown”
  • underbar: “wonderful”
  • “tack gud”: “Thank you God”
  • nyårslöfte: “New Year’s resolution”
  • att leva: “to live”
  • Which is your favorite phrase to post on social media during New Year?

    But before New Year’s Day comes another important day…

    24. What to Post on Christmas Day in Swedish

    What will you say in Swedish about Christmas?

    Amanda celebrates Christmas with her family, posts an image of it, and leaves this comment:


    Let’s break down Amanda’s post.

    Nu äre jul igen, nu äre jul igen! Julstök i full gång!
    “It’s Christmas again, it’s Christmas again! Christmas preparations in full swing!”

    1- Nu äre jul igen!

    First is an expression meaning “It’s Christmas again!.”
    “äre” is short for “är det” (“it is” or “is it” ) and is used when speaking, but not often in writing, unless it’s informal. “Nu är det jul igen” is a famous Christmas carol that everyone in Sweden knows off by heart. The phrase originally comes from the song but is often used to say “It’s Christmas again.”

    2- Julstök i full gång!

    Then comes the phrase – “Christmas preparations in full swing!.”
    “i full gång” means in full swing. It can be used for anything that is currently underway and is causing you to be very busy. For example: “Tentaplugg i full gång!” (“Exam studies are in full swing!” )


    In response, Amanda’s friends leave some comments.

    1- Jag kommer över med glögg och lussekatter straxt!

    Her neighbor, Caroline, uses an expression meaning – “I’m coming over with mulled wine and saffron buns soon!”
    Use this expression to state your plans for the festivities. (Mulled wine and saffron buns are traditional Christmas Day food.)

    2- Har familjen varit snäll i år? Blir det några presenter från tomten?

    Her high school friend, Molly, uses an expression meaning – “Has the family been good this year? Will there be any presents from Santa?”
    These are questions that show an interest in the poster’s family, and to keep the conversation going.

    3- Efter mycket om och men så är julgranen äntligen uppe!

    Her husband, Anders, uses an expression meaning – “After a lot of trouble the Christmas tree is finally up!”
    Use this expression as an account of your activities on the day, specifically regarding erecting the Christmas tree.

    4- Julen är magisk! Nu ska det pyntas så ni inte kan tro!

    Her friend, Anneli, uses an expression meaning – “Christmas is magical! Now, it’s time to decorate like you wouldn’t believe!”
    Use this expression to show you are feeling optimistic and enthusiastic about the festivities.


    Find below the key vocabulary for this lesson:

  • julstök: “Christmas preparations”
  • glögg: “mulled wine”
  • tomten: “Santa”
  • Efter mycket om och men: “After a lot of trouble”
  • att pynta: “to decorate”
  • If a friend posted something about Christmas greetings, which phrase would you use?

    So, the festive season is over! Yet, there will always be other days, besides a birthday, to wish someone well.

    25. Post about Your Anniversary in Swedish

    Some things deserve to be celebrated, like wedding anniversaries. Learn which Swedish phrases are meaningful and best suited for this purpose!

    Anders celebrates his wedding anniversary with his wife, posts an image of it, and leaves this comment:


    Let’s break down Anders’ post.

    Idag har det gått tre år sedan jag gifte mig med mitt livs kärlek! Grattis på bröllopsdagen älskling!
    “It’s been three years since I got married to the love of my life! Happy anniversary, honey!”

    1- Idag har det gått tre år sedan jag gifte mig med mitt livs kärlek!

    First is an expression meaning “It’s been three years since I got married to the love of my life!.”
    “mitt livs kärlek” (“the love of my life” ) is often used when referring to your partner, married or not married.

    2- Grattis på bröllopsdagen älskling!

    Then comes the phrase – “Happy anniversary, honey!.”
    “Grattis på bröllopsdagen” is the Swedish way to say “happy anniversary.” It’s said when celebrating a year, two years, etc., with your married partner.


    In response, Anders’ friends leave some comments.

    1- Jag önskar er all lycka i världen!

    His neighbor, Caroline, uses an expression meaning – “I wish you all the luck in the world!”
    Use this expression to show you are feeling warm-hearted, wishing the couple well.

    2- Grattis på er tredje bröllopsdag! Jag trodde inte ni skulle klara det…

    His nephew, Alex, uses an expression meaning – “Congratulations on your three-year anniversary! I didn’t think you would make it…”
    Use this expression to show you are feeling humorous, using sarcasm to be funny and tease the couple.

    3- Är det redan läderbröllop för er?

    His friend, Anneli, uses an expression meaning – “It’s already the leather anniversary for you?”
    Use this expression to show you are feeling supportive. (On the third-year anniversary of a marriage, it’s customary to give the couple gifts made from leather.)

    4- Önskar er allt gott, även om jag själv inte tror på giftermål.

    His college friend, Elias, uses an expression meaning – “Wishing you all the best, even though I don’t believe in marriage. ”
    Use this expression to show you are feeling frivolous.


    Find below the key vocabulary for this lesson:

  • mitt livs kärlek: “love of my life”
  • värld: “world”
  • bröllopsdag: “wedding anniversary”
  • läderbröllop: “leather anniversary”
  • giftemål: “marriage”
  • If a friend posted something about Anniversary greetings, which phrase would you use?


    Learning to speak a new language will always be easier once you know key phrases that everybody uses. These would include commonly used expressions for congratulations and best wishes, etc.

    Master these in fun ways with Learn Swedish! We offer a variety of tools to individualize your learning experience, including using cell phone apps, audiobooks, iBooks and many more. Never wonder again what to say on social media!

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